4 ~ He's a hunter

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So I chose the cover by Kirstin_fanacc it's so amazing😍 big thank you to the other people who took the time and effort to make a cover, I really appreciate it.

Scott's POV

The moment I hear the shot go off, I run towards it. I keep the omegas close while still running fast. I need to be there for my pack, especially if it's under attack.

The moment I see what's going on I sprint forwards, telling the omegas to hide behind a tree through mindlink. They quickly do so without questioning.

I force my paws to go faster. I have to be on time, what kind of alpha would I be if I let a member of my pack die?

I finally see some movement in the distance.

When I come closer I recognize one of my pack warriors Caleb on the ground with a bullet wound in his leg. Thank god he's not dead. The second thing I notice are the three men who stand in front of him with their guns pointed at him. I'm just in time.

I let out a loud growl to signal that they have to kindly fuck off. If they leave now, I might let them leave unharmed.

"I can just shoot you, you stupid wolf." The oldest one says. I let out a loud growl again. I hear some of my pack mates growling too. They won't shoot us if we are outnumbering them. More wolves are joining me now.

'Trap them! Go stand around them in a circle!' I say to them through mindlink.

'Kevin!' He is our packdoctor and I need him to come here. I know he didn't come hunting though so he's probably still in our pack village. It's not that far away from here if you run.

'Yes alpha?' He replies almost directly. I expect my pack members to always reply so this is a good thing.

'Come immediately, Caleb is badly hurt.' I order, leaving no room for any argument. I need Caleb to be okay. I can't really see him now, cause I have my back to him so I don't know how bad it is. A bullet wound is never good though.

'Yes I'm on my way.' I hear Kevin say before I focus on the hunters again. They look a bit more desperate now because they probably know that their chances of winning are small.

I start stepping closer to them while growling. The other wolves in my pack do the same so that we are now closing them in.

The oldest man puts his gun in the sky. I just have enough time to warn my wolves that it is a warning shot. I think they know, but it never hurts to warn them anyway.

The man shoots in the air, I don't even flinch. I growl louder, indicating that his trick didn't work and that I'm only madder.

We are closing in on them, but they still don't lower their guns. Dumbasses. It's completely their fault if I can't stop one of my wolves from hurting them. I won't let them kill them, they haven't killed one of ours, but I won't stop them from hurting the hunters.

I hear little footsteps a few meters away from me, taking my focus away from the hunters. I look around to see that no other wolf heard it.

'Stay there, I have to check on something.' I tell them through mindlink.

I quickly run off to the direction where the running footsteps are coming from. The footsteps are light, but hurried so I'm guessing it's a small person, maybe a girl?

A shock goes through me when I finally see the person. It's a boy, he's kind of small and skinny. Is it...

I jump in front of him, effectively making him stop.

He looks at me, his eyes are at the same height as mine, it's definitely him. I can recognize those eyes anywhere. What is he doing with those hunters? Why would he go with them? He's so cute and perfect, I can't see him shooting a wolf. Are they his family? He doesn't look like them at all though. They are all more build and tall and blonde. My boy is short and brown haired and skinny. How can they be family?

I can see the desperation in his eyes. Why was he running away? Is he afraid of us? He probably is, we're big wolves.

'Let's just go guys, take Caleb with you.' I say through mindlink.

They try to argue but I quickly say, 'that is an order.'

The boy turns around, looking at my pack. I quickly jump in the woods to follow after them.

While we're running, Kirstie comes to run next to me. First, she just looks at me suspiciously. I think she knows that something is up. She's a smart girl.

'Just ask what you want to know.'I say, finally breaking under her stare. She's been my best friend since we were pups. My mom was the alpha while her mom was the beta. The pack was run by females. Now though, unfortunately I turned out a boy and my parents didn't get any children after me. Some packs are still old-fashioned in letting women be alphas and betas but not our pack. We are very modern. My pack also knows that I'm gay and they don't have problems with it.

'Why did you just suddenly decide that we should go?' Her smart green eyes are on me. Kirstie has eyes that change when she turns to her wolf. She has brown eyes in her human form and green when she is in her wolf form.

'I just thought that it wouldn't solve anything if we got in a fight.' I say.

She just looks at me skeptically. 'I saw you chase that boy. Who is he? Do you know him?'

I give in, I can't keep secrets from Kirst. 'He's my mate.'

She comes to a stop, making the rest of the pack stop too since we were walking in front of them. 'What's going on?' 'Why did we stop?' I hear multiple pack members ask me. Mindlink is great, except when more than one person is talking to you at the same time.

'Nothing, just keep walking, Kirstie and I are gonna walk in the back in case they are following us.' I say.

'He's a hunter!' Kirstie says, sounding like's she scolding me.

'I know! It's not like I chose him to be my mate! I can't help it!' I defend myself. It hurts my wolf to think like this though, like we don't want him. My wolf thinks his boy is beautiful and perfect. I got to say, I still have my doubts. He is a hunter, our biggest enemy. How can I ever let someone like that in my pack? Will my pack ever trust him?

If you have any questions or something, never be afraid to ask! You can always comment or pm me!

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