Shelter (piers x reader)

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Your pov 

*read when the music starts*

I feel so restless, it's like i'm floating. I'm trying not to think of anything right now, it's so peaceful and wonderful. I don't like to think about it again. I'm going to drown again if i think about that event? Is it real or a halluciantion

I woke up stretching as the sun rays beemed through at the window making me smile and check my tab. 2027. 

i tilted my head then stood up and grabbed my earphones and a piece of bread, it's been so long since i woke up this early. I laughed as i remember i fell asleep reading a fanfiction, after i ate my bread everything i grabbed my tablet and sat on the pink beanbag, then plugged my earphones. I smiled as i stood up blasting the music as the world around me became different, it's a cliff. 

i smiled as the fresh air hit me with glee. i laughed with my hearts content, "YESS!!" i shouted then ran and jumped on the edge while laughing and holding my tablet. My body hit the fresh clean water below making me giggle as i summon a ducky floaty holding me like a kid. I looked at my tablet then took a picture. I saw the waterfall and prepared for it. I removed the floaty and felt the cold air hitting my back, as i was about to hit the bottom the world changed and i landed on my soft bed filled with pillow making me giggle more. It was about to be night time, i cuddled my huge teddy bear asi slept making me smile more than before. 

The next day i woke up then smiled as the sun rays hit the room again. I'm used to being lonely, it's okay. i don't mind. I looked at my tablet, no message or anything. well time to explore. i looked at the image at my tab then the world around me changed it has aurora, on the sky. i walked out to feel the cold ground on my warm feet, i smiled and ran towards, the aurora and explored the world around me. I giggled as the picture on my pocket slipped out revealing a man with a spikey brown hair and green like eyes. He seems familiar, i smiled and picked up the picture making me tear up, why am i tearing up? I plaved the picture on my pocket and looked up. It's so pretty. 

The next day i visted a aprk with swings, i was about to touch one then i remembered something. "Hey want to swing higher?!" A voice shouted making me smile softly, who is that? "no PIERS!!NO DONT DARE!!" I yelled making my eyes widen. "Piers?" i took a deep breath and sat down on the grass looking at the sky as it rains. 

I walk towards the pond of water and even over it. It's so cool, i thought as i giggle and opened my tab, do it need something with me? I looked up to see droplets of rain hitting my face, it's so peaceful and cool to live on a place like this but i need to go, i'll be bored here soon.

Everyday i'm visiting a different place until i was stumbled upon a file with a lock code. "hmmm" I asked as i guess the codes when i guessed it, the file opened reavealing a house, the more i stare at it the more i realize the world around me changes.

"wow!!" I yelled as i look at the houses in front of me. I ran fast out, my feet is trying to find something as i landed in a house, i met a girl, she looks like me but few years younger i guess. I smiled as the girl yells something i can't quite grab on. 

"Come on piers!!! we will be late for the party!!" The younger me yelled as the gun behind her fell a little making her whimper. "I heard you whimper princess, i told you i should bring your gun for you" A guy with brown hair make an appearance as he ruffles my hair and kisses my temple. 

I look at them as i begin to fall, what is happening? i said to myself as i close my eyes and started to fall, into nothingless.

"2 more hours before the asteroid hit the-" "(y/n) HURRY UP SLOW POKE!!" I heard piers yelled from the living room making me pout and grab the teddy bear he gave me for my birthday. 

i looked at my younger self as she grab the bear, i follow my youngself and piers towards the cliff, he made me sleep then kissed me on the forehead then everything became black.

I woke up in my room as the earphone wire is tangled upon me. "ugh what the heck?" I asked myself then my tablet rng marking that i recieved a message. 

My (y/n) 

I hope everything is fine, it's been so long since we've been talking to each other. So how's your day? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i wish i can be there, but i ran out of time, i can only make one. So i hope when you read this message, you're strong enough to accept the fact that you'll be alone for a while, and you're too sleepy to understand those words on the t.v during those late night flash news. We will see each other again, i promise and by the way, since it's been so long and you're too sleepy to understand my final words. Here it is. 

Piers POV

I looked at her while she cries peacefully, she probably read the message i sent her, 10 years ago..... before everything ended. I giggled while tears are flowing down my face. I entered the pod that she's in, she's sleeping with wires. i wonder what's happening inside the simulation, her brain wave is so active. Maybe she read the message.

My final words are

"I love you so much, and don't let go" I smiled shakingly as i see her shaking and sobbing. 

"Don't forget me please" I said as i slowly fade away and grabbed her cheek. 

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