Fighting for the Doctors Affection : Chapter Forty-Three

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Hey Jitterbugs good morning, Afternoon and night,

I hope that you all enjoy this chapter. Its a miracle that the new chapter came out as fast as it did. But i'm glad that it did. I hope that wherever you are you all are safe. I wish you a very merry holiday season. And for those of you that may not celebrate I hope you all have a wonderful time with those that mean something to you.

Dedication goes to: lawanyaa ( thanks for helping me by talking back and forth and for your lovely comments. They really do mean alot to me).

Song of chapter: Demi Lovato: Until you're mine



Biting his lip as he eyed Athiss, Vaughn stared straight ahead afraid that if he turned away the man leaning over the trash-bin barfing would disappear from his sight. Just when he went to take a step forward he heard: "Answer that phone already Vaughn, it's annoying me and giving me a headache." Nodding his head swiftly Vaughn chuckled before he whispered: "Whatever the person on the phone wants, it isn't nearly as important as being here with you."

Taking a deep breath of air Vaughn didn't notice how close Athiss had gotten before the man reached into his pocket and snatched his phone out of his pocket with great haste. Watching with curiosity Vaughn noticed how Athiss was scowling down at the phone before he quickly swiped the screen answering the device.

Before Vaughn could comprehend what was happening Athiss spoke: "Vaughn Kalil's phone, what can I do for you?"

Eyeing Athiss with wide eyes Vaughn brought his bottom lip into his mouth as he gently gnawed on the tender flesh wondering who could have been on the other end. He hoped that it wasn't Laylia, not because he took the kids without permission, but because he knew just how much Athiss didn't like her. Having her throwing things in his face wasn't something that any of them needed, if he was being honest.

Blinking as he continued to eye Athiss, Vaughn couldn't comprehend what was really happening. Not only because Athiss was answering his phone, but he was acting as if everything was fine. When just moments before he was shaky and in tears. Right now, he was looking in a word Happy. Look being the operative word. He could tell by how tight Athiss jaw was set while he paced back and forth in front of him he was anything but.

But for the moment he would allow Athiss to believe that he believed that he was. They would talk about this all later, if he is given the chance. Hell, even if he's not, he will fight for the chance.

He needed that chance.

As he continued to gnaw on his bottom lip he watched as Athiss eyes got wide before he spoke again: "How do you have this number, and what do you want?".

But before he could catch all the emotions that passed over his loves face, Athiss was handing him the phone as he turned and walked swiftly from the room. He wasn't sure why the man had done that without a reason why.

He knew that he honestly didn't deserve one, but here he was trying. He was fighting for what he wanted. And what he wanted was Athiss standing beside him again, right where he always belonged.

Taking a deep breath Vaughn placed the phone against his ear, as he did he spoke into the speaker: "Hello." Not even a second later he heard: "This is Jai, and I was told to call this number. Now I'm sort of wondering why Ceryian publishing house gave me this number to call instead of someone associated with the company."

Quickly walking over to the couch Vaughn plopped down as he rested his elbows on his knees before he spoke in an even tone: "That's easy Mr. Reim. I asked for them to give you my number so that we can talk man to man so that there is no miscommunication. I needed to get us on the same page. And I knew that you wouldn't have talked to me any other way-"

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