3 ~ My blue eyed wolf

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Mitch's POV

I'm still shook by what just happened. A wolf just jumped me and then ran away like he'd seen a ghost.

What do I do now? I have seen a wolf but should I tell my dad that? He'll just want to hurt the wolf. I really don't want this wolf hurt. His eyes were just so beautiful and smart. Just thinking of this wolf hurt, hurts me.

What are you thinking about Mitch? It's a freaking wolf. Not a human being!

I hear a gunshot going off, startling me. Directly followed after the gunshot is a loud yelp. I know exactly what happened. My dad or one of my brothers shot a wolf. I hope it's not dead. I certainly hope it's not my blue eyed wolf.

I start running in the direction the sound came from. Maybe I can still stop them from killing the wolf if I get there on time.

It takes some time but I finally arrive at the place where my dad and brothers are. My legs are hurting, I'm not made for running or walking long distance.

They are all standing with their backs to each other, guns out. They are surrounded by wolves. There are about 8 wolves surrounding them and one is laying on the ground, being protected by two wolves. The wolves are growling aggressively.

No one has noticed me yet, not the wolves and also not my family. I like to keep it that way, so I quickly hide behind a tree. My breathing is heavy even though I try to be quiet. What do I do?! It's obvious that my dad and brothers screwed up and now they probably expect me to save them. But how? I can't beat 8 wolves on my own! I'm breathing heavenly, I hate this situation.

I look around the tree to see if anything has changed. They are still standing back to back, but my father is standing with his gun in the air, looking like he is about to shoot.

The loud noise of the shot still startles me and I have to put my hand over my mouth to keep from actually making a sound. He only shot in the sky though so no more injured among the wolves.

The weird thing is though that the wolves don't run or even move. It's like they knew it was just a warning shot. Some flinched a little but that's it. Shouldn't they be scared of that sound and run away or something? I don't know, maybe they are really loyal to their pack thing and don't want to leave the injured wolf.

What should I do? Should I speak up? Tell my dad and brothers to put their guns down? Would the wolves go away then? Maybe they will still see them and me as a threat, that might be too big of a risk.

But what other options do I have? Just leave and abandon my father and brothers? I might not like them but that is really harsh and I don't want them to die.

Think, Mitch! I need to come up with some sort of distraction so we can just run or something. But can you outrun 8 massive wolves? I doubt it. They are outnumbering us and they are probably a lot stronger and faster too.

I'm also quite sure that my dad won't leave without what he came for, what in this case is a dead wolf. I don't think he will just walk away. So these wolves need to walk away. But how do I do that?

The wolves are starting to close in my father and brothers. I need to think of something and fast.

The car! Maybe I can drive here. But how will they get in the car? I take a deep breath, think Mitch. What if I just drive till I arrive at my dad and brother? The wolves can't stop the car right? It's a big car.. Oh well, it's not like I have a better idea and the car is actually near.

I quietly but quickly run away in the direction of the car.

Twigs are cracking under my feet but I just hope that no one hears it.

I risk a look behind me, I immediately regret it when I see a wolf chasing me. the car is in front of me too though so maybe if I am fast, I can make it.

I try to speed up but it's useless. The wolf is approaching faster than the car. The wolf jumps in front of me, blocking the way to the car. It's the same wolf from earlier, the one with the beautiful blue eyes.

I swear I see his eyes widen a bit when he sees me. He looks behind me though, his eyes seem far away.

"Yes! Get away from here, you filthy dogs!" I hear Alex scream. I quickly spin around, not paying attention to the wolf. I see all the wolves walking away from my family, the wounded wolf being carried by a big dark brown wolf.

I furrow my brows. Why are they walking away? They were able to kill my dad and brothers with ease. Why show mercy?

I turn around again, thinking of the wolf that I turned my back on. Not a good idea if you ask me.

The only thing I'm greeted with is an empty path to my car. The wolf is no where to be seen.


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