Fighting For The Doctors Affection: Chapter Four

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Hello Jitterbugs, Here it is chapter four. I hope that yall enjoy it. Because honestly this chapter has taken a toll on me haha. Now i will go and rest, while watching something. You all are awesome thanks for sticking with me so long. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

Song of the chapter: Unspoken by Hurts(awesome song.)

Dedication goes to: ricricswert (thanks for reading this story)

Now ill leave yall too it enjoy,



Athiss slowly slid into the driver's seat of his baby. As soon as he slammed the door shut he quickly reached his hands up so that his fingers slowly grazed the flesh of his cheeks. Just as the tips of his fingers touched the skin he felt the wetness. He couldn't believe that he was crying, again. Why did it seem like that was all he did.

No matter what he did, the tears always seemed to slowly and silently make their way down his cheeks. Even when he felt fine. He hated that he felt like this.

How much longer was he going to allow Vaughn Kalil, to have a hold over him; over his heart, his body, his mind and his soul?

"Wasn't it time that he let the man that didn't care if he was beside him or not go?" That was what he decided last night when he told Cheryl that he would be filing for divorce.

He had meant it, it was time to let go of what they had. Whatever they had in the past was gone now, it was over and done with. And it was time that Athiss moved on.

There was no sense in holding on to something that neither of them wished to fight for anymore. Athiss knew that no matter how much he had wished for Vaughn to come running to him on his hands and knees as he begged for another chance to prove that he was worth loving, worth wanting was for naught because Vaughn didn't care, he never cared. The only thing that Vaughn cared about was getting laid. And no amount of tears, of love would change that.

Now that Athiss himself had fucked someone else, He didn't understand the thrill of it. "What was the point of a life like this?", If the action wasn't because of love, understanding, and need.

A need so strong that it makes your body feel as if it's a pot of boiling lava waiting to erupt. That the only way to quench that lava's thirst is to have the one that you loved above anything and anyone else in your arms.

This person was the only one that could help you conquer the feelings held deep inside of you. The ones that when set free, shows them just how much they meant to you, and always would mean to you. That was the meaning of sex, of love.

It should have been something pure, something so innocent. Even if the act itself wasn't so pure- so innocent. But the feelings that you had for the one you were with were raw feelings that no camera, no video could capture. That is the true meaning of giving yourself to someone. Athiss thought bitterly.

"Who cared what people thought", As long as you were happy, "Why would it matter what they said?" Biting his lip Athiss slowly looked down at his wrist, as his eyes landed on the watch that his crazy best friend had bought him for his birthday.

He had told the woman that he didn't need or want anything. But of course she didn't listen. She never listened. Not unless it was you agreeing with her and doing what she wanted.

Sighing softly Athiss watched as time ticked on. Not really registering that time was moving. When he finally came to and registered what the watch was saying he was cursing out because not only was he going to be late to work but there was no way in hell that he would be able to go home and shower.

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