16~ He's your son

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Mitch's POV

Today is saturday which means my dad and brothers are probably going to go hunting again. For some reason I don't mind being forced to join that much. It might have something to do with that blue eyed wolf. Something in me wants to see the wolf again. His eyes were just so comforting, I can use some comfort after the Scott drama.

Look at me, searching for comfort in a wolf. What the hell is wrong with me?

''Mitch, let's go. We're going to the forest. Dad thinks that we can catch the wolves from last time.'' Travis says, coming into my room without knocking. I luckily have a lock on my door if I really need it.

''Okay, I'm coming.'' I don't want my dad to shoot those wolves but I don't know how to stop them.

I go into the car, following Travis. My dad starts the car, driving to the woods. I need to come up with something to stop or distract them when they want to shoot the wolves. I don't know why I suddenly care so much, I just don't want anything to happen to the wolves, especially the blue eyed wolf.

We all step out, my dad immediately telling us to spread. I don't know if that's a good thing or not to be honest.

I immediately see tracks of what seems like to be wolves. I follow the tracks. This looks like the woods where Scott lives. Does he live near wolves?

I pay close attention to my surroundings this time, I don't want to be surprised. I keep looking around and jumping up at every sound that I hear.

Finally I hear some sounds coming from the right, taking my attention away from the left. I turn around and almost scream when the same wolf is standing in front of me. I'm not really scared though, just startled. Something about this wolves just calms me. His intelligent blue eyes look into mine. A feeling a deja vu washes over me but I don't know why. He just looks so familiar. More than the familiarness you feel when you've only seen someone once.

''You need to go.'' I say to the wolf. I know I seem crazy, talking to a wolf. His eyes are just so intelligent.

He seems to understand what I'm saying and sprints away, letting out a long howl. Alex comes sprinting out of the blue, just when the wolf has disappeared. ''Did you see the bastard?'' He says, looking around, pointing his guns at everything.

''No.'' I say relieved, Alex has probably not seen the wolf. ''I think he might have seen me though. The fuckers are hard to see.'' I say to make myself more convincing.

"Let's go after them!" Alex goes in a random direction, not even close to where the wolf ran off to. Dumbass.

I just keep waiting for someone to come get me, I'm not going to run through the forest. I don't run.

I decide to sit on a log, getting my phone out of my pocket. It's not like I have anything better to do.

I sit on my phone, scrolling through Instagram for a while when my dad finally comes and gets me. Luckily I was paying attention to my surroundings so I had just enough time to put my phone away.

"Let's go." He just mutters, not sounding happy. That must mean that they didn't have any succes. I'm happy no wolves ar dead or hurt. 

We walk to the car together, not saying a single word. I don't have anything to say to him and he doesn't have anything to say to me. All fine by me. 

We drive home, my brothers talking about some girl in school that they both find hot, me and my dad sitting completely silent. 

I immediately flee to my room when we're home. I'm glad we are. I look at my phone and see a text message from Scott. 

Scott: I'm so sorry of how I acted the other day, something personal came up. Can I make it up to you? 

Something personal? What does that even mean? Who am I to judge though. If he really didn't like me or thought the kiss was horrible, he wouldn't be messaging me right now right? This is a good sign. 

Me: Make it up how?

Will he take me on another date? Or will he just be like, I'll buy you pizza? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with pizza, I fucking love pizza but that's not really making it up or romantic. Unless it's at some cute pizza place. 

I look down when my phone dings, saying that I have a text message. 

Scott: The carnaval is here next weekend, do you want to go with me?

That is actually really cute, I love carnavals. Is this going to be a date where he is all cute and wins prices for me? 

me: I would love to!

I decide to go to sleep early because I'm tired. I have some schoolwork to catch up on tomorrow so I can't sleep all day. My sunday is usually spent sleeping, but school comes first. 

Loud voices wake me up from my sleep. I can't hear what they're saying but it's not a nice talk. The voices are screaming at each other. I get up from bed and walk to the door. Can't they be more quiet?! I look at my phone screen, it's 2 AM. Why are they screaming?

I recognise my mom's and dad's voice when I near the door. Why are they up? 

''He doesn't belong here, Nel.'' I hear my dad's voice. My heart beats loudly in my chest. Is he talking about me? 

Of course he is, who else? His precious soccer playing sons? ''How can you say that?!'' Mom's loud voice sounds. 

''Can't you see it?! He doesn't belong in this family!'' My dad's voice gets louder too. 

''He's your son!'' Mom screams. 

It turns dead silent when my dad doesn't say anything for a while. They just stare at each other. My mom looks at my dad desparately, waiting for him to say something. ''That boy is not my son.'' With that he walks away, leaving my mom behind. 

I get back in my room, shutting the door behind me. I can't describe what I'm feeling. My own father rejected me, he just said that I'm not his son. He doesn't see me as a son anymore. Just because I'm gay. I can't see him as my father anymore then. He is not my father if he rejects me just because I'm gay. 

I need to get out of here. Where can I go though? I debate on calling Amanda or Todrick but something in me wants more than just the comfort of my best friends. 

I call Scott. 

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