his reaction when he watched anaconda

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This song is sang by Nikki Minaj

Me: are you ready guys?

All of them: yeah

*plays the video*



You let him watch the video and he just stared at it

"umm Leon..." You asked him making sure that he is still alive

"am i?...... Alive?......(y/n) i'm blind!!" Leon screamed and panicked

"oh my" you sighed



Chris watched the video after that he seems to be shaking a lot.

"Chris?" you touched his back and he started to curse

I guess the video brought him nightmares



While watching the movie his smile is dropping down

He paused the video and looked at you

"umm i need to go to the Comfort Room" he said and walked away

Let us just say that you heard something in the C.R



After he watched the video and went to the bathroom doing his 'thing'

"(y/n) can we kill that lady?"

"hmmm? Why?"

"she is kinda creeping me out" he laughed nervously


*after the video*

Leon: so where is the anaconda there?

Chris: can we kill that lady?

Piers: captain calm down

Jake: put him to sleep puppy

Piers: shut up!!

Me: i saw hell

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