48~ The Moon Goddess

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Mitch's POV

"Scotty!" I yell, trying to get his attention. I don't know where he is, all I know is that he is not in this room and I need to change that. I need food and my belly is so big now that even standing up is hard. Kevin says that the baby will probably come between now and a week.

It has been hard. No one had ever told me that being pregnant is this hard. You're carrying this extra weight with you all the time. I can't even lay on my stomach anymore. I love laying on my stomach. And then there's the morning sickness, and the random cravings.

The hardest part though, is something not everyone has during their pregnancy. It's the not being able to leave the packground. I'm a boy with a pregnant stomach. I can't go anywhere with humans. I miss going shopping, hanging out with friends.

And I miss the sex, which sounds so slutty of me, but just the feeling of someone holding you, kind of worshipping you. During sex is when I feel the most beautiful. I know that Scott says he loves me just as much with this stomach, but I just feel less attractive.

I know that this last week is going to be the hardest one. I'm very heavy and getting up is already a big task. I have a lot of help from the pack members, they keep bringing me food, but in the end it's me who has to do it. I'm the one that is going to give birth to a baby. It's gonna be a c section, obviously there's no other way the baby can go out, which means that i'm going to be cut open. Scary as hell.

"Yes baby?" Scott's voice interrupts my thoughts. I swear he is such an angel. He's getting me everything I need. He never complains.

"Can you please get me some potato chips? I'm craving for some potato chips." I ask him. I have cravings for the most random things at the most random times. Maybe it's the baby wanting food. I'm really curious what it's going to be. To be honest, I don't really care. Boy or a girl.

"Of course, I'll get them for you." He says before going to the kitchen. I'm seated on the couch, have been here for 3 days straight now, apart from trips to the bathroom. I have a laptop so I try to do some school work, but it's hard to concentrate with the baby being so close.

He comes back with a bag of potato chips and joins me on the couch. He puts my head in his lap, getting the remote to turn on the television.

I take a good look at his face. He has deep, dark circles under his eyes and he's paler than normal. ''Are you okay?''

He looks down at me, immediately shifting his attention to me. ''Yes, why are you asking?'' He combs his hand through my hair, soothing me.

''You look.... tired.'' I can't believe I've only been thinking about myself. I know I'm the one with a person growing inside of me, but this couldn't have been easy for Scott either.

''Yeah, I'm just stressed.'' He says, looking at the tv screen again.

''About the baby?'' He's not having second thoughts right? We are going to do this together.

''It's just everything. The baby arriving soon, you delivering the baby, the pack that is practically without an alpha now.'' He says, still focused on the tv.

''Aww, babe. Kirstie is doing a fine job with looking after the pack with Jeremy. As for me and the baby, it's going to be hard, but we can do this. I've never believed in god or other things, but I know you do believe in the moon goddess. If she's really out there, she made me pregnant with a reason. She wants us to deliver a brand new werewolf in this world. I'm going to be fine with delivering him or her. Kevin is a great doctor, nothing is going to go wrong.'' I try to reassure him. It's always him reassuring me, but everyone has a breaking point. No human being can always be strong.

''Thank you, baby. I hadn't looked at it like that.'' He kisses my head.

Satisfied with myself, I turn back to the television. I really do believe it's going to be okay. There's nothing Scott and I can't handle. If this is moon goddess of Scott is real, she made Scott and I mates for a reason, we're a hunter or hunter's son and a werewolf for god's sake. What were the chances of us meeting, better yet, falling in love? When I think of that, I believe there is something or someone out there, bringing us together. This child is not a random coincidence.

Sorry for the long wait, it was my 18th birthday and then kingsday, busy week for me. This was a filler before shit goes down, so prepare yourselves. I can't promise a fast update though, so sorry for that.

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