•satori tendō 🌟

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The red haired dork always got on your nerves with his teasing and annoying jokes.

You two always like to compete with each other about everything. Be it test scores, points scored in volleyball or video games.

Not to mention he always wins, that's why he always seized the chance to tease you and shoot mean comments.

"Woohoo! I win again! Have fun with your crushed heart, (Y/N)!" He cheered after seeing your test paper. You huffed and walked off, leaving him standing there cheering like an idiot.

You kind of got sick of these acts, and kept ignoring him for the next few days. He would often steal glances at you in class, as if trying to make you talk to him, however, all you did was look at him coldly and advert your gaze.

You've been ignoring him for about a week now, and he couldn't be more confused and distracted about it.

"Satori-kun!!" The history teacher yelled at him, making him snap his gaze off you.

"Hai, sensei?" He grinned sheepishly, making the rest of the class laugh quietly.

"I'd appreciate it if you would stop staring at (Y/N)-san and focus on the lesson," the female strict teacher glared at him.

"Sorry..." He sighed and rested his head on the table, as if drifting off to sleep.

A loud knock was heard and everyone spun their head towards to source of sound. Turns out your cheery best friend, Tendō, has fallen asleep and bumped his head on the table. Soft snores erupted from his lips and everyone started snickering.

"SATORI TENDŌ!!!" The sensei slammed his table with her heavy history textbook, making him jolt awake, nearly falling off his chair.

"Detention after school, get it!?" She growled and Tendō gulped and nodded nervously.


"(Y/N)-san!" The dean called you and walked towards you with a small smile.

"Yes, Arato-sensei?" You asked, hoping it wasn't any bad news.

"Are you free now, can you help me tend the detention room? I have some urgent business to attend to," he asked for your help while handing you an attendance list of the detention students.

"Sure," you agreed and he thanked you before leaving, and you glanced at the list. A few infamous punks were on the list and Tendō's name caught your eye too.

You sighed and proceeded to the detention room, bringing your homework with you.

There were already a few punks in the room, and a few wolf whistles were heard upon your arrival.

"What a cute girl."

"I wonder what class she's from."

You blocked out the comments and sat down on the teacher's table, marking the attendance list and realized only one person wasn't here.


After the last person left the detention room, you locked up the door and headed to the gym, hoping to find him there.

You clutched onto the new detention slip given by the dean, and the redhead's name was scribbled on it.

"Troublesome," you muttered under your breath and slid open the door, and saw the ace team training.

You walked over to the teacher in charge and handed him the detention slip, making the teacher's eyes widen.

"Oh, what a troublemaker," he commented. You smile slightly and nodded, bowing to take your leave, hoping that Tendō wouldn't notice you.

"(Y/N)-chan!!" A loud cheery screech was heard and you stiffened. His face was in front of your eyes and you nearly choked on your saliva.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" He whined and pouted like a child, his eyes filled with sadness and you couldn't help but felt your heart melt at the sight.

"Tell me," he whined as you walk passed him.

"I hate you, Tendō. You are always making me feel like shit and useless whenever you win me. That cruel mouth of yours always ruin my day, and I've been tolerating it since day one. It may be funny to you but not me, and it makes you look stupid. I hate you," you ranted and as you finished, you could see him biting his bottom lips and his eyes began to water.

"I-I didn't know I made you so upset, sorry," he looked down and fiddled his fingers while still biting his lip.

You put your smaller hands on his large, fidgeting ones, and some of his tear drops dripped on the back of your hand.

"Sorry for being so mean," he apologized and you smiled, hugging him while burying your head in his muscular chest.

"Thank you for all the times you made me smile," you stated and wrapped your hands on his waist.


The ending remains a mystery though 😹 I'll let you think about the ending... :)

🌊𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕜𝕪𝕦𝕦 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤🏐Where stories live. Discover now