you accepted his sorry

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Hello guys how is your day? Ehehehe I'm bored now.



"(y/n) you need to eat" i sighed at you, your situation is getting worse and worser by a min.

"i don't like" you sighed, i looked at you and thought that i didn't have a choice.

"this is not you!!! I need to fix this" i shouted and walked away.

Leon came in panting and he looked like he didn't sleep for a week or worst for a month.

"(y/n), cyber told me that you are not eating well!!" he shouted causing you to flinch and tremble. He noticed this and he hugged you.

"i'm sorry" he muttered and hugged you. I stared at you.

"i-it's okay l-leon" you smiled and he hugged you tighter making you gasp for air.

"I'm sorry (y/n), she flirted with me and gave me a sexual drug" i walked away while you sighed at his explaination .

"you came to your senses when you saw me" you sighed

"i guess you are my remedy" he smiled and you punched his arm lightly. He faked cried.

"so mean!!" he shouted making you giggle.

"i guess i am"



You are talking with me and we heard that Chris is shouting from the conference room. Why the he'll would he be there? We checked and saw Chris tied on a chair while your campus enemy whipped him.

"just get over her!!" she demanded.

"fuck no!!" Chris shouted making her whip his back.

You grabbed your knife and threw it on the rope of Chris making him free, and punched the bitch.

"I'm sorry s-since you're here now, i just want to get to you but i can't, i was only standing on the door,hearing your sobs while cyber shouted at you to stay alive and having a plan to kill me, I'm not a worthy boyfriend to you, I'm sorry" he looked down feeling sorry for himself and to his actions. You smiled and sighed to hold back your tears.

"it's okay Redfield, just make sure that you and Nivans won't clash on the hallway" you warned and walked away.

"CAPTAIN!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Piers shouted from the hallway

Later that day, he hugged you from behind and kissed your cheeks.

"you survived?" you asked.

"gonna be kidding me? The one who chased me are my team, team Echo, a tank and Piers who clearly wants me dead" Chris sighed

"i forgive you but do that thing again, i will send the whole force chasing you"



"no you need to!"

"i don't want!!"

We are arguing about you joining my team for greater concentration. You and Piers had the least kills so far, you can't even concentrate on killing a dummy j'avo who is just standing on one place.

Piers came in with a band-aid on his arms and near his eyes. He is not allowed to be injured especially his eyes and arms, dude we are talking about the best BSAA sniper.

"P-piers" you barely whispered. He fell and met the floor,you looked at him and saw something made your eyes wide. Fresh Blood.

"f-finally you said my name" he said while shivering.

"Piers. What. The. Shit. Happened. To. You?" you asked and he smiled while he is starting to close his eyes.

"i-i just realized that i-i'm not w-worthy to l-live anymore, i hurt my (y/n), my captain didn't talk to me that made me like a low life soldier and our team look down at me, i'm a low life man" he said while crawling towards you.

"I'm the toy and you're the one who fix the toys, please make me whole again, i'm already broken but please do me a favor being whole again" he cupped his hands on your cheeks, you are crying. He is still sweet to you even he is so broken in the inside.

"I'm sorry" he whispered to you while he stroked your cheeks. You nodded and he smiled.

"thank god, i thought, i'm already lost in the dark-" he closed his eyes.

Later that day, he woke up with you sleeping on the bed while holding his hand. The oxygen mask is killing him, he want to kiss but you already woke up and accepted his apology.

"Chris is clearly keeping tabs on you from now on"



It was late at night when you decided to have a stroll on the park. While walking you are listening to jake's voice mails.

"i-i'm sorry please forgive me"


"i miss you, how is your day?"


"good morning bed head"


"i love Sherry!!'


You stopped on walking when you heard that mail. I love sherry!! He looked fucking proud about that.

You sat on the bench and you saw me talking to a guy with a hood. You came near us and i smiled.

"hey (y/n)!! How is your walk?" i asked.

"great until i saw you with a guy" you joked and sat next to the guy.

"consulting a love problem?" you joked and i laughed.

"nice guess maybe you can help" i winked at you and you sighed.

"what happened?" you asked while i slowly walked away.

"it started with an accident, my partner at work is in hand of death at that time, she is paralyzed from head to toe, i couldn't even shove the pill on her mouth by a finger because the paralysis will go to me-"

"wait paralysis can be transferred?" you asked. He sighed

"the doctor on the working area said that- back to the story... Umm i forgot" he stood up.

"uh you are at the part where you are planning to give her the pill" you facepalmed.

"oh yeah,i pulled her towards me and i felt my and paralyzed and kissed her with the pill in my mouth so we can be cured"

"then why won't you get another pill?" you asked.

"it came to the time that they hurriedly made a vaccine and my co-worker is in the hands of death at that time so i decided to later it slip for that day, i thought my girlfriend will understand me but she didn't listen-"

"did you do that to yourself?'" you pointed at his arms full of scars. He nodded.

"then there is another one, i was on a mission with my co-worker when we split up to look for information, the co-worker didn't notice the enemy so i shouted her name while i'm saying i love you to my girlfriend" he sighed

"this looks familiar" you thought.

"I'm glad that my girlfriend already listened to this reasons and i want to tell you i'm sorry (y/n)" he removed his hood revealing Jake.

You gasped and cried.

"idiot!!" you shouted and accepted his sorry


Finally!!!! I already used my brain but man i read piers' scenario i cried!!

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