when your little cousin ask if where babies came from

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Hello guys!! I'm so busy because class just started and in our school high-tech phone are not allowed anymore but still screw that I have the boots of Levi!!

"(y/n)? A little help?" Leon gave you a pleading look while you laugh your ass out.

Your little innocent cousin just asked Leon where babies came from. Leon growled.

"well um uhh" he gulped hopefully that you won't kill him after he answer this question.

"well baby you will know when it's the right time Kay?" you smiled as your cousin nodded.

"daddy Chris, where babies came from?" your cousin asked making Chris spit out his tea.

He looked around and sighed.

"I'll tell you but keep it from mommy (y/n) okay?" he asked

After some moments when you got home, you shouted your boyfriend's name.


"sorry!! I only want to know what is the meaning of thrusting and cumming!" your cousin shouted praying that Chris will be alive after the chase.

"(y/n) should I answer them?" Piers asked and you nodded.

"umm well"

After he explained the thing to your cousin, he looked at you while blushing.

"you can't do that until you are married okay?" Piers patted your cousin's head.

"I want to have a sibling from you guys!!" your cousin shouted.

Piers looked at you making you blush and look away.

"you will have one soon"

"mommy (y/n), where does babies came from?' your cousin asked making you blush like hell.

"um uh"

"well want me to share you my videos about it" Jake smirked as your skin paled.

"yay!!" your cousin shouted.

"no!!" you looked at Jake who is shaking in fear now.

"aww I wanna watch the vids." your cousin whined.

"you will know when you are already a teen or an adult" you smiled

"run Jake" you added with a venom in your voice.

Hello minna-san!! My day is great and yours? Oh I see well thanks for reading

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