45~ That is not possible

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Scott's POV

The next weeks pass quickly. 8 weeks are over without me even noticing. At the beginning Mitch only wore scarfs and high collar sweaters. He didn't know what to tell his parents or friends when people asked about the bite. I honestly hadn't thought about that too. I want him to show it everywhere, to show everyone that he belongs to me, but I understand that it's a bit awkward around family and friends. Now he just uses make up to cover it up.

My phone rings, I've learned now to not ignore it. It could be Mitch.

"Hello?" I say in the device. I look at the time to see it's 7am. I always drive by Mitch's house every morning at 8.

"Scotty." I hear sniffing on the other side of the line.

"Are you okay?" I immediately ask, sitting upwards and walking towards my car. My boy is crying I need to make sure he's okay.

"No." He says, now full on crying , trying to take deep breaths.

"What's going on? Did someone hurt you?" I can feel my wolf trying to get out to hurt that someone back. He will not tolerate anyone messing with our mate.

"No, nobody hurt me." He says. The sniffling doesn't stop though.

"What happened then?" It brings me a bit at ease to know that nobody hurt him.

"I tried to put on my jeans, but they don't fit and-" he can't finish his sentence because he's crying so much.

I don't know what to say. Is this what he is so upset about? Why? I mean sure, he has been eating a bit more than usual for the past couple weeks so he must have gained some pounds, but that isn't that bad right? "Honey, it's okay. You'll always be perfect to me." I try to comfort him to my best abilities.

"No, you don't understand!" He says, crying loudly. I get in my car, driving to his house. "I'm so fat!" He says loudly, his sobs sounding through the phone.

"No baby, you're not fat at all! You're my perfect little baby and even if you weighed a 1000 pounds I would still love you just as much." He's not even close to fat and I honestly don't care about his weight. We're mates he'll always be perfect to me.

"Can you just come over?" He says, his sniffling now gone to a minimum. My words seem to have worked. I'm happy I have a calming effect on him, I don't like to hear him degrading himself.

"I'm already on my way, baby. Just wait 5 more minutes." I say, speeding up so I can be there in 5 minutes.

"Okay." Mitch says, his breathing a lot calmer. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. You're perfect, don't forget that." I say, still trying to sooth him.

Luckily I arrive at his house soon enough. I park my car near the door before getting out. Should I ring the bell?

The door opens just at the moment I want to ring the bell. Mitch comes running at me, jumping up the last moment. I'm just in time to catch him. I do notice his extra bit of weight but it's really no problem. He's perfect either way. 

"Hi baby, how are you?" I ask him. I see he put on sweat pants. Does he really not fit in his jeans anymore?

"I feel fat." He says, his eyes tearing up as he looks at me.

"No baby, you're not fat. You're my perfect little boy." I grab his legs. There is literally no fat there, it seems like it's collecting at his stomach. Weird. Maybe I should go see Kevin for this.

"Let's go." I say, carrying him on my hip to my car. You always see starved kids in Africa being all skinny but they do have big stomachs because they don't get enough proteins. "Have you been eating enough proteins lately?" I ask Mitch to be sure.

"Yeah, why?" He asks, looking at me, his eyes red and puffy. His eyelashes are wet from his tears, making me notice how long they actually are.

He is really emotional right now and I feel like if I say he has a big stomach he might cry again. But what am I supposed to do? I want to take him to Kevin to examine him. "Baby, please stay calm and don't be upset." I say, looking in his eyes. "I think something is going on with your stomach."

His eyes still tear up and he buries his face in my neck. "You do think I'm fat." He says in a small voice.

"No baby, it's like your stomach is just getting bigger, your legs and arms are still really skinny. And it's also not like your stomach is fat. More like, round." I say, thinking of why this would be. "Maybe your stomach is collecting fluids for some reason. I think it's a good idea if we pay Kevin a visit."

Mitch looks up at me again, his big brown eyes still wet with tears. "Okay." He kisses my cheek before giggling cutely, Rubbing his cheek against my cheek. "You're so scruffy." He says, smiling brightly.

I just look at him dumbfounded. I will never understand this boy. How he can go from crying to giggling in a mili second is beyond me.

10 minutes later we arrive at the packhouse. I know Kevin usually gets up around this time so he will probably not have much clients. Wolves don't get sick much anyway. 

''Kevin.'' I say when I walk in his office, closing the door behind me. I don't want any of the other pack members snooping. ''Do you have time?'' This is reminding me of the morning after the mating and he said- Oh no. No, that isn't possible. I can feel my heart drop. No, there's no way in hell that is a possibility. 

''Yes, of course.'' Kevin says, turning away from the computer screen he was looking at. 

''Can you take a look at Mitch's stomach? We think something might be wrong.'' We've had sex a couple times after our first time and all without a condom because we didn't believe in the dumb shit Kevin was saying. 

''Yes sure.'' He says, patting the bed for Mitch to lay down in. I give him a hand, helping him lay down on the bed. 

Kevin rides up Mitch's shirt, making my wolf growl but I tell him to shut up, because Kevin is just doing this for us and he is our best friend after Kirstie. ''It's a bit bigger.'' No shit. I keep my thoughts to myself though, not wanting to disturb Kevin. ''The navel is protruding. Interesting.'' He says, taking a good look at Mitch's stomach. ''The stomach is round, the navel is protruding.'' 

''What does that mean?'' I ask him, grabbing hold of Mitch's hand. 

''We need to do an ultrasound.'' He says, already turning around and putting gloves on. 

Wait, what? ''An ultrasound? Why? He can't be pregnant! He's a boy! I don't believe your dumbass stories.'' I say, squeezing Mitch's hand. 

''Kidney stones, Scott.'' Kevin says calmly. ''You need an ultrasound to see them.'' 

Oh. ''Okay.'' I don't really know what to say. 

Kevin walks over to Mitch. ''This is going to be very cold at first.'' He says before putting some sort of gel on Mitch's stomach. He then puts some device on the gel, moving it around and looking at the screen behind him. To me it's just grey. 

He keeps moving the device around on Mitch's stomach, looking intently at the screen for a few minutes. ''Fascinating.'' He says after a while. 

''What is it, Kevin?'' I ask, loosing my patience. If he actually has some disease Kevin wouldn't find it fascinating, right? 

''See that grey thing there?'' He says pointing at something at the screen. I do see something that looks a bit difference from the rest. ''I'm pretty sure that's a baby.'' He says. 

''Pretty sure?'' I'm still sure this is a joke, Kevin just wants it to be a child so he imagines things. 

''About 99% sure.'' He says. No. It can't be. ''I've seen about 100 ultrasounds in my life, Scott. I know what a 2 months baby looks like.'' 

''It can't be. He can't be pregnant.'' But I'm looking right at the evidence. It does look like a baby. 

''He is. Mitch is pregnant.'' Somehow my wolf likes it. He likes that he made our mate pregnant.  

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