8 ~ Mitch is perfect of course

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Scott's POV

God damn it Kirstie! I was just holding my boy in my arms when she just has to interrupt. I know that we only met like today and all, but I can feel the mate bond, it pulls me towards him. Everything about him just pulls me in, not just his appearance, but also his shy looks that he sometimes gives me and his nice personality.

"What is it?" I ask her not all too nicely. This is rude of her, what would Mitch think of her? She is my best friend and her opinion matters to me but she's being ridiculous right now.

"What is wrong with you?" She immediately says.

"I should ask you the same question. I expect you to be nice to all our guests, especially your alpha's mate." I hate to go alpha on her but she's out of line. I immediately accepted Jeremy, her mate, without questions or suspicions. 

"You bring a hunter in our packhouse! What if one of the children slip up? You can't out us to hunters! That is extremely irresponsible of you!" I mindlinked all of my pack that they were not to shift until I say so and also not to speak of werewolves because I'm bringing a human home.

"You know I don't have to explain myself to you but I will because you're not just my beta, but also my best friend." I give her a warning glare. I'm being extremely nice. My wolf is urging me to put her in her place, he doesn't like to be disrespected. "I know that he is a hunter and I know I'm taking a risk with this but it just feels right. When I'm with him, everything feels right. Yes, I know it's early and I'm still trying to find out about what is going on with him and hunters because honestly, he doesn't seem like a hunter to me."

Kirstie lets out a sigh. "I know Scott. I know how it feels to finally meet your mate. I'm just a bit wary, I'm sorry."

I give her a quick hug. "I know, it's okay. Just try to give him a chance? And maybe be a bit nicer to him?" I let her go.

"I will try." She gives me a small smile before turning around and walking away.

I walk to my room, opening the door.

Mitch is standing with his back to me, something in his hands. He jumps when I open the door, quickly putting the object back on my desk. I see now that it is a picture frame, I actually have more of those on my desk.

He turns red and mutters a quiet, "sorry." He steps away from the desk.

"It's okay, you can look. It's not really private or anything." I say. It sounds weird but I kind of glad he was snooping, it shows that he in curious to know more about me.

He looks at a picture on my desk. "Are those your parents?" I walk to him, looking at the frame in his hands.

"Yes." The picture was taken 2 years ago when my dad hadn't retired as alpha yet. My mother was beta at the time. It's rare to have a married couple as beta and alpha. My mom retired as beta at the same time as my dad. Kirstie and I became alpha and beta at the same time, which was hard at first, because we were both new. In the end it has made our bond stronger.

"Where do they live?" He asks, looking up from the picture.

"Down the street actually." They are still in my pack so they live in the pack village.

"Fun." Mitch says sarcastically making a face. What is that about?

"Actually yes. I like having them close." I say, while studying his face. Doesn't he like his family?

"What about you? Do you live with your parents?" I ask curiously, I want to know more about him and his family.

"Yep." He says, popping the p. He doesn't seem particularly happy with that either.

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