35~ An extra reason

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Early update😄

Scott's POV

I wake up in the dark, my body aching. I still feel so tired, it's like there's lead in my limps.

My eyes are open but I can barely see. I let my wolf's eyes come out so I can see better.

I make out the bars of the cell I'm in and a figure lying behind them.

Memories of last night come flooding back to me. Last night was amazing, truly one of the best nights of my life. I'm so happy these bars were in between us so I couldn't just take him. And the blowjobs that boy can give... almost gets me hard again just thinking of it.

I try to get off the cold hard ground but it's hard. I feel like I physically don't have the power to hoist myself up. Maybe I can channel my energy to send Kirstie a mind link. Mind linking costs a lot of energy which is also one of the reasons we have the silver in here, most wolves can't mindlink anymore.

I'm not most wolves though, I am an alpha, I should be stronger than the average wolf. I try to do my best to channel all my energy to mindlink Kirst. We have a close connection so it takes less effort than I expected.

'Kirst, come to the dungeon.' I mindlink her. I immediately black out after that, the mindlink having taken all my energy.

I feel hands on me when I wake up. It's still dark but something is giving me energy.

I open my eyes to see Mitch's face, my Mitch. He's awake and he's touching me. That must mean that he found the key somehow. His hands are touching my face and his lips are moving. I focus on him, now finally hearing what he's saying.

"He's awake Kirstie." Kirstie is here? I slowly turn my head, looking around the room and indeed, Kirstie is there.

"You get his legs, I'll take his armpits." Kirstie says to Mitch. My mind is really functioning well, I have no idea what that means.

I feel hands in my armpits, making me flinch a bit. I'm not really ticklish, it just startled me. I feel hands on my knees, the little tingles tell me that those are Mitch's hands.

Before I can protest they lift me up. Kirstie takes about my whole upper body while Mitch lifts my legs. Kirstie's wolf strength makes her a whole lot stronger than Mitch.

They start walking towards the entrance, both of them having trouble lifting me. What can I say, I am a broad and tall guy I weigh like almost as much as Kirstie and Mitch together.

Eventually they succeed in getting me outside, a lot of stumbling because the silver effects Kirstie of course too. Not as much as I thought though, I don't know how that's possible.

I can feel my strength returning, finally. The heaviness disappears from my limps and I can stand up again. My muscles are still sore but I already feel a lot better, the outside air is really good for my body.

"How were you not effected by the silver as much as normal wolves?" I immediately question Kirstie. She doesn't have some sort of super power right?

"I took some iron pills to give me strength before I came to save your ass." Iron pills. Smart girl, iron doesn't only give human strength but wolves too.

"Smart." I say. "Thank you by the way." Not everyone would've come this early in the morning to save me from the dungeon.

"No problem, but I'm going to go home now and prepare for later." She says, giving me a pointed look. Later. We're going to attack the rogues and free the leader of the vampires. I just hope that we will now have an alliance with the vampires and not that they turn against us.

I turn to Mitch. He is already looking at me, his beautiful brown eyes on me, focusing on my own eyes. I grab his hand, taking him to a calm part of our forest. I think it's time to tell him about werewolf mating. I know I should have already done that, I shouldn't have waited for so long. Luckily everything turned out right, but it could've gone different.

"There's one more thing, I didn't tell you about werewolves, or more specific, mates." I sit down on a rock, installing Mitch on my lap. I put my arms around him and he lays his head back on my shoulder.

"What is it? You know you can tell me everything." He says, looking back at me.

"When wolves meet their mate they usually have this moment, which is called mating." I say, jumping right to it. "You probably know what that is." I say, mating is a term I think that speaks for itself.

"You mean, like, sex?" He says, sounding a bit unsure.

"Yeah, sex." I confirm. "It's a bit different than human sex though. The first part is the same, but when a wolf is about to orgasm with his mate for the first time, they mark their mate. Male or female, with the first mating, the wolf will mark their mate." I say, looking at his reaction.

"What exactly do you mean with mark? A love bite?" He asks, his eyebrows raised.

"Not exactly. I know this is going to sound weird since you're a human, but for wolves this is completely normal." I take a deep breath. Mitch has been taking everything extremely well, I'm afraid this might make him snap. "It's a bit more than a love bite, it's a real bite. My wolf teeth will come out and puncture the skin." I touch the spot on his neck where his mark will be. "Right here." My wolf lives up when he sees the spot, he wants the skin to wear his mark, he wants Mitch to have his mark.

Mitch flinches back a bit, making my heart sink. "You're planning on biting me? Like legit biting?" He looks a bit disgusted, this is what I was afraid of.

"It's just once and it won't even hurt that bad, it will feel good. I promise." I sound a bit desperate, trying to convince Mitch that it will be good. I've never experienced a bite myself but I've been told that it feels good.

He leans back against my chest again, making me relax a little. He's not going anywhere, at least not yet. "So when we have sex, you will bite me in my neck?"

"Yeah." I say, holding him tighter. He's not allowed to leave me, I'm going to keep him forever.

"I just have to get used to the idea okay?" He says, looking back at me again.

"Of course, that time won't come until you're absolutely ready and 100% sure for it. I can't tell you what the bite is like for obvious reasons, but maybe you can talk to Kirstie about it. I know she'll be happy to help you be okay with it."

"I will do that." He says. He closes his eyes and it stays quiet for a while. It gives me time to think about tomorrow. It's going to be a tough day. No matter with how much we are, we're fighting against rogues. They have no mercy and will kill everything and everyone that is in their way. It won't be easy tomorrow but it will work out. I have an extra reason now to try and make this place the safest possible. That reason is now snoring on my lap, making me smile. He's so precious.

I love him.

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