22~ Patrick star plushie

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Mitch's POV

I wake up with a bad headache. Why did I drink so much?! I thought I was going to take it slow with the drinking.

I shut my eyes again immediately, grabbing around for my phone blindly. Where is it? It's usually right next to my pillow.

My hand falls onto something warm. What?

I quickly open my eyes. I look right into Scott's eyes.

My eyes widen. Oh my god. Yesterday. I embarrassed myself so badly in front of Scott. I practically threw myself at him! I can't remember very clearly but I only bits and pieces. The bits and pieces I can remember are bad though. I was so clingy.

"I am so sorry about yesterday." I immediately apologize to Scott. I can't believe I actually called him last night! Why on earth would I do that? Since when am I so stupid?

"Don't be sorry, these things happen. It's fine. I rather have you call me instead of going to some strangers house." What? What is he talking about? I am not some sort of slut that has one night stands every night.

Oh wait. I remember our phone conversation. I said I didn't want to kiss other boys. Maybe that's why he says that. "Yeah... sorry about that too."

"It's okay. At least I know now to not let you get drunk again." He laughs loudly. Was I that embarrassing? I'm happy he's laughing though so I crack a smile too.

"Let's go eat breakfast." Scott says. "I'll also get you some Advil." He goes out of the room to the bathroom. I use that time to change into one of Scott's shirts. He won't mind right? I just need some clean clothes right now.

We go down the stairs to the living room. I expect it to be empty but there are a whole lot of people there, sitting, talking and eating. All the noise stops when I walk in. This is awkward.

Luckily Scott saves the awkwardness. ''Guys, this is Mitch.'' He casually puts his arm around my shoulder.

A dark skinned, buff guy jumps up, walking towards me. His smile is one of the friendliest smiles I've ever seen and I can't help but smile back at him. ''Hi Mitch! I'm Kevin and this is my family.'' He gestures to the people at the table. ''That is my m- wife, Alyssa.'' He points at a beautiful lady. ''And those are my kids, Sam,'' He points at a little girl with cute dimples, ''and Taylor.'' She is sitting in Alyssa's lap. They are literally the cutest.

''Hi everyone.'' I say, waving shyly at them.

I notice Kirstie and another guy sitting at the table. ''I'm Jeremy. Kirstie's Boyfriend.'' The guy next to Kirstie says. He also looks very nice.

What kind of house is this? There's people from college living here but then also a whole family? This whole village thing where Scott lives is kind of weird.

Scott and I sit down at the end of the table, next to each other. ''Get anything you want.'' He says, gesturing at the food on the table. There's pancakes and waffles and scrambled eggs. I get some of all.

Everyone starts talking to each other again while I eat in silence. I am a bit hungover and not really in the mood to talk much. Luckily Scott seems to understand and leads the conversation away from me. I just need some time to
wake up.

I finish my food and Scott and I excuse ourselves from the table.

I look at the clock to see it's already noon. When did I wake up? My parents! Did they call? What happened to my phone?

I quickly look around Scott's room. No sight of my phone. Where is it? "Where is my phone?" I ask Scott. He closes the door behind him.

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