5 ~ Can I borrow Scott Hoying?

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Little warning here, I'm not in college or ever been in college and I really don't know how it works so please excuse me for that😬

Mitch's POV

"Mitchell!" My dad yells when he sees me. "If you'd arrived just one minute earlier, we could've caught those dogs!"

I release a sigh. He thinks I was on my way to him. "Yeah, I thought I saw footsteps so I followed it but they were old." I quickly make up an excuse to make them not mad at me.

He just looks at me, a bit suspicious but not not speaking.

"Let's go to the car, I want to go home." Travis says, breaking the awkward silence. Thank you Travis.

We all step in the car. I am not looking forwards to the ride home, I know that all they're gonna talk about is how they almost got those wolves.

"Are you sure you couldn't have come sooner?" My dad asks for the third time.

"Yes, just let it go!" Luckily, we arrived at our house by now. I quickly get out of the car and slam the door behind me. I immediately run to my room. I have had enough of those three for one day.

I get my book and start studying. I don't like studying but I don't particularly hate it. I just started studying music. I'm just in my first year so it's really general, not really in a certain direction but I really like it. We've had one month now. Tomorrow every first year is going to be working on some project with a last year student. I hope I'm assigned to a girl, they are usually more serious and hardworking than guys. I can't judge though, I mean look at me. I'm a guy but I'm very serious and hardworking.

"Dinner!" My mom calls from downstairs.

I groan, I don't feel like facing any of those stupids downstairs. I'll just talk to my mom all dinner.

We all sit around the table, eating our meal. It's quiet, no one says anything. I don't like this, I'd rather have fighting.

"How is studying going, Mitch?" Mom breaks the silence. She is the only one who calls me Mitch, together with my best friends.

"It's going well. I don't mind it that much, cause I like it." I say. I know my mom never got to finish college because she got pregnant with my eldest brother Alex. She never finished it, even though I encourage her to.

My dad snorts. He doesn't like that I'm studying music. When he saw that sports is not for me, he hoped that I would study medicine or law. Too bad for him.

The rest of the meal my brothers and father talk about some upcoming football game while me and mom silently talk about music and movies. That's usually how it goes, me and my mom talk with each other and my dad and my brothers talk to each other. It's not perfect but it's bearable.

After dinner I go upstairs to just relax before I go to bed. Relaxing usually means watching netflix or youtube. I'm now watching this tv-show named teen wolf. It's about a boy who is a werewolf. It's a good show and it helps that the cast is basically made in heaven.

After about 6 episodes I decide that it's probably time to go to sleep. I have the collaboration with the older student tomorrow and I don't want to fall asleep during a lecture or class.

I put my alarm for 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. I get under the covers and close my eyes, letting dreamland take me.

The next morning I wake up to the highly annoying sound of my alarm.

I groan and snooze it. I hate mornings, I can't stand them. I don't mind Mondays that much though. My weekend usually consists of doing 'manly' things with my dad and brothers. The week is classes and I don't mind them. Besides that, I see my friends during the week.

I quickly throw on a oversized sweater and skinny jeans, my comfy look. I don't really take that long to get ready. I quickly style my bangs and brush my teeth.

I head downstairs for coffee and breakfast. No one is there, I enjoy the silence. Dad is probably already to work and mom and the brothers are probably still in bed. I know my brothers wait until the last moment to get out of bed.

I walk out of the door, locking it behind me and head to my car. It's a small thing, but it still works.

I drive to the university. Luckily, it's close to home and only takes about 15 minutes. I didn't particularly choose this school because it's close to home, I chose it because it has the one of the best music programs in the country that is affordable.

I get out of my car, slamming the door behind me. It doesn't really close that well.

I walk inside the building towards the classroom. I have about 40 people in class but I don't really know them. I only know my two best friends that I sit next to.

"Hey Amanda!" I say to my friend that's already sitting in her usual chair. I've known her for most of my life, I went to elementary school with her. We've been best friends since we were around 8. We've been doing everything together since then, we even came out the same moment.

"Hey Mitch!" She says. She has short brown hair and blue eyes. Her girlfriend also goes to this school but not in music. Amanda is more in the technical side of music, like sound and video clips. We don't have all our classes together.

"Hey guys." My other friend Todrick says, before sitting in the seat next to me. I've known Todrick since a few years now. We were in the same choir in high school. He went to a different school though. We've really become good friends in these last weeks in college. He also knew Amanda already.

The teacher walks into the room then, quieting the class. "Good morning." Mr Kaplan says. He's young and a good teacher. I heard that he is one of the best bass singers. I've never heard him sing, but I can imagine it with the voice he has.

"Good morning." The sleepy class replies.

"Like I said before the weekend, today the first years are going to paired with a last years to make a project together. This is the list with who is paired with who." He clicks on the computer screen and turns on the beamer so we can see it too.

I look for my name on the list, but it's not there. Did he forget me? I do see Amanda's and Todrick's names. Why am I not here?

I hesitantly raise my hand, I don't like being the centre of attention.

"Yes Mitch?" Mr Kaplan asks.

"Uhm.. my name is not on the list." I say.

Mister Kaplan looks at the computer screen. "Oh yes, that's true. We have an uneven number. I have a solution for that though. Come with me for a minute." He gestures me over.

I walk to his desk. How can we possibly solve this? I don't have a partner. Is mr Kaplan going to be my partner maybe?

Mr Kaplan walks out of the classroom and I follow behind him.

We walk together through the school. "Don't worry, I found a suitable partner for you." Mr Kaplan breaks the silence. "He is in theatre now but he wants to major in musical and that is music related. He also still needed a partner for his project. I thought you two were perfect for each other." He smiles at me.

I think about his words. Someone who wants to major in musical? This might work. Musical is right up my alley too.

Before I can say anything mr Kaplan opens the door of a classroom. All heads in the class turn to us. "Can I borrow Scott Hoying for a minute?" Mr Kaplan asks the teacher. The name sends shivers down my back. I don't know why but I have a weird feeling about this.

I hope you like it!
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Sorry if I made mistakes, english is not my main language.

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