27~ Can you believe it?

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Mitch's POV

I can't comprehend what is happening right now. It's like I'm in on those weird dreams.

Except it is real. I pinch myself but I don't wake up. This is reality. There is really a giant wolf on the spot where Scott was 2 seconds ago. How?

The wolf is growling at one of the guys we ran into. I don't understand. Where is Scott? Did he leave? But no one can just leave like that right? And how is this wolf suddenly here?

My eyes must be betraying me. It can't be true that my Scott, my boyfriend, just turned into a giant wolf. That is simply not possible. Things like that don't exist. Right?

"Did you see that too?" I hear Travis whisper beside me.

I don't answer. I don't know what I saw and I can't explain it. My brain must have had a meltdown or something.

The wolf is now pinning the blue eyed guy on the ground, growling in his face. I fear for the guy, the wolf looks vicious and out for blood, which reminds me, I should get out of here.

"We are not here to hurt your precious boy toy, we just want to talk. If you don't listen, we'll kill your boy toy though so I recommend listening. And get off my partner." The brown haired one says before I can move a muscle. Who is he talking to? He's looking at the wolf. Is he talking to the wolf?

The wolf gets off the blue eyed guy and goes to stand in front of me. I take a step back, he hasn't tried to attack me yet but that doesn't mean he won't.

"Now you just exposed yourself in front of hunters and to your boy toy." He goes on. What is he talking about? Why does it look like he's talking to the wolf? What crazy person talks to a wolf?

The wolf looks back at me for a split second, shocking me. Those eyes. It's the blue eyed wolf I ran into too many times already. Recognition runs through me in waves. I would recognize these eyes everywhere. They are Scott's eyes.

"Come with us now and help us and nothing will happen to your boy." The blue eyed one talks for the first time.

My wolf look back at me one more time before stepping forward to the guys with his head bowed. What on earth is going on?

The guys somehow run away with inhuman speed, the wolf following them.

I keep looking at the trees where they disappeared, hoping that Scott will just step out from behind the trees saying that this was some sort sick joke. He would call me crazy for even thinking that there might be things like werewolves. That's just mental.

The longer I stare the more unlikely it is that he will come back. My eyes didn't betray me, I know what I saw. I just can't explain it.

"I'm not the only who saw that." Travis says to break the silence that had settled in the forest. "Tell me I'm not the only one." He sounds a bit panicked.

"I saw it too." Alex backs him up. "Scott was there one second and the next he's changing in a wolf. He's a werewolf." He says.

Something inside me says that I need to stop them even though I know they are probably right. "Don't be so stupid, there are no such things as werewolves. This was just some sort of trick." I try to change their mind. I don't want them to shoot Scott, or that wolf, if they are 2 separate beings. 

"You saw him change too Mitch!" Travis says, raising his voice in desperation. He's probably trying to comprehend the situation too.

"Think Travis! Werewolves don't exist! It's literally physically impossible!" I reply still trying to convince them and maybe myself too. "I'm the smart one of us all, it's not possible, believe me. It's just a really good trick."

I look at my dad, he's been awfully quiet this whole conversation. "I agree with Mitch. It's not possible, it must have been some sort of trick."

"Scott also is a hobby magician." I quickly make up. "I just didn't know he was this good. He'll probably come back later and explain us exactly how he did it." Oh I will definitely speak to him about this.

I turn around, walking in the direction of the car. I'm so done with this day. I just want Scott to come back and explain exactly what happened. Why he changed into a wolf and how he did it. I like to think it's just a trick but I literally saw how his bones moved and how he transformed in a wolf. In the wolf I saw before. The wolf who looked so intelligent and who spared me. What kind of wolf does that? A wolf that might be human too. He also has the exact same eyes as Scott does. My family doesn't know this though so I might be able to convince them.

I look back over my shoulder one more time before heading to the car.

My boyfriend is a werewolf. Can you believe it?

Sorry it's a bit short

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