33~ Behind the bars

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Scott's POV

I arrive at my house, just taking my shirt and shorts off, leaving me in just underwear. I will not be needing clothes for this night. I head off to the dungeons, almost at the other side of our pack grounds. We didn't want the dungeons too far away from the houses but also not too close.

I look at the building, it's not really a dungeon we just call it that. It's a concrete building without windows. It looks a bit like a prison, the difference is that for a werewolf this is worse than a prison. The inside walls are completely made of silver. Silver significantly weakens a wolf to the point where it drains all the energy from a wolf's body. It's better to go in as a human because silver effects you more as a wolf than as human.

I've been denying it for a while but I'm doubting chains are going to actually help me to stay away from Mitch. It might help with other wolves but mine is an alpha. An alpha that wants to get to his mate. There is not much that can actually stop a wolf like that. I really don't go inside the building though, let alone stay the night there. Most wolves pass out but I know I won't, my senses will be too awake.

Is not staying the night there an option though? What if I do break the chains and run to Mitch's house and try to mate him, or even worse succeed? That would be horrible, I would practically rape him. With wolves, both parties are effected by the moon so there's no denying the mating with full moon. Unfortunately it's really uncommon for a wolf and a human to be mates and I don't know anyone who is.

It's getting dark now and I can already feel my wolf fighting to get out. I need to make a decision and fast. I should have told Mitch to get far away from me, to go to another state for the weekend or something. I know that he is just there, sitting at his house, waiting for me to get there and just grab him and- I mentally kick my wolf. He needs to stop influencing my thoughts.

I go inside the building, choosing for Mitch to be safe. I can't take any risks with him.

The air immediately turns heavy and I can't really walk normally anymore. Every step costs so much effort that I'm already debating turning around and just go to my mate.

I keep walking though, Mitch's well being in more important than my wolf's need at the moment. I need to be strong and not let my wolf out. If I just stay for long enough in this hellhole and let it weaken me, I won't be able to shift.

I go inside a cell, closing the door with bars behind me. It clicks shut. Shit. I can't open it from the outside, unless I have a key, what I don't have. Guess I'll just have to wait for someone to come rescue me tomorrow.

I lay down on the cold ground, staying away from the silver as much as possible. My wolf tries to break free, he tries to shift but he can't. We're too weak. He lets out a soft howl, hoping for his mate to come safe him.

Mitch's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night, I'm not sure why. I just feel like I have to be somewhere. I go downstairs and put on my shoes. The whole house is still sleeping, what am I doing? I questions myself. I don't understand.

I walk out of the house to my car. There is something in my mind telling me to go to this place, but it doesn't sound like my voice. I don't know what is happening.

I start my car and drive in a direction I know all too well, Scott's house. I drive past it though, driving further into his little village. I end up at the other side of the village at a little building.

I have stopped asking myself questions at this point and just go with what my intuition is telling me. I need to go inside that little building.

I hear a soft whimpering and decide to go there. Someone might be in danger.

I come closer and closer to the sound, noticing now that I'm in some sort of dark prison. Cells with thick bars are on both sides of me. No one is there though, except the person or... thing that's making that noise.

I finally see someone lying on the ground in one of the cells. I can't really see much because of the darkness. I look closer at the body whimpering on the ground. I notice the blond hair and the build of the body. It looks a lot like Scott, but that can't be Scott right? Why would Scott be in this cell in his own pack? He said he was the alpha, his pack wouldn't throw him in a cell right?

''Hello?'' I whisper, not wanting to startle the person.

The person turns around, blue eyes, almost too blue, staring at me. It is Scott. The eyes are his wolf's though. ''Scott?''

He has stopped whimpering and stands up. It seems to be a lot of effort for him to even move. He slowly moves closer to the bars and I do the same. Did he call out for me unconsciously or something? Is that why I am here in the middle of the night? It doesn't explain why he is in a cell though.

His eyes switch back to their normal blue color for a second. ''Don't get in here!'' He warns me, his voice sounding weak.

His wolf eyes take over again though and he grabs me by the shoulders pulling me against the bars. He puts his arms around me, pressing his body against mine, as far as the bars between us allow. He is hot. I mean in temperature. He's also hot not in temperature, but he is abnormally hot, his body heat makes me sweat.

He pulls my head against the bars, turning it in an uncomfortable way so that my neck is in the space between the bars. He puts his nose in my neck, his whole face doesn't fit through the bars. He sniffs my neck, breathing heavily.

What is he doing? I try to pull away but his arms stop me and he lets out a low growl. What is up with him?

''Mitch.'' He says in a low and sexy voice, sending shivers down my spine. His voice is a bit hoarse like he's been screaming.

''What's going on Scott?'' I ask, my voice sounding breathless, even I can hear it.

He looks up with his way too bright blue eyes, it's like they're looking right through me. ''I want you.'' He growls out.

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