21~ Horrible Creatures

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Scott's POV

This past week was hard. I had to tell my pack about the vampires because I can't keep a secret like that. They were all frightened and feared for their lives. I told them to be strong though and not let the fear overtake them.

Werewolves and vampires have a bad past. They were always at war. About a 100 years ago things got really bad and vampires and werewolves were almost vanished off the earth. Only a couple werewolves survived. I thought all vampires were killed but apparently they weren't.

Vampires are horrible creatures. They are arrogant and cruel. They feed on innocent humans and turn them into vampires. Besides that, they are hard to track and kill. They don't have a smell which makes it for werewolves near impossible to find them. They are fast and strong. Not as strong as wolves though. And above all, they look like humans. They have the best coverup you can find.

They have one weakness. The sun. They can't walk in the sun, it burns them. They won't die immediately but they will get burn marks. They usually work at night.

That apparently not all vampires were killed scares the crap out of me. There have been living vampires among us for a 100 years without us noticing it. Who knows with how many they are?

I've been thinking of things to do about them all week. I just can't think of a solution. I don't know where to find them and obviously, they do know where to find us. Maybe they are just waiting for the right time to attack.

We've also had been having rogue problems. Rogues have been passing our lands without permission. The only thing I heard from them is that they are running from something. We let the civil ones go and killed the feral ones.

I forgot about one thing this week. The most important thing. Mitch. I should protect him, especially now. These vampires probably know that he is my mate and that I'm the alpha. I don't want him in any danger, which means that I keep an eye on him.

On friday we decide for a time on our date. I think it's time for me to ask him to be mine. Not only will he finally be mine, which is good, but he will also be easier to keep an eye on. I can ask him to stay the night or something.

I decide to go to bed early. I haven't been sleeping well the past week.

I have just fallen asleep when my phone goes.

I immediately pick up cause it could be Mitch.

I look at caller ID and yes, it is Mitch. "Hello?" I ask on the phone.

"Hi Scottie, can you come?" With the thought of him I can. I can't help it, my mind immediately goes to wrong places. Mitch doesn't sound upset.

I get my car and go on my way to the gay bar. Mitch keeps talking about not wanting to kiss other boys. I don't want him to kiss other boys either. Just the thought of Mitch with other boys makes my wolf angry and jealous. He's ours and no one else's.

When I come there I see Mitch downing shots.

I put my hand on his hand, stopping him from getting the shot. He is mad at first but then sees it's me. He practically jumps me, kissing me roughly. Mitch Grassi everyone, is a great kisser. I don't know where I got the strength from but I pull away from him. I carry him out of the club to my car.

I put him down in the passenger seat of my car.

He climbs in my lap when I'm not paying attention, making my cock come alive underneath his ass. He's just so hot, I can't help it. He needs to go off my lap though, before my canines show themselves again.

He starts unbuttoning my pants, making me even more turned on. This is not good. He needs to go now before I show myself.

I get him off me with great trouble. He is just so irresistible throwing himself at me. I can't take advantage of him though. He's too precious to me. I will only mark him with his consent. That doesn't mean it's easy to resist him though.

He is back in his seat and asleep in no time. Wow, he was really drunk. I hope he is going to be okay tomorrow. We have our date tomorrow and I don't want him to be a zombie. Nothing a little sleep and advil can't cure right?

If he was a werewolf this wouldn't have happened. We werewolves don't get drunk as fast as humans do. We also don't get as drunk. If I have a whole lot to drink I only get tipsy. Werewolf senses just don't allow us to get drunk. Part of being a werewolf is that you always have to be alert and never let your guard down.

We arrive at my house and I carry Mitch inside. He is not that heavy, especially for me. I can't believe he got this drunk. Does he do this more often? Oh my god, what if he does this every night or something! He said he didn't want to kiss other boys, what was that supposed to mean?

I just hope that he still has his virginity and that he doesn't make out with 11 different boys every night. That would be bad. He called me tonight though, that must mean something. I think somewhere deep down his mind knows that he belongs to me, it is rejecting everyone other than me.

I lay him down on my bed, it's way too late to get the other matrass. He will just sleep with me, no harm there right?

I strip him off his shoes and jeans. He only groans in his sleep, but doesn't wake up.

I take off all my clothes except my boxers and climb into the bed too. I keep him at a safe distance of a foot away from me. I don't want him or me to get any ideas.

I close my eyes and prepare for sleep to take me. My mind immediately goes back to the vampires. How did they hide for this long? We would notice it when a lot of people are being murdered and left without any blood in their body right?

''Will you please hold me?'' Mitch's small voice breaks me away from my worries. He sounds so cute and innocent that I don't see any harm in it.

I shuffle closer to him and put my arm around his waist. He scoots back a bit so his entire backside is against my front. We're spooning. In this moment I feel like I can protect him from everything evil in the world. I feel like we are superior and no one can defeat us. Of course, somewhere deep down, I know that this is not true. Danger is always close.

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a great christmas or has had a great christmas!

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