2 ~ Something strange is going on here

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Scott's POV

I hear the car approaching fast, but it's already too late. It's too close. If we run away, they will hear us. If we stay here, they will catch up with us. So what to do?

"SPREAD!" I yell through our mindlink. If they catch us they will not catch all of us.

I quickly make groups so that no one is completely alone. I take the weakest wolves in my pack with me. We run away in a random direction. I just don't want to run into the hunters, they are the worst. I've witnessed a few attacks in my life and they are never pretty. They actually killed one of my packmembers . And for what? A pretty fur?

"Alpha?" One of the omegas asks through the pack link.

"Yes?" I growl back. I don't want to be interrupted, I have to pay attention to my surroundings. I don't want someone to jump on us when I'm not paying attention.

"I think I heard something." She sounds scared.

"Where?" I look around me, I know that this particular omega has very good ears. I always listen to her, she might be an omega, which means she isn't the strongest physically, but she has excellent hearing.

"It came somewhere there." She says, gesturing behind me with her nose. I turn around to look through the trees, standing very still.

For a few minutes we all just stand there, our senses not picking up anything. I almost want to turn around and look further when I finally hear some sounds.

Twigs cracking. It sounds like a human, cause a werewolf would never make this much noise. I make eye contact with Bree, the good hearing omega. She looks back at me with fear in her eyes. I feel my heartbeat picking up, this could be a hunter. It probably is a hunter, who else would be this far in these woods.

What should I do? Wait here and hope for the best or attack them? I look at the omegas standing behind me, practically trembling in fear. I don't think it's a good idea to wait for the hunter. If I just attack them, I will have the element of surprise.

The person is coming closer. I start to notice a smell. It's really weird, it kind of lures me closer. Is it a trick? Did they find a aroma that attracts werewolves? I'll just have to do my best to ignore it.

"You stay here! I'm going to investigate. If someone comes and I'm not there, you run. Stay together." I quickly instruct the omegas, looking them in the eyes so they can't disobey me.

"Yes alpha." They say at the same time. I don't like ordering my pack around, but in situations like this I just have to.

I quickly, but quietly take off in the direction of the hunter. The trees give me some shelter so the hunter won't see me.

I hide behind a bush and watch the hunter get closer. I can see now that it is a guy. He's looking down, not paying attention to anything other than his feet. If he's a hunter, he's not a good one. This is going to be easy I can take him out easily. But what do I do then? Should I kill him? Maybe I should just disarm him, I don't like killing.

I take a look at his face again. From what I can see, he is attractive. But this is not a good way to think, he is my enemy. He carries a gun which means that he is out looking for something to kill. I don't want my pack in any danger so I have to at least get rid of the gun. Luckily, I have strong jaws.

I jump from behind the trees, charging at the clueless boy. He really doesn't notice me until I'm on top of him, his face really close to mine. His gun fell out of his hands when I jumped on him, which means he's not armed anymore.

I notice two things. The boy is not looking me in the eyes, and my skin is tingling on the places it touches his skin. The boy is also not struggling. Something strange is going on here.

My wolf is pacing in my mind, he has a weird feeling about the boy. He doesn't know what it is, or what is happening, all he knows is that he doesn't want to hurt him. I don't know what to do, my wolf is suddenly all sentimental, while normally I'm the one holding him back from anything threatening the pack. He's very protective.

The boy still hasn't moved, he's just breathing heavenly. His breath hits my snout, it's smell so good. What is it they use? Is it some sort of new perfume? I have to keep paying attention, I can't let these hunters get me. I have a pack to protect and take care of. I know that my beta Kirstie is a very good fighter and also smart but I'm not sure if she would be a good alpha. She can be naive sometimes.

My wolf is growing impatient, he doesn't know why the boy smells so good and why his instincts are telling him to not hurt the boy. Wasn't the plan to just disarm him? Then why can't we distance ourselves from the boy? My wolf and me want to be close to him for some reason.

The boy suddenly sighs, moving a bit. He scares me shitless, causing my wolf to let out a little growl. He was laying still all this time, not making any sounds and suddenly he moves and makes a sound.

His eyes fly up, meeting mine. For a second, all I can do is stare. His eyes are a beautiful brown color and perfectly framed with long eyelashes. He has this innocent look in his eyes, which makes him irresistible.

Before I can react, my wolf screams through my ear making me gasp, 'MATE!'.

Mate? This human, hunter boy is my mate? But how? How can a hunter be my mate? They want to kill me, murder me. How can a person like that be my mate? The moon goddess made a mistake, this can not be real. 

I jump up, getting off the boy.

I run away, away from the beautiful, but so wrong boy.

My wolf is whining, begging me to go back there and claim our mate. But I can't. I can't bring my pack in danger like that. He's a hunter for god's sake. He's out to kill me! I can't have someone like that as a mate! My pack would hate me! They would kick me out! I can't let that happen.

No matter how attractive or cute or beautiful or pretty the boy is, I can't let him ruin everything I build.

How would our relationship even go? He will know, sooner or later, that I'm a werewolf. It's the biggest secret we have. No way that the hunters can come to know that. They will drag us into all different kinds of labs and run tests on us. It has happened before, how else do you think humans even know about werewolves? They might not believe they are real but the stories aren't made up. Most of them.

I'll just have to avoid this boy, no matter how much it will hurt.

Thank you for those who send covers!😘 i can only do one as my book cover so i have to choose, please don't be mad if i don't choose yours😬 it doesn't mean your cover wasn't good.

Please don't let Trump win.

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