10~ The perfect dresses

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Scott POV

I grab Mitch's hand and lead him through the cafeteria. He doesn't fight anymore, letting me lead him. I just want him to be well fed and not starving.

"What do you want?" I ask when we're in front of the food. Our school actually has good food. The pizza is fine and the pasta is good.

He looks at the food displayed in front of us. "I'll just go with a salad." He says, not sounding so sure.

I look at him skeptically. A salad. Is he serious? "Are you serious?" Who eats salads? Maybe it's because I'm a wolf, I absolutely despise vegetables. I would choose meat over salads and vegetables any time.

"Yes?" He says it more like a question. "It's the cheapest." He says so quietly that a human probably wouldn't by able to hear it. Luckily I'm no human, werewolf hearing comes in handy at some moments.

"Money is really no problem, we're talking about 3 dollars here. I really don't mind and you don't have to pay me back." I smile what I hope is reassuringly at him.

"Can I get the pasta then? It looks really good." He says shyly. God he's so cute, I just want to pinch his cheeks.

"Sure." I turn to the lady behind the counter with the food, "can I get a pasta and a pizza please?" I ask her.

She grabs the food, handing it to me with a handkerchief. "8 dollar please." She says in a bored voice. I hand her the cash telling her to keep the change. I give Mitch his pasta and start my pizza myself. I love pizza, it's the best thing in the world.

We walk back to the table with Mitch's friends. Kirstie tried to mindlink me to ask me where I am, I told her I am with Mitch and that it's better if she stays back.

They are talking about something, not noticing us yet. I focus on what they are saying. "I think they will be cute together." The girl, I think her name is Amanda, says. I already like her.

"I don't know, the guy is kind of creepy. He seems so clingy." The guy, Todrick says. What does he mean with clingy? I just grabbed his hand one time. "I don't want his heart broken by some guy." He says, his getting sad.

"Aw, Toddy. Just because someone hurt you doesn't mean that all guys are assholes. You're going to find someone who treats you good." Amanda comforts him. I kinda feel bad for Todrick now. He's probably just worried about his friend.

We arrive at the table at that moment. Amanda and Todrick look at us expectantly, as if trying to figure out if we heard anything. "Hey guys." Mitch says.

"Hey, what did you guys get?" Amanda asks. She eyes the food in our hands.

"Pizza and pasta." I answered before Mitch has a chance to. We sit down at the table.Mitch and I both immediately start eating our food. I am hungry and I can tell Mitch is hungry too. We both practically devour our food. The difference between me and Mitch is that I always do that and Mitch not. I eat like a pig, I am not ashamed to admit that.

The rest of lunch goes by with just the 4 of us having casual conversation. I really like Amanda she's very funny. Todrick seems nice too but he's a bit more reserved.

It's time to go back to class. We split up, Mitch, Amanda and Todrick going towards the music building and me going to the theatre.

I pay close attention in class, taking notes. I've missed the last few classes cause I was only thinking about Mitch. I need to focus on school now. Mitch is just so distracting. And now I'm doing it again, thinking of Mitch.

Finally two hours later class is over and I'm incredibly relieved. I'm going to work on the project with Mitch again. I just like spending time with him so much.

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