30~ The elephant in this forest

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Scott's POV

Mitch called me beautiful. He walked up to me and petted me. He's not afraid of me. I was scared, no terrified that he would be afraid of me. But he isn't, at least it looks like he isn't.

He's such an angel for responding like this. I really thought that he would run away screaming. But he is still here, petting my fur. It goes against my morals to be petted like I am a dog but it just feels so good. It's my mate petting me I know he doesn't mean anything demeaning.

I sit down on the ground, relaxing as Mitch starts scratching behind my ear. My tail starts wagging and my tongue flaps out of my snout. I can't help it! It just feels so good.

Mitch chuckles softly besides me, continuing to pet my head.

We stay like that for a while, Mitch petting my head and me just standing there, enjoying the touch of my mate.

I do need to shift back though because I haven't told Mitch everything and I intended to. He needs to know that he is my mate and that I am the alpha of a pack. People expect things from me like giving them a luna. I don't know how he will take it but I do know that Mitch goes above everyone else. If he doesn't want to be luna I will step down as alpha no matter how much my wolf will hate it. Our mate is more important.

I start to shift back in my human form fully aware of the fact that I will be naked when I'm shifted back. Oh well, he'll see it someday, hopefully soon, anyway. It's not like I'm insecure about that part anyway.

I hear Mitch gasp when I'm fully shifted. I turn to him to see his expression. He's looking down at my privates, his eyes widen.

I smirk, glad with his reaction. I don't want him to be disgusted or something.

I quickly put on my clothes, well 'clothes'. It's only shorts cause I didn't bring a shirt and my underwear ripped when I shifted. I probably should have taken off my underwear too before I shifted but I was nervous then. Ripping clothes wasn't really on my mind.

"I think you look really beautiful as a wolf." Mitch says, smiling up at me. His eyes keep darting up and down between my chest, stomach and eyes.

"Thank you, he likes that you called him beautiful." I say, my wolf agreeing in my head.

Mitch eyebrows furrow. "He?" He looks very confused.

How do I explain this to a human? "Yeah, me and my wolf are kind of different beings. He lives inside of me and he is separate from me but at the same time he is me. It's really hard to explain." You will never get it if you're not a werewolf but I want Mitch to understand. "When you're around the age of 12 or 13 you have your first shift. That's when not only your wolf comes out but you also feel the presence of your wolf in your head. It's like another person is living inside your head.'' I try to explain as best as I can.

''That sounds really annoying. I wouldn't want another person in my head. Isn't that busy?'' Mitch asks.

''It's not like another person. My wolf can't really talk. I can just feel his emotions sometimes, more when I'm actually in wolf form. And he is still me so we don't really have a different personality. We don't really disagree about things and if we do I can shut him out, but I would never do that. It's more like he takes care of my instincts, like he is the more primal version of me.'' We only ever disagreed on one thing. He is standing right in front of me. I should have listened to my wolf from the beginning. Would have saved me a lot of worries.

''So you transform every day?'' Mitch asks. ''Sorry for the questions, I'm just really curious.''

''It's no problem, I want you to know stuff like this. I don't shift every day. We usually run in groups about 3 times a week with the pack-''

''You live in a pack?!'' Mitch interrupts me. ''Oh my god, is this like Teen wolf?'' His eyes get really excited.

I laugh, someone likes Teen Wolf. ''I do live in a pack, but this isn't really like Teen Wolf. First of all, you are born werewolf you can't be bitten and then turn werewolf. Packs are also a lot bigger, there is only one alpha and one beta, we also have a gamma or third in command.'' What else? Maybe it's important to tell him that I am actually the Alpha.

''Ahw, so I can't be a werewolf?'' Mitch asks, pouting a bit. He looks adorable.

I smile at him. ''It's not always good. With full moon we get really horny for our mates.'' Oh, I just said mates. Maybe he didn't notice it?

''What is a mate?'' Never mind.

''Uhm, it's a soulmate destined for a werewolf.'' I say, looking at him very intently.

''Can only be werewolves be mates with each other? Or let's say hypothetically, a wolf and a human. Can they be mates?'' Mitch says, a light blush on his cheeks.

''Yes they can, it just doesn't happen much.'' I say, looking at his face to see his reaction. He looks a bit happier.

It stays uncomfortably quiet after that. Is anyone going to bring up the elephant in this forest? Should I just say, you're my mate? Mates are for life, I know that can scare humans off. Just look at the divorce rates.

''So, do you have a mate?'' Mitch asks, trying to sound careless. He kicks a branch away with his shoe, sneaking a glance at me.

''I do.'' I say, should I say it's him.

It's stays silent again. The elephant is back. I have to clear this awkwardness. ''You're my mate.''

A big smile breaks out on his face, his dimples full on display for me to see. He's so cute. ''I hoped I was. So this means you're my soulmate. That is awesome.'' He steps forward and throws his arms around my neck. I quickly hug him back, pulling him closer to me. I am so happy with how he takes all this.

He pulls his head away from my neck to kiss me. His plump lips against mine, moving perfectly with each other. Things get more passionate and tongues get involved. I put my hands on his ass, pressing our lower parts against each other. My cock comes alive and I remember that I'm not wearing any underwear.

As always I need to pull back. He might know that I'm a werewolf but I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell him about the mating and the mate bite. My horniness also reminds me that tomorrow is full moon. Mitch might know that I am a werewolf but I'm not going to have sex with him tomorrow, I feel like that is too soon. I don't want our first time to be too soon because my wolf is horny. It has to be when we're both completely ready and comfortable with each other.

He stays in my arms, leaning his head against my chest. ''So you're in a pack? What rank do you have there?''

Time to tell him about alphas and lunas.

I just read that writing about bestiality is forbidden on wattpad. So no sex between Mitch and Scott's wolf. I didn't intend on doing that but it did cross my mind.

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