18~ I'll make it up to you

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Mitch's POV

I wake up from the sound of my phone ringing.

I squint my eyes, looking for my phone. I look at the caller ID to see who it is. It's mom.

Wait. Where am I? I look around and see a familiar room. Last night's event flash through my head.

My dad being mean to me. He said I was not his son. I didn't stay long enough to hear what my mom had to say. Did she stand up for me?

I pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Mitch? Where are you?" She doesn't sound hysterical but also not calm.

"At school?" I try, even though my mom knows when I'm lying to her. I look at my phone screen. It's 9:07 school has already started.

Scott walks in the room then. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice soft enough so my mom doesn't hear.

I quickly nod my head. "I overheard your conversation with dad last night." I say, directly getting to the point. I need to hear what she has to say.

It stays quiet on her side of the line. After a few seconds she finally starts speaking. ''How much did you hear?'' She asks.

''Enough to know that apperently I don't have a father anymore.'' I say, tearing up. Fucking tears, I need to stop crying. Scott immediately comes over to hug me and hold me in his arms. It makes it better. I'm so happy Scott is here. I give him a grateful look, which he returns with a soft smile.

"Mitch no. He took it back the moment he said it. He didn't mean it like that, it just came out in the heat of the moment." Mom says. He just said that in the heat of the moment? You don't say that if you don't mean it, right?

"I don't believe you, he probably just didn't want to make you mad." You can say a lot about my dad but he does love my mom, even though he's also a jerk to her sometimes.

"I think he just needs to get used to you being gay. He's very traditional and he grew up in a gay hating family. You know how his parents are." I do know how they are. That's the only place where I haven't come out yet. They will probably sacrifice me to satan if I came out to my grandparents.

"I came out a year ago mom, he's had enough time to get used to it." He just doesn't want to accept it.

"He's been in denial Mitch. He's going to really try now, he promised me. Please give him a chance."

"Okay." I don't want to but my mom is very important to me and she wants this. I will not forgive him until he proves himself to me.

"Thank you Mitch, I know he screwed up big time. Will you come home now please?" He did screw up big time, she's right with that.

I look at Scott. I don't want to go home yet, I like being here. And I need to know why Scott ran away that night after we kissed. He's acting so cute and sweet now, why did he run away? Maybe he just likes me as a friend?

"I'm just gonna call you when I'm going home okay?" I say to my mom. I want to stay longer with Scott but I don't want to trouble Scott any more.

"Are you going back there?" Scott asks sad and angry at the same time.

"In a while." Should I just straightout ask? Isn't that weird?

"What is it, Mitch?" Scott asks, probably seeing me thinking hard.

"Last friday, after we kissed, you kind of ran away." I decide to just ask. He can deny it but I think we both know that he did. "If you don't like me like that, why are you so sweet," I look down at the arm that is around my shoulder, "and touchy. And why would you ask me out on another date?"

"I do like you like that!" Scott exclaims, pulling me even closer to him. "It's just that I sometimes have bad headaches and one came up then and I had to go to get some aspirin. It runs in my family."

I feel myself getting red. I just totally assumed he didn't like me while he just has some weird headache disease. "Oh." I look down at my hands. "So you do like me?"

"Yes!" Scott says, tilting my chin up. He looks me in the eyes for a moment before leaning in, his eyes on my lips now. He gives me a sweet, short peck, leaving me wanting more. "I'll make it up to you at the carnival." Scott says, his eyes still on my lips.

He lets me go and walks to the door. "Let's eat breakfast now. I already made pancakes." He looks back at me. "I hope you like pancakes." He looks nervous suddenly.

I smile at him. "I do like pancakes thank you." We walk down the stairs together.

Scott takes my hand when we're downstairs, leading me through the house to the kitchen. He gives me a plate with delicious looking and smelling pancakes. "This smells so good." I say, diving in immediately. I'm don't notice my hunger till I'm already devouring my pancakes.

Scott chuckles when he sees me eating like a pig. "I'm glad you like them."

I slow down a bit, my stomach already half full. "Thank you so much." I say when I've finished all my pancakes. I really needed that.

"No problem, I love spending time with you." Scott says, smiling at me.

"Me too." I get up from the table. "Can you drive me home now? Someone owes me a apology." It's time to face my father.

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