17~ I want you to be okay

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Thank you Grassi-Hoying for the idea

Scott's POV

I'm in the middle of a really good dream when my phone rings.

I decide to let it ring. Whoever is calling me can wait till tomorrow morning. I'm going to be so mad when I wake up but not now. I need sleep.

The phone rings again. Maybe they're calling me in the middle of the night, means that it's something urgent.

I check caller ID. It's Mitch. Why is Mitch calling me?

"Hello?" I say, still half asleep. I'm not really good with mornings, or waking up in general. Some people just wake up, well rested and ready for the day. I'm not one of those people.

"Can you please pick me up?" I hear Mitch's voice on the phone. He sounds a little out of breath and I hear wind in the background. Is he outside? Above all, he sounds desperate, like he really needs me.

"Uhm, sure." I decide to not ask questions. Mitch needs me right now. "Where?"

''The same place you picked me up friday.'' He says, sniffling a bit. I'm really getting worried now. Why is he alone, crying outside at 2am?

''Okay, I'll come asap.'' I don't want him being alone, outside at this time of the day, or night. ''Can you plase wait inside till I come?'' I ask nicely, I don't want to upset him.

''I can't!'' He says, I can hear he's very near tears. He starts breathing heavily. ''I don't want to go back, please!''

''It's okay, sweetheart. Just stay on the phone with me until I'm there.'' I say, comforting him. Something is really wrong.

He sniffles. ''Okay.'' He keeps breathing heavily. I quickly grab my keys and get my car, breaking a few speed limits. It's not like there are a lot of cops here at this time anyway.

I keep telling Mitch that everything is okay and that he needs to hold on for a little while, I'm almost there. He eventually calms down a bit.

I drive his street in after 10 minutes. This was the most nerve wracking ride of my life. I just want to comfort and hold my mate.

I jump out of the car the second I park it. I walk up to Mitch, immediately taking him into my arms. He grabs my shirt, holding it desperately in his hands. I rub his back, grazing my fingers over his spine. We both stay quiet, just holding each other.

After a few minutes his grip loosens. He lets go off my shirt completely. ''I'm so sorry.'' He wipes his nose on his sleeve. ''Oh my god, I dragged out of your bed at 2 or something.'' He steps back, away from me.

Before he can completely step away I grab his arm. ''It's okay, you were upset. I'm here to help. What happened?'' I take his hand and take him to my car, urging him to go inside.

''I overheard my mom and dad talking.'' He gets in the passenger seat, while I start the car. Where should I go though? I don't know if he wants to go to my house. I guess I'll just drive around town. ''They were talking about me.'' He continues.

''What did they say?'' I ask when he stops talking.

He looks at me, tears in his eyes. ''My dad said that I'm not his son.'' He looks back out of his window again.

I can feel a raging anger inside me for that man. How can a father do something like that to his son. To Mitch? He's so sweet and talented.

What do I say to this? That it'll all be alright? I don't know if it will though and I don't want to feed him lies. ''Just know that there are people who care about you. Maybe your dad will come around.'' I'm always bad at comforting people. And to say things like, all things happen for a reason or it's god's will really doesn't make anyone feel better. Not me at least.

''Thank you.'' He looks at me, his eyes grateful.

''No problem. I care about you and I want you to be okay.'' I say looking him in the eyes.

He gives me a side hug, being careful because I'm still driving. ''Really thank you so much.'' He pulls back and sits in his chair again. ''I'll text Todrick if I can sleep over so you can go back to sleep. I'm really sorry about the inconvience.'' He says, his voice getting a bit sad again.

Does he think I'm letting him alone now? ''You can stay over at my house if you want to? Your friends are probably all sleeping. I have an extra matrass in my room.'' I offer. I don't have an extra matrass but I can get one. I also have a guestroom but he doesn't need to know that.

He looks a bit unsure. ''Are you sure? I don't want to be a nuisance.'' His voice is small.

Does he honestly think he's a nuisance? I love having him near me. ''You're absolutely no nuisance, Mitch. Like I said, I want you to be okay. Your friends are asleep and I'm not going to let you go back to your father.''

He thinks for a while before finally giving in. ''Okay, thank you. I really can't thank you enough.'' He sighs.

''It's really no problem.'' The rest of the drive home is in silence. I really don't know how this whole situation is going to be solved. I would offer him to come live with me but I think that might be a little early in our relationship.

Everything is quiet in the house when we arrive at the packhouse. That doesn't happen often, there's always noise at the packhouse. I'm grateful for the quiet, I don't think Mitch can handle a bunch of screaming children now.

''Let's go.'' I say, opening Mitch's car door and taking his hand. I lead him inside. He's following behind me, not saying anything, he's probably exhausted.

We walk up the stairs, being quiet to not wake anyone up. I get a matrass from the guestroom, while Mitch takes a quick shower.

I'm putting the sheets on the matrass when Mitch walks out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. I forget to breath for like 8 seconds. My wolf and cock come to life at the sight of my half naked mate. I need to calm down right now.  ''I forgot to bring clothes.'' Mitch says, breaking my train of thoughts.

''You can borrow some of mine.'' I quickly say while getting up. I need to have sweatpants and a shirt somewhere. I go through my drawer, locating my smallest set of clothes.

I hand him the clothes, trying to keep my eyes off his exposed chest and delicious hips. My eyes don't listen to me though and go to his chest and hips anyway.

I quickly turn around, getting ready for bed myself. I just take off my pants and wear my biggest shirt that just covers my upper body and butt. It also covers my front.

Mitch comes back out of the bathroom, completely dressed in my clothes now. The clothes are still big on him. He's not just shorter than me but also skinnier. He looks so cute in my clothes. I can imagine waking up to this.

''Goodnight.'' He says when he lays down on his bed. He looks tired. I'm tired myself too, I can really feel the tiredness in my body now that the adrenaline has worked out. I can rest calmly now that my mate is safe.

''Goodnight.'' I say, closing my eyes completely content. The last thing I see this day is Mitch's peaceful, beautiful face.

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