6 ~ Can he be any cuter?

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Scott's POV

The packhouse is always busy in the mornings. My beta, Kirstie and her mate live here, as well as my pack doctor, Kevin, and his family. Kirstie for some reason always gets up early to do things, while Kevin has a 5-year old and a 3-year old. I love little Sam and Taylor but they can be a pain in the ass, screaming and yelling in the mornings.

I get out of bed, dragging myself to my closet. I quickly put on some clothes, not caring how I look. Nobody cares so why should I?

I go downstairs to eat something.

"Goodmorning." Kevin and Kirstie say when I walk in the room. They are my closest friends so they don't have to call me alpha.

I sit down at the table and quietly eat my sandwich. People don't really talk to me cause they know I'm not a morning person.

I quickly grab my car keys and get out of the door, finally quieting all the noise. I need a quiet car ride and a coffee to wake up.

I stop by Starbucks to get a coffee to drink on my way to the university. I'm in theatre in college but I don't really know if that's where my passion lies. I really like singing and acting, but I might like singing more. My main subject is musical though so I get get both in that.

Today is the day that we will be assigned to first years. I'm really not excited for this. I'm probably gonna get assigned to a 17-year old giggly girl who has boy problems or something. I really don't have time for that and I need a good grade.

Boy problems. I might have some myself now. I know I can't ignore my mate forever. My wolf is going to grow restless and he can eventually even die, which is something I absolutely not want. There are a few problems though, first of all, he's a hunter. Second, he is a hunter. How am I going to explain that to my pack? No humans can know about the shifting thing. There are werewolves laws that forbid any humans who are not mated to werewolves to know about us. It's very rare though, a human mated to a werewolf. Why did the moon goddess choose him as my mate? Why couldn't I just have a cute werewolf boy as mate? It would make things a lot easier.

I finally arrive at the uni. It's a pretty far drive cause I live in the woods and not the city.

I walk into the building to my classroom. Everyone is already there cause I'm kind of late. I mutter a quick "sorry," and get to my seat.

"Okay, now everyone is here," mrs. Rose starts, giving me a look, "I'm going to say who you're assigned to." She starts naming people from a list.

I'm not there? "Oh Scott." She says, probably cause she sees my confused look, "you're going to be assigned with someone from music cause both of our classes have an uneven number. Since you're majoring in musical we thought that it won't be a problem."

I nod. Someone from music? Interesting. I do like music a lot so this is a good thing I think.

The door opens at that moment, grabbing my attention.

My heart stops when I see who is there. It's him. The boy, my mate. Why is he here? Is he going to this school? How have I never seen him before?

The man saying my name snaps me out of my thoughts of the boy.

I quickly get up to go to the door. Why are they asking for me?

Wait. Is he my partner? I mean, why else would he be here? My heart beats in my chest as I come closer to the door. They have stepped outside in the hallway now. I get out of the door and close it behind me.

"Okay, Scott now you're here, you guys can work out how you're gonna work together. I'm gonna go back to my class now." Mr Kaplan, I think his name is, says before walking away and letting me and the boy alone.

It's quiet for a while, none of us speaking. The boy is staring at me though, I try not to stare back but he is just so beautiful.

He awkwardly clears his throat. "I'm Mitch. Uhmm... I'll be your partner?" He says it like it's a question. He looks up at me through his eyelashes, his eyes insecure. Werewolves can immediately sense I'm an alpha so they are always respectful to me. Humans though, they can feel some sort of power coming off me. Some humans are just more sensitive to it than others. My boy seems sensitive.

"Hi Mitch. I'm Scott." I say, smiling what I hope looks kindly.

He smiles back at me, adorable dimples on his cheeks. Can he be any cuter? I don't think so.

I keep staring at his face. His eyes are sparkling and a beautiful brown color. His lips are full and pink, perfectly kissable. He has nice cheekbones and perfectly plucked eyebrows. His hair is almost bald on one side and long bangs on the other side, covering part of his face. His eyes and hair are a dark brown color. He reaches to my chin, making him smaller than me. Almost everyone is shorter than me though so no surprise there.

"So.. the project?" Mitch breaks the silence.

Of course. The project. Almost forgot about that. "I'm majoring in musical and you're in music right?" He nods. "So maybe we can do something with musical. Although I think writing a whole musical is a bit too much." Not that I would mind spending time with him.

"Yeah, I think so too. Maybe we can sing a song?" He looks unsure. "Do you sing?"

Do I sing? I sing in the shower but I really don't think I'm any good. I have a feeling Mitch is and I don't want to bring him down. "Sometimes?"

"Are you good?" He asks, still looking up at me.

I always hate that question. I can't really say that about myself. Even if I was good, that is just hard to say. "I can hold a tune but I wouldn't say I'm particularly good."

He looks down, looking deep in thought. "What about we get together and just look at our options?" Mitch suggests.

I smile at him. I would love to. "Sure. Where?" I don't want to go to his house and be in a house full of hunters but I also don't want him in the packhouse. I'm afraid my pack members will be weird about it. I've never brought a human in the packhouse before. I don't want them to know he is my mate and definitely not that he is a hunter. Even I am still struggling with that.

"Your place? Mine isn't really a good place to work on anything." He says. Not a good place to work on anything? What does that mean?

"Sure. Are you available today?" I just want to see him again as soon as possible.

"Yes I am. Meet you at the parking lot after school? I'll just drive after you." He says.

"Okay, see you later then. Bye Mitch." I say, stepping back to the door and my classroom.

"Bye Scott." He smiles, showing me his dimples again. He turns around and starts walking in the direction of his classroom.

I can't help but stare at him. I have to make up my mind about him. Am I going to make a move on him to make him mine or am I going to put my pack first and don't talk to him again after this project. I know option two isn't really an option though. I can't lose my wolf. Which means that I might have to explain some things to my pack, like how I have a hunter as mate.

Hey people, i hope you liked it! Give it a vote if you did!

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