36~ Time for him to die

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I will unconditionally love the people who can tell me where the names that I used in this are from

Scott's POV

It's already 11 am and I just dropped Mitch off home. I told him to stay inside because my pack was going to attack a couple of wolves. It's part true, I just didn't want to scare him by bringing vampires in this.

I'm going to go back to the packhouse now. It's time to go pay some rogues a visit. A visit they'll regret. They'll regret ever kidnapping the vampire leader.

I park my car at the square where my pack is already collecting. I see that most of the people are there. Kevin is going too but he's staying away from the fight a bit so he can take care of the injured without being involved in the fight itself.

I also see Kirstie and Jeremy on the square talking to some warriors, probably already giving them instructions. The trackers are already on their way, following the track. They mindlink to tell us where they are going. We will find them in no time, the trackers have a real good trail already.

I see Dan, Phil and Marzia stepping on the square about the same time as me. All heads turn in their direction though, most wolves have never seen them before, they have never seen a vampire before. I hadn't seen a vampire before I met Dan, Phil and Marzia.

"Let's go follow the trackers, they are close!" I say, raising my voice so everyone on the square can hear me. All the heads turn to me and some people nod. Most follow me in the direction of the trackers.

I stay focused on the task at hand, not letting myself be distracted. This is a difficulty that we have to deal with, after this I can go home and call Mitch or something. I just need to get rid of 2 problems now, the vampires and the rogues.

We walk like this for a long while, no one of us saying anything, everyone focused on the ground before and beneath us. We are getting closer and closer to the trackers. They mindlinked us 10 minutes ago that they have found a brick building in the woods that smells like the rogues. They are hiding near that building now.

We arrive there within minutes and I crouch down next to the main tracker. ''Can smell how many there are?'' I ask him, looking at the house to try to look through the windows. I can't see anything through them though.

''I think there are around 30 of them.'' He says. 30 isn't that bad. We're with about that number too and we have the vampires on our side, I think his will be fine. I hope the rogues will see that we are stronger than them and will just give up without a fight. If they will fight there will be injured on our side too and I don't want that, let alone deaths. I just want this to go by peacefully and that the rogues will leave us alone. But I'm not stupid, we are not outnumbering the rogues by a lot and I know they won't go down without a fight, especially if their leader is who I think it is.

'On my mark, we attack.' I mindlink so everyone will hear. I don't think the rogues noticed us yet but that won't take long probably because they will get outside sometime and they will smell us then probably. I hear Kirstie whisper this to the vampires behind me.

I raise three fingers in the air, counting down to one before we attack. I told the pack in advance to make as little sound as possible. The element of surprise will only work in our advantage.

I run to the door, calling my strongest warrior to knock it down with me. We walk back a little to run forwards again, shifting in our wolf forms the last second so we use all our strength to break the door down. All my other pack members shift too, growling and signalling everyone inside that we're coming.

The house is one story and just one room. I immediately see the leader of the vampires hanging in chains from the ceiling. All rogues turn to us when we burst in the room with the 34 of us. It fits in the room without trouble because it's a big room. The rogues shift and immediately start attacking us. We fight back, snarling and biting the ones that get too close. Someone speaks up. ''STOP!'' He yells, making everyone stop fighting each other and snarling at each other. ''If everyone can just shift back we can have a normal talk.'' He says.

The rogues step out of the way to show the body that belongs to the voice.

I recognize him immediately. I've seen his blond hair and blue eyes on enough pictures. He has dark eyebrows and a scarily evil face. It's the infamous Joffrey. He's known as the most evil and cruelest rogue of them all. He takes pleasure to seeing other people suffering. He tortured and then killed most of his pack. It is said that he is the product of incest, that that is why he is the way he is.

The person next to him scares me more though, I hadn't expected him to be there. Ramsay. Ramsay was thrown out of our pack for torturing and tormenting his own brother. He even cut his brother's balls and penis off just for the fun of it. He's a couple years older than me but he was 16 when he was thrown out. I hoped he would just live among humans, not that he would join Joffrey.

''Felix!'' I hear Marzia scream, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even payed attention to him. He's hanging in the middle of the room, his upper body bare. He doesn't have any wounds but I think vampires can't bleed. He does look miserable though. His head whips up when he hears Marzia's voice.

''Let him go and we'll let you live.'' I threaten Joffrey.

He simply just laughs. ''Let us live? You'll be lucky if you're killed by us, the things I will do to you if one of my guys doesn't kill you will be much worse. You can't beat us, look at your pathetic pack. You have a tiny girl as a beta!'' He says, sounding degrading towards Kirstie.

He didn't just insult my pack, and even worse, Kirstie. I snarl, shifting back in my wolf and attacking him. Fortunately for him, multiple rogues jump in my way, protecting him from me.

He will pay for this. I will do us all a favor and kill Joffrey. He has tormented the world long enough, it's time for him to die.

I love game of thrones.

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