Fighting For The Doctors Affection: Chapter Thirty-One

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Good Morning Jitterbugs, here it is the next chapter. I hope that ya'll enjoy. I worked really hard on this. I got two out of the three chapters that i wanted to get done this week. So either way its a win, i'd say. Thanks for yall's continued support it really does mean the world to me.

Dedication goes to:JoleneJaynes-Davis

Song of the chapter is: Tucker Beathard: Faithful

Have a wonderful day,



Caspian ran his fingers through his hair as he walked into the room. As he did he noticed that Vaughn was no longer sitting on the couch on the phone. Instead he was walking the room in quick strides as he mumbled under his breath. Slowly clearing his throat Caspian went to speak when he heard: "I invited him out, what happens if he doesn't show father?"

Slowly placing his hands by his side Caspian walked over to Vaughn as he did he spoke softly yet made sure it was loud enough that his son would be able to hear it and understand it. "If he doesn't show son, then it just means he wasn't ready. It was only a few days ago that you were found out to be the father of that little girl. I'm sure his emotions as our yours are all over the place. He for reasons that you may never be able to understand. No matter how much you may try to. If he doesn't come, maybe you should see that as a sign, that it's-" But, before he could finish he was being interrupted by his son.

"NO father, I won't accept that as the end. It can't be. I love him, I need him, I can't live without him. I don't care how many people think that I should be spending more time with Laylia and the kids. She is not what I want or who I need. Besides I only know that one child is mine. I know I need to get the other one tested, but I'm scared, because what if he is mine, what if..."

Quickly walking over to his son Caspian wrapped his arms around the man so that he could pull him against his own body. He hated seeing his son like this, so distraught and unsure of what to do. But he knew that this was a learning experience no one could tell Vaughn what to do or how to act, this was something that he had to go through and learn on his own.

No matter how much it hurt him to just let this man in his arms walk this path alone, he had to.

Stepping away from Vaughn Caspian, whispered: "Fight Vaughn until you have nothing left, leave nothing to chance, and walk away knowing you fought your hardest. And if that still means you come back empty handed, accept that as fate. Accept whatever life throws at you, and get stronger. Because you never know what can happen in the future. Our lives aren't paved out for us. We are not robots, that have our duties, and that's it. We are people. Humans, that make mistakes, we learn from them. Sometimes we learn a bit too late but we still learn from them. So, fight son, fight until you know that you've done everything in your power. And if you still come back as loser, then put your time and energy in something else. Life has its way of working things out, even if you yourself don't believe it's so. It does. Just believe son, and you will be alright. I promise you, you are never alone. You will never be alone. You have so many people that love you, just open your eyes and see that son. You are special. You have made mistakes, but everyone does. But what makes a man, isn't what mistakes you made, but how you deal with them and move on."

Caspian went to walk away when he heard: "Father, your phone." As he eyed his sons outstretched hand he quickly grabbed the phone and placed it in his pocket. As he did he wondered why his son seemed to be worrying over this meeting, if Athiss hadn't just straight out denied him that's a good sign right?

Vaughn eyed his father, as he did he wondered what the man was thinking about. But he knew better than to ask, they never did have a relationship that was like that. Theirs was more of a nod and how are you doing? So, this dynamic that they have found themselves in was new to him.

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