49~ The most important decision

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Scott's POV

"Let's get some air, Mitch." I suggest. We've been camping on this couch for days now, not getting anywhere. Mitch hasn't been outside in about a week and I notice it in his behavior. He's been a bit cranky lately.

''But it's so hard to get up.'' Mitch says, pouting up at me.

I put my hands under his thighs and back, and carefully pick him up. ''Better?'' I ask, while giving him a little kiss on his nose.

I walk out of the house into the summer sun. It's june by now, the year is almost over. We both have been following online classes, both of us passing the year. It's my last year so I'm graduating, which is a good thing cause it means I have a lot of time for the baby and the pack.

"So have you thought of a name?" I ask Mitch. I personally have been thinking of some names. I hope Mitch has too and that our taste is not that different.

"Yeah, I have. I have a few girls names that I like and a boys name." He says, smiling at me. I've always loved his dimples, they are so cute. I hope that our child will have them too, kids with dimples are the cutest. "How about you?" He asks.

"Yeah, me too." I say, smiling down at him. I've actually thought about it a lot. I can't stop thinking about our child. ''I don't know how or why, but every  time I think about our child I picture a girl. She has brown hair and brown eyes, with dimples in her cheeks.''

Mitch laughs softly. ''You're just describing a female version of me.'' He says with amusement in his voice.

''I might.'' I laugh too. ''I would love to have a small girl running around that looks like you.'' I say, stopping at a small clearing with a little waterfall. I carefully sit down and put Mitch in between legs. ''I was thinking about Skylar for a girl. Gabriel or Gabe for a boy.'' I say. I hope Mitch doesn't find them horrible names.

''I really like Gabriel, we should do that if it's a boy. I personally thought of Tyler, but I think I like Gabriel better.'' Mitch says, looking out over the water to the waterfalls. ''I like Cara for a girl. Not because of the model, I've always liked that name.''

I think about it the name. Cara. I like it. ''I like Cara. What about Cara for a girl and Gabriel for a boy. We'll pick Skylar and Tyler as middle names if you want.''

''I would like that.'' Mitch says, happily glancing at the waterfall.

It's quiet for a while, none of us saying anything. It's not an awkward silence, the water splashing giving a feeling of peace.

It's stays like that for a while before it's interrupted by a scream by Mitch.

I immediately look around me, maybe he saw a wild animal? A rogue? A vampire? I can't hear or see anything though.

Mitch is breathing heavily, looking down at his stomach. ''It hurts, Scotty.'' He says, looking up at me. His forehead is all sweaty.

He's going into labour or something is wrong. I go back to the packhouse as fast as I can, trying not to shake him too much. I can't believe it's happening now, he's having the baby now. Exactly when we're out of the house and not around Kevin. This baby has the worst timing it can possibly have.

''It's okay baby, I'm bringing you to Kevin. You're going to be okay.'' I try to calm him down a bit. He keeps moaning and groaning, so I know he is in pain.

Luckily, we didn't go far and we're almost there. I quickly mindlink Kevin to get everything ready and that Mitch is probably going into labour. I try to keep calm, but it's hard. Mitch is in pain and the baby is coming now.

I keep looking down at Mitch to see if he's okay and at my feet to check that I don't trip.

We finally arrive at the packhouse, Kirstie already waiting for us outside. I rush inside to Kevin's doctor's office. We can't bring Mitch to a real hospital, because of obvious reasons. Kevin promised he's done c sections before on woman and it won't be different with a man. I can only hope that he is telling the truth and that he knows what he's doing.

I lay him down on the operation table. Kevin immediately start to talk to Mitch asking him what he feels and what he's experiencing. ''He's definitely going into labour, the baby wants out. And fast.'' He says, before getting what I assume are supplies to cut him open. He looks at me. ''I need to be alone in the room to concentrate, I can't have distractions.''

''Are you serious? I'm not going anywhere. I'll sit here in the corner, I'll be quiet.'' I don't want to leave Mitch, but I need to let Kevin do his job.

He sighs. ''Okay then, but don't distract me, that can be the death of Mitch.'' He says strictly, before starting to put on plastic gloves. 

He starts working, he anesthetizes Mitch so he doesn't feel anything. I watch Kevin, but not exactly what he's doing, I can't look how he cuts Mitch open.

Minutes go by in complete silence, Kevin working on Mitch. I keep praying to the moon goddess to please let anything go smoothly. Please let our baby be healthy. Please let Mitch not be in too much pain now or afterwards. My heart is beating so fast and there's nothing I can do. It's the helplessness that's getting me now. I wish I was a doctor and that I could just make this as fast and painless as I can for Mitch. I know Kevin is doing this for me though.

''Shit!'' Kevin suddenly curses, getting me out of my thoughts. ''Get Alyssa! Now!'' Kevin shouts at me. I run out of the room without asking questions. There's no other doctor in our pack, it's just Kevin. I do know that Alyssa sometimes helps Kevin with certain patients so she knows more than anybody.

I grab Alyssa from her desk, dragging her with me. She doesn't ask questions so I think she knows what's going on.

Kevin immediately starts saying instructions to Alyssa. I look a little closer to Mitch to see there's a whole lot of blood. Is there supposed to be this much blood?

''I'll bring their head to you and you have to free the neck from the navel cord.'' Kevin says to Alyssa. The navel cord is around the neck? That's not good at all.

Kevin puts his hands in Mitch, doing something. This is not how I wanted this to happen. It's supposed to be easier than this.

''Shit!'' Kevin curses again. ''I can't.. SHIT!'' He shouts, startling me. Kevin never curses, something is going horribly wrong. My heart drops while I get up. Is something wrong with the baby?

He looks at me, dread in his eyes. ''The baby is laying the wrong way, the head is on the other side and the navel cord is around her neck. She's going to suffocate if we don't something fast.'' He says, still looking at me. I open my mouth to tell him to do something then when he starts to talk again. ''The only thing that is going to save the baby is cutting Mitch further open. Mitch has already lost a lot of blood though. He won't survive if we cut him further open.'' The horrible words Kevin just said sink into my brain. I step back, away from him. ''You need to choose.''

I feel the tears streaming over my face. I can't stand on my legs anymore. Someone is going to die. One of my babies. No. I can't handle this. I can't choose between them.

''If you don't choose now, they're both going to die, Scott!'' Kevin's voice says. He sounds far away. My ears are ringing. I need to choose. ''Mitch or the baby.'' I crash to the ground. This is too much to handle.

Sorry guys, but this is the end.

There is an epilogue, don't worry. I'll try update it asap (probably in a few hours)

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