28~ Who would have thought?

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Scott's POV

The two vampires lead me further into the forest. I feel bad for leaving Mitch behind but I can't really do much. I just follow them like an obedient puppy.

After about 15 more minutes of walking we arrive at some sort of cabin. It's small and cute and looks cozy. Not something I expected vampires to live in. But what do I know of vampires? Exactly, about nothing. Like, I thought vampires couldn't walk out in the sun like this. The sun isn't shining but it's still out. It's 2 pm or something.

I shift back, put on some clothes and we go inside the building, one vampire in front of me and the other behind me. They aren't really holding a knife to my throat or something but I know that I can't run away from them. I am about as vampires but they have a way better stamina.

''Phil,'' the brown haired one says. The blue eyed one turns around. ''Go get Marzia.'' The blue eyed one goes to some room to get the person named Jenna. Is she another vampire?

The blue eyed vampire, whose name is Phile apperently, comes back with a brunette girl.

''Is that him?'' The girl asks. Both guys nod. ''Can he bring him back?'' She asks, sounding hopeful. Who they want back?

''I don't know Marzia.'' The brown haired one says. All three of them are staring at me all seeming to be lost in their thoughts.

''We need your help.'' The brown haired one eventually breaks the silence by talking to me. Uhm okay?

''With what?'' I don't want to help vampires but I need to keep them friends until I can get help. I'm a bit wary to contact my pack, there could be more and I don't want to lead them to a trap or something.

''Our leader has been taken by rogues.'' Phil blurts out. He immediately slaps his hands in front of his mouth.

''Phil!'' Marzia and brown hair boy shout. Their leader has been taken? What does that have to do with me? It does mean that they are probably weaker than normal. What is a species without a leader?

''Yes, our leader is taken by rogues and we want your help to get to these rogues and help free him.'' Brown hair boy says. He seems to be doing most of the talking in the group.

''And why would I help you?'' I ask, raising a challanging eyebrow.

''Because you want to get revenge on those rogues.'' He says before continuing, ''Besides, I know where your boy lives and you've seen how we kill.'' He comes closer to my face. ''Silent and quick. You don't notice we're there until we are already gone.'' He smiles a sadistic smile. ''You don't really have a choice if you want your boy toy to survive.''

What harm can it do to help? Rogues are no issue for my pack and I don't want to lose Mitch. ''I'll help as long as my mate or my pack is not hurt.'' I say.

''We won't hurt your boy. Your pack probably has to help defeat these rogues so I can't promise that they'll be unharmed.'' He extends his hands. ''Deal?''

I grab his hand, pulling him to me. He knows how to stand his ground though and barely moves. ''No hair on his body.'' I say, looking him in the eye.

''Not a single hair.'' He agrees. ''Call me Dan.'' He says before walking away. This Dan guy doesn't sound trustworthy at all. But what would be in it for them to betray me? They need my help, not the other way around.

Phill and Marzia follow Dan out of the room so I follow him too. ''So what now?'' I ask Dan. Does he have a location of where their leader is?

''We make a plan to retrieve our leader.'' Dan says. ''We have no idea where he is and our sense of smell isn't that good. That's where you and your pack come in. You should be able to find him right?''

''Do you have something that belongs to the rogues, that has their smell on it? Vampires don't have a scent so we need something from the rogues to actually be able to trace your leader.'' I say, thinking out loud. It would be no use to try to follow the scent of the vampire, that's near impossible.

Phil comes into the room with a piece of what once was a tshirt. ''One of them ripped this off our leader. It probably still has the rogue's scent on it.'' He explains.

''Give it to me.'' I hold out my hand. If it's strong enough for my trackers to trace I should be able to track it too.

Phil gives me the piece of clothing. I take a deep breath through my nose, my nose close to the piece of clothing. ''Ew.'' I say when the disgusting scent basically hits me in the face. This is definitely strong enough. ''I can smell them.'' I take the tshirt away from my nose again, I don't want to have to smell that longer than necessary. ''We'll be able to work with this. We want to exterminate the rogues so when you're leader is freed you will help, yes?'' I think it's the least they can do, I'm putting part of my pack in danger for them.

''Yes we will. We want those guys dead too, especially after they took our leader.'' We all shake hands, agreeing with each other. I'm actually working together with vampires, who would have thought? ''I'll go talk to my pack now and meet you guys back here tomorrow?'' They all nod.

''See you tomorrow.'' Dan says, walking me out the door. They just want their leader back they aren't all that bad. I hope.

''Ýes, goodbye.'' I walk out the door, shifting in my wolf again. Just now I think about what I did. I shifted in front of Mitch and his entire hunters family. I need to make this right somehow. Should I try to cover up? I don't think I can lie to Mitch about this. His family though, it's important that they won't figure it out. But I have to tell Mitch first, properly tell him.

I diall his number, waiting for him to pick up. He picks up after the third ring. ''Hello?'' His voice sounds a bit shaky. Is he scared?

''Hey Mitch, it's Scott.'' I hear him sigh in relief. What did he expect? A growl? ''We need to talk.'' I need to tell him everything.

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