Fighting For The Doctors Affection: Chapter Twenty-Two (Athiss)

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Good Afternoon,Morning, or Night Jitterbugs. Here it is the next chapter. I hope yall enjoy it, I worked hard on it. Like i always do but this one was a bit harder lol. Anyways thanks for taking the time in reading this. And thanks Garlandwalz for editing this so quickly. It really means the world to me.:)

Song of chapter is:Whenever you come around by Vince gill

Dedication goes to: Garlandwalz 

Chapter Twenty-Two:

Athiss laid his throbbing head against the window of the jet sighing in relief as the coolness of the window washed over him. He was glad that for the moment the she-devil that he called a cousin was leaving him alone. Slowly letting out a breath air, he was grateful that the nonstop barrage of questions were no longer in his presence.

He knew that she had meant well with it all, but he could only take so much before he snapped. And honestly, he was passed his breaking point when it came to the type of questions she was asking. For the first time since stepping onto this flying contraption he felt free. He felt as if he was a bird with no destination in mind.

Although he knew that was the farthest thing from the truth his mind was free, his body was free and he was free. All that he wanted to do at the moment was shut down his mind, and not think of the man that he was still so hopelessly in love with that it felt like every breath that he took was a hammer slamming down onto his heart all over again. He knew that if you asked anyone that knew him they'd say he was a mad man for holding on this long. Especially when the man that he still loved and still wanted had no intention of working on anything that had to do with them.

That was abundantly made clear over these last few months.

At the moment he felt like a fool; one that had been well had. Why did he think it was a good idea to hold onto hope? No matter how slim of a chance this hope was? He had walked head first back into heart ache and pain. He now knew that he needed to be free of Vaughn and all the heartache and questioning that dealing with that man brought. He also knew that at the end of all of this he would truly be alone.

It wasn't because he couldn't find someone else, it was the fact that he believed whole heartedly that once you have your heart to someone there was no way that you could get it back. It didn't matter how much heartache and pain they forced upon you, because once it's given it's forever. Call him a hopeless romantic, call him an idiot, he didn't care. He knew the moment that he gave his heart to Vaughn, that he would be forever doomed.

If you asked him now why he'd had thought that giving someone like Vaughn his heart was a wise decision, He'd most likely just laugh and say you can't help who you fall for, who you love. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and other times it's a feeling that had always been there but you were too stubborn to notice it until the time was right.

But that didn't mean that he could just excuse everything that has happened between them. Even though he has known Vaughn for a very long time, and the actions that the man was now displaying shouldn't have been a shock to him. They still were, and that's what hurt the most. Mostly because he wanted to believe the person he had fell for wasn't the same asshole he had met all those years ago.

Taking a shuttering breath Athiss couldn't help the tears that wanted to slam free with the knowledge that Vaughn had once loved him enough to hold him, to want to touch and be with him. But now he knew that was all lost, he had lost Vaughn to the glamour of the world of porn, and to the woman that could give the man the love and the family that he wanted.

If only he was born a woman he thought bitterly.

Then he wouldn't have had to lose the man he loved to a husband stealing bitch like Laylia. If only he had the nerve to walk up to Vaughn and tell him that he was an asshole for putting him through all of this, for all of these years. If only- he was brave enough to tell Vaughn, that without him he was nothing but a broken shell.

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