47~ Telling the family

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Scott's POV

"Scotty?" Mitch asks, looking up at me. One month has gone by since we heard the news from Kevin. Both of us has come to terms with the pregnancy and we made deals with the university to both take online classes. We told Todrick and Amanda that Mitch has some sort of disease and that I'm going to stay with him. They promised they would take pictures of important notes. We also told my parents which was scary as hell. I knew that it wouldn't be as hard as with Mitch's parents, but I was still very nervous. Luckily, they reacted well and were even happy for us. For werewolves early pregnancy is more common than for humans.

We're standing in front of Mitch's parents front door now. Mitch has been staying with me for the last week, but his stomach is so big now that we can't hide it anymore. He's 3 months pregnant now so he's already halfway. I can feel my nerves building up in my stomach. We decided to tell them Mitch is pregnant, but not tell them about me being a werewolf. I'm pretty sure I know how this is going to go down, but we can always try. We're also telling them that Mitch is going to stay with me for the next three months. We don't know how this pregnancy is going to develop so he has to be monitored.

''Yes?'' I look down at his wide eyes. He's still the most beautiful boy in the world to me, even with the bags under his eyes. Him being pregnant with my pup is only making him more beautiful, especially to my wolf.

We first thought that the baby might be a human, but based off the speed of which the baby grows we're pretty sure it's a werewolf. We specifically asked Kevin to not tell us the gender, because we want it to be a surprise. He already knows though cause he has to look at the ultrasounds to see if the baby is still doing well.

''I'm nervous.'' Mitch whispers. We haven't rung the bell yet, both of us needing to mentally prepare ourselves for this moment.

''It's going to be okay, baby. They'll have to get used to it in the beginning, but I'm sure they will be happy too.'' I try to reassure him.

''What if they don't want anything to do with me anymore? Or worse, they send me to the nuthouse.'' Mitch says, clinging to my arm now.

''No baby. You're still their son, they're going to accept you, even if it will take a while. And they can't send you to a nuthouse, you're 19. They have no legal power over you.'' I say, softly rubbing his back to calm him down. He needs to stay calm and not panic.

''Okay, just ring the bell. I want this to be over.'' Mitch says closing his eyes for a while before opening them again. I can see he's very nervous and I can't blame him. I've seen and heard what Mitch's can be like. He's just being better with Mitch being gay, I'm pretty sure he will be difficult with this.

I ring the bell nonetheless, this moment has to happen, we can't wait any longer. I squeeze Mitch's hand and look down at him, giving him a smile in the hope to reassure him a bit.

The door is opened by one of Mitch's brothers. I still can't tell which one is which one, they just look the same, both of them really mainstream jocks in my opinion. ''Why didn't you just use your key?'' He asks, sounding annoyed.

''I left it here.'' Mitch answers before pushing past him, dragging me with him. I never liked his brothers, they don't treat Mitch well.

We walk into the living room, seeing both of Mitch's parents on the couch eating their dinner. Mitch's mom immediately gets up. ''Mitch! I missed you!'' Nel immediately hugs her son tightly. I have no doubt that Nel will definitely accept Mitch, I might tell her I'm a werewolf sometime in the future. Her husband is the problem.

''I missed you too, mom.'' Mitch says quietly. He's dreading this. He pulls away after a few seconds. ''I need to tell you guys something though, something important.'' He says, coming back to me and grabbing my arm.

''Maybe it's better if you show them.'' I whisper softly so only Mitch can hear so he can make his own decision.

''Yeah that might be better and prevent them from laughing in my face.'' He says out loud, making his parents raise their eyebrows. ''Here goes nothing.'' He mutters before lifting his sweatshirt.

You can clearly see his pregnant stomach

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You can clearly see his pregnant stomach. It's far enough that you can't blame it on Mitch eating too much. Nobody can at this moment deny that Mitch is pregnant. I think his stomach looks beautiful, I wish he didn't need to hide it all the time. Unfortunately, it's not really normal to see a pregnant stomach on a man in the world.

Gasps can be heard in the room. Mitch's dad sits up straighter but doesn't make any attempts to come closer. Mitch's mom though, she immediately tries to lay her hand on Mitch's stomach. I grab her hand before she can though. ''Please be careful.'' I say before she can touch him. I won't let anything happen to either of my babies. I know she means well, but I can't be careful enough.

Nel carefully puts her hand on Mitch's stomach. I don't know what she expects to find, the baby doesn't kick yet. ''How is this possible?'' She asks, looking at Mitch. She doesn't look mad or disgusted, just fascinated.

''Something has Mitch's sperm cells act like egg cells.'' I try to explain. I don't even understand the story with all the knowledge.

''Fascinating. I've never heard of that before.'' She says before putting a stern face on. ''What about college?''

''We already figured it out with our university. I'm going to take online classes, I'm going to get my degree, mom.''

''It isn't that simple, Mitch. Raising a child is really hard and takes great responsibility. Of course I'll be willing to help out, but it's your kid.'' She says, sounding very serious.

''I know mom. It's going to be okay though, Scott is going to take online classes too so we can both the responsibility. We also have Scott's parents and friends to help. It's going to be okay.'' Mitch reassures his mom.

She looks between me and Mitch for a while, clearly deep in thought. ''I believe you. You've always been the smartest and most responsible one in this house. No one can take better care of a child on the age 19 than you. Scott is also a really good guy, you can do this.'' She says smiling at us.

''I need a beer.'' Mitch's dad says, getting up and going to the kitchen. This went better than expected. Mitch's mom is totally chill with it, way more than I thought.

''Don't worry about him, I'll talk to him.'' Nel says before going after him.

''See ,baby. That wasn't that bad.'' I say before hugging Mitch. That really wasn't so bad, what were we even worrying about?

''I love you Scotty.'' He whispers in my chest. I can feel the warm air of his breath going through my shirt on my skin. I can still hug him, even though he has a pregnant stomach.

''I love you too, Mitchy.''

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