26~ The only thing I can think of

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Scott's POV

Friday is mostly an uneventful day. I have a few classes with Mitch but nothing special. We sit with Amanda and Todrick at lunch, Amanda talking non-stop about her new girlfriend. I don't mind though, it takes my mind off saturday. To be honest, I'm nervous. I'm afraid something is gonna go wrong or I screw up or something.

School is over now and I'm getting my stuff from my locker. Two arms wrap around my waist, it doesn't scare me cause I had already heard the footsteps. I turn around and put my hands on his face. ''Hi baby.'' We didn't have the last class from today together, it's drama, the only class Mitch doesn't have.

''I missed you.'' Mitch says. We were only apart for one and a half hour and still I feel myself missing him for that time. I miss him all the time that he is not with me.

''I missed you too.'' I say, looking down at him. I pull him in for a quick kiss. Mitch had a girls night with Amanda, todrick and Amanda's girlfriend tonight and I'm not invited apparently.

''I have to go now.'' Mitch says, pecking my lips for the last time before walking away, swaying his hips, making me look down at his butt. It's been harder to resist him every day. Mitch wants more than just kissing, he's been dropping these hints. I just need a bit more time, I need him to trust me fully before I tell him.

I walk to my car, going home. I would say TGIF but at the moment I wish tomorrow isn't saturday.

I turn on the music on my way home. Music has always relaxed me, especially Beyonce. Her song Formation is on the radio now, I sing along the lyrics, knowing every word to it.

I park in my parking lot, seeing Kevin's car in the lot too. Should I maybe talk to him? He's never judged me before and doesn't jump to conclusions like Kirstie does.

I don't want to drag him into all this though. He has a stressful job and a family maintain too. I can't drag him into this. I have to do this on my own. I'll just say tomorrow that no one is allowed to shift. As long as no one shifts, nothing can go wrong right?

I spend the night scrolling through social media and watching a movie, it relaxes me a little. A bit of free time for the first time this week.

I wake with a start. I look around myself, I'm on the couch in the living room with the laptop still on my lap. I get up and move to upstairs, I'm still tired, I feel like I can sleep for another 16 hours.

I climb in bed, getting comfortable. I fall asleep quickly.

The next day I wake up by my phone going off. I didn't set an alarm, did I?

I grab my phone. Someone is calling me. Mitch, to be specific. ''Hello?'' I say, my voice still heavy with sleep.

''Scott! It's already 12! You're supposed to be here now.'' Mitch scolds in my ear. I look at the time. Shit! I overslept. I have been having so little sleep lately that I slept a full 12 hours.

I quickly drag my now awake body out of bed, throwing on some jeans and a tshirt. I run out of the house, getting in my car.

'Don't panic, but nobody shift today! There is no threat, just to be sure.'  I say through pack link. I immediately close my mind after that. I don't want anyone distracting me during this hunting trip. If it's really urgent they'll call.

I pull up in front of Mitch's house. Mitch, his father and brothers are already waiting by their car. They have guns and ropes. It almost makes me vomit, knowing what they do with those. Mitch looks like he doesn't want to be there, which makes me happier.

I quickly get out of my car. ''I'm so sorry I'm late. I overslept.'' I walk towards Mitch, giving him a hug.

''It's okay.'' Mike grumbles. We all get in their car, driving away from their house and towards the forest. Luckily, it's not really that close to my house.

We drive through the forest for about 15 minutes before Mike stops the car. Wow, they are actually far away from my pack. That is very good. I'm sure I won't find any of my pack members here. I breath a sigh of relief. A whole weight just fell off my shoulders. It will be okay.

''We'll stay together now, because Scott is here.'' Mike says, handing all of us a gun. I get one too. I never held a gun in my hand, I have no idea how to use this.

Mitch must have seen my confusion. ''You just pull this and then you can pull the trigger.'' Mitch says, demonstrating how it works. I smile at him even though I'm sure I'm not going to use it.

We start walking, not really doing anything accept walking while looking at the ground looking for tracks. I can tell them now that this is not where they can find them. I won't of course.

''It's usually this boring.'' Mitch whispers to me. ''They look for tracks even though 90% of the time there are literally none in the forest.'' He says. ''I prefer it like this though, I don't like shooting on animals.''

Animals, the irony. ''Me too.'' I reply.

He gives me a apologetic look, grabbing my hand.

We keep walking like that for about half an hour, getting further away from the part of the forest where my pack is located.

''Tracks!'' Mike suddenly shouts. Tracks? Here? Probably from a rabbit or something, or a deer.

I walk to Mike and the tracks, curious what kind of animal it is. ''It looks human.'' I realize what this means the moment I say. No human comes here. There is only one other species that looks like a human.

I immediately go to Mitch's side again, feverously looking around us. This can't be happening.

Maybe the tracks are old? It could be from those times that they killed the rogues. I saw the tracks though, they were fresh.

''I thought I smelled a dog.'' A voice says out of the blue. My head snaps up to the person who said it. There are two guys who look like in their mid twenties standing in front of us. They are both tall and have a pale skin. One has black hair and blue eyes, the other one has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Both of them are looking directly at me.

''Woah, I didn't see you guys coming.'' Mike says.

The brown haired one averts his eyes off me to Mike for a second to look at him. ''Humans.'' He mutters like he is tasting something bad.

Mike, Mitch's brothers and Mitch look very confused but don't say anything. I unconsciously stand a bit in front of Mitch, trying to block him from their sight. I growl lowly in my throat, low enough that Mitch and his family won't hear, but not too low that the bloodsuckers won't hear.

''We don't mean any harm, dog.'' The brown haird says, fixing his eyes on me again.

''What do you want?'' I growl out. I want them gone.

''Do you know these guys?'' Mitch asks, stepping from behind me. I immediately push him back behind me, the protective side of me coming out.

I choose my words before I say them. ''Old rivals.'' In a way it's true. I don't know them personally but I know their kind.

They chuckle, revealing their still normal teeth, I know that can change any moment though. ''Down boy.'' The brown haird one says.

I send them a murderous look. ''Let's go away.'' I suggest, mostly to Mike.

Before Mike can say anything, the brown haired bloodsucker is suddenly a lot closer to me. They move so fast I can hardly see them moving. ''You're not going anywhere.'' He says, showing me his fangs.

I growl a warning to him to stay away.

I suddenly see movement out of the corner of my eye. I don't realize what's happening, my instincts take over. I just know that the blue eyed one lunged for Mitch and I just have to stop him.

I do the only thing I can think of at the moment to protect my mate.

I shift.

Yessssss, there is a double. I won't leave you guys with that big of a cliffhanger

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