25~ What do they want?!

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Scott's POV

Dinner went well, just like I'd expected. My parents love Mitch. They were worried about me finding a mate, because the normal ages to find a mate is between 18 and 20. Me being 22 and still mateless had them a little worried. Everything is all good now. Not only have I found my mate, he is also a very cute, sweet boy. I left out the part of him being from a hunters family of course, that would put a damper on the entire night.

I'm driving Mitch home now. He can't stop talking about how well he and my mom connected. ''I hate to break it to you, Mitch, but she has a husband.'' I say, smiling at his cuteness.

''Funny, Scott.'' He rolls his eyes. ''I really like your parents.'' He says, getting serious.

''That is very good, you're going to see them more often probably.'' Defenitely, I just don't want to freak out with how these are his future parents in law. Wolves only have one mate, and that mate is for life.

I pull up at his house, parking my car. I get out of the car and walk him to his front door.

''Goodnight.'' I say, kissing him softly on his lips. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him close to my chest. I wish I could just hold on and never let go.

''Goodnight.'' I hear Mitch whisper in my chest. It feels so good to have my boy in my arms. It's where he belongs.

He pulls away and opens the door. One last look in my direction and a small ''Bye'' and he's gone. In the house.

I turn around, ready to go home. Now I just have to think of what to do about saturday. Should I go? I can say I'm sick but they probably just going to reschedule then. I can just say that no one in my pack is allowed to shift and lead Mitch's family away from the pack. No harm done right?

I get in my car again, driving home.

Should I talk to Kirstie about it? She is my beta and should be in control of what happens with the pack too. But then, she will probably tell me to cancel. But how can I cancel? If I say I have something they'll just reschedule.

I should just keep it to myself but tell everybody that they're not allowed to shift. If I just order it, they won't ask questions, they know I don't owe them an explanation.

My phone rings when I'm almost home. I look at caller ID to see it's Kirstie. ''What is it? I'm almost home.'' I tell her.

''Hello to you too.'' Kirstie says sarcastically. ''We found another one.'' She says, getting serious.

''A little more explanation please? I don't know what you mean by 'another one'.'' I say, getting out of my car. I hold my phone in one hand and close my door with the other. I usually don't lock my car, no one is going to steal it anyway.

''A rogue corpse without blood.'' I stop dead in my tracks. No. I thought they were gone.

''God damn it!'' I curse. ''What do those fucking bloodsuckers want?!'' I yell out in frustration.

''I don't know Scott. Maybe they just want to kill rogues. As long as they are not attacking us there isn't really a problem.'' Kirstie says, trying to see the good in the situation.

''The problem is that they're unpredictable. We didn't even know that they were alive. They keep leaving corpses here for us to find, they obviously want attention or something.'' I rationalize the situation. We can't just write this off as not our problem. These vampires want to be found and discovered by us.

''I know Scott. I just don't know what we can do about them. Who says it's them? Maybe it's just one. I doubt it's a big group, we would've noticed that right?''

''I'm coming there.'' I say before hanging up. I groan, dragging my fingers over my face, I can already feel the next headache coming up. What do they want?!

I shift in my wolf, following Kirstie's scent. My wolf doesn't like the idea of vampires one bit. It's in his nature to dislike vampires.

I arrive at Kirstie and some other warriors. I shift back in my human form, getting dressed quickly.

''It's exactly the same as last time.'' Kirstie says, a slightly scared expression on her face. I know that the pack needs a strong leader now, I can't let them down.

I don't even look at the body. ''Guards will be doubled from now on! No one is allowed to shift after sundown and before sunrise. You are not to go outside run with less than 5 people. There has to be one warrior wolf with you!'' I say out loud in my powerful alpha voice, also through mind link so everyone in the pack can hear it. ''Also, no one under the age of 18 is to go run. You can only shift if you stay between the houses on the road.''

I walk away, more than this I can't do. This has to be enough for now.

I am so tired of all the drama going on now. First the whole hunting with Mitch's family and now this? Give me a break!

I run back to the pack house, jogging to get the adrenaline out of my system. I need to be tired to be able to sleep, which is going to be hard after the day that I've had.

I pull open the door, getting in. I immediately go upstairs to my bathroom, taking a long relaxing shower. Thoughts of vampires haunt my mind. What if they attack at night, when my pack is sleeping? I doubled the guards they should be able to warn us on time right?

I get in my bed, finally able to relax my tired body. I hope everything will be okay with the hunting trip saturday. I can't use another worry.

With thoughts of Mitch I finally manage to fall asleep.

The next update might take a bit longer cause I have exam week and I'm thinking of doing a double update, depends on how the next chapter will turn out, but I'm not sure yet.

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