41~ You can always just drop by

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It would mean a lot to me if you read the author's note after reading the chapter

Scott's POV

This week passes slowly. I've been going back to uni now but I don't find joy in my classes anymore because Mitch has been kind of ignoring me. He's been really distant and I don't know why. Every time I try to bring it up he just avoids the subject. I already asked Amanda and Todrick if they knew anything. They said they also noticed that Mitch was acting strange.

It's friday now and I'm kind of done with it. We are in a relationship and Mitch has been acting distant for almost a week now and he isn't telling me why. This is so frustrating, I wish Mitch would just tell me what's going on.

Class finally ends, meaning it's break now. Mitch walks away without waiting for me or grabbing my hand like used to do. It feels like a year ago, even though it was only a week ago. This week just went by so slowly.

I catch up with grabbing his arm to stop him from walking away.

He turns around immediately, an irritated look on his face. His face turns relieved for a second before going to irritated again. "What?" He asks in a not so nice tone.

What happened to my sweet Mitchie? Where did he go? "We really need to talk, Mitch." I say, still holding his arm so he can't walk away from me.

"No we don't." Mitch says, trying to turn around to walk away. I am stronger than him though and I'm using it in my advantage now, not letting him go. He turns to me again, looking annoyed. "Let me go."

"No." I walk away in the other direction of the cafeteria, to the park that belongs to the university. It's usually calm and a good place to talk without any other people hearing us.

Mitch is struggling but there's really nothing he can do. I just need to talk to him, I need to know what's going on.

When we're at the park and no people are near I let him go. He just looks at me, with a VERY annoyed look, like he's ready to punch me.

"What do you want?!" He asks, throwing his hands up.

Does he seriously not see what he's doing? "I want you to tell me what's been going on with you! You have been ignoring me and being distant." I say, responding just as annoyed before saying more gently, "I care for you and I can tell something is bothering you."

He looks a bit more calmed down and less irritated. "It's my own struggle and you can't really help me." He finally says, sounding defeated. His shoulders sag and he casts his eyes downwards.

I hate to see him in pain and not being able to help. "Whatever it is, I will always be there for you." He looks back up at me before going in for a hug. I put my arms around him, pulling him close. I missed him.

"I won't shut you out again." He murmurs to my chest.

We walk back to the school building together, now holding hands instead of me dragging him with me. I'm happy he's not mad about that.

The rest of the day goes by normally without any big things. Mitch and I are kind of back to normal even though I can tell something is still bothering him. He has this frown on his face when he thinks no one is looking.

I drive Mitch home after school, I wanted to invite him over but I think he needs some alone time. He is quiet the entire drive and I don't force him to talk. I am really curious as to what's going on with him though, at this point I would kill to find out.

"You know you can always talk to me, right?" I ask again, I just want him to know I'm always here for him.

"I know." He says, pecking me on my lips before getting inside his house.

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