•bokuto koutarou 🍥

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despite the dual colored haired owl, he is actually a popular guy in school. third years will occasionally flirt with him, and the second years will follow him around, calling him 'senpai'.

you weren't fazed by him at all, and you couldn't understand why would girls like bokuto.

he is simple minded, and sometimes you'd secretly curse him and call him stupid, but you cannot deny the fact that he is actually kind hearted.

you remembered when you dropped your books behind him because his 'fans' were pushing you out of the way and you fell. he noticed it and began to pick up your books, handing them to you with a grin.

"you're welcome!" he chirped and you glared at him, muttering a 'shut up, idiot' and stormed away without any signs of gratitude.

he was confused, then complained to his best buddy, akaashi, about it, whining why is there someone who would dislike him so much.

akaashi wanted to let out his small giggle at the sight of bokuto getting rejected, but held it in anyways.

there were a few more encounters of you and bokuto, and he did it all for you because he wanted you to like him and treat him nicer.

you still remembered, the day when your team lost in the finals, you sat in the gym all alone and sobbed. as the captain of the volleyball team, you felt like you've let down everyone.

but then, he came to comfort you. he sat with you in the gym, shoulders touching as his soothing voice rang in your ears.

you liked it when he was being serious. there was gentleness and warmth in his voice when he spoke to you seriously.

he gave you advice, told you that losing a game doesn't mean that one is a bad player. it just means that there's more to work on and you are trying.

upon hearing his words, you gritted your teeth and raised your voice, "why, why is it that when i've been nothing but a meanie to you but you're still here to cheer me up? do you really have no sense of feelings? don't you feel offended or mad at me?"

he blinked at you while tilting his head in confusion. then, his brows creased and he asked, "what are you talking about? you weren't really that mean to me, (y/n)-chan." he grinned.

your heart seemed to race and you looked down at the ground. "why would you even come here for me? it's getting cold and you might fall sick," you whispered.

"well, i think that you're special to me. like a best friend or something. somehow i just want to be with you, and i want you to like me," he said boldly.

your eyes widened. 'was that a confession?' you thought to yourself. you remained silent and felt your chest warming up. 

"are you okay, (y/n)-chan? your face is getting red," he inched closer to you and you moved away quickly.

"i-i have to go, see you! and thanks," you took your bag and ran out of school.


it has been two weeks since that incident happened, and you've been avoiding bokuto since then.

unknown to you, bokuto had been finding for you all over the school. he always asked if anyone saw you, but the answer he received always disappointed him.

"akaashi," bokuto called him in an unusual down tone. the setter looked at him and immediately knew that he was depressed.

"i feel sad. i don't know why. after she left me, i feel like my chest is empty, as if my heart flew away piece by piece," the owl mumbled, his hair deflated.

"are you in love, bokuto-san?" akaashi inquired.

bokuto looked at him and blinked, "what does it feel like?" he asked innocently. 

"well," akaashi started as they took a seat in the cafeteria. "you feel happy just by seeing her, and when you aren't with her you tend to think about her a lot. when you think about her you will feel happier or sadder compared to thinking about someone else," he explained clearly.

bokuto's mouth formed an 'o' and akaashi stared at him, and it seems like he had found his answer.

"thanks akaashi!" he yelled and dashed of with lightning speed. the setter simply let out a ghostly smile and warched his buddy's backview fading into the distance.

that night, you were just chilling in your living room, watching horror films all by yourself when a knock was heard from the door.

you weren't afraid and reached out to open the door, and a man with golden eyes and grey hair covering a little of his eyes stood in front of you.

"who are you?" you narrowed your eyes and the tall man simply pouted.

"after all i've done for you, you forgot about me so easily? i'm really upset now, (y/n)-chan."

that voice belonged to the one and only bokuto. "b-bokuto-san?" your voice shook and he grinned, making his way into your apartment.

"sorry for not recognising you, it's just that you looked different with your hair down," you apologized cheekily.

"it was actually raining heavily outside, and i know i looked weird with my hair down," he muttered the last part after you handed him a spare change of clothes and towel.

he went to change and returned shortly, joining you on the couch and you changed the movie to an action genre.

"you look cute with your hair down," you commented when you saw the childish third year still pouting. though your motive was to cheer him up, it was still the fact.

his spirits were lifted in mere seconds and he faced you, asking excitedly, "really? you really think so?"

you nodded with a smile and he giggled from excitement. "(y/n)-chan is cute too! i love you, i love love love love you!" he chanted.

your face heated up and you coughed awkwardly, "y-yeah, okay."

his face turned serious and he repeated, "i meant it, i really love you." your world seemed to freeze when you heard him say it again. everything seemed to vanish around you and all you could see is the man in front of your eyes.

a smile crept onto your lips and he embraced you in a hug. you could feel his strong arms and rock hard chest, as well as his defined abs when your hand accidentally brushed across it.

"you smiled! does that mean you like me too?" he asked with his eyes sparkling.

you shook your head and his face fell. you chuckled and he looked at you with a sad but confused expression.

"i don't just like you, i love you," you grinned and hugged him tighter, your legs wrapped around his torso.

that night, was the first night you two spent together, just cuddling and whispering 'i love you' to each other and him kissing your head every now and then.

since then, you've been happier than before and you prayed that one day, he'll be your man and you'll be his woman.


hope you liked it, hehee.

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