Chapter 6

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Niall's P.O.V

While walking down the road, I see Kenzie walking into her house. 

"Hey, McKenzie. Whats wrong?"

"Uhg, not you again." She says rolling her eyes. "Are you ever gonna give up?"

"Drop the act, pretty girl. I meant what happened today?"

"I quit my job. Thats what happened. Now, if you must know, Im not letting Andrew find out."

"I didnt really care about the last part. I just want to ask you one thing."


"Why do you act like nothing is wrong with you, when obviously, something is?"

"Because, nothing is wrong with me."

"McKenzie, I know it. You know it. Just tell me, what is wrong. What makes you so sad enough to harm yourself?"

"That is none of your business. Now, I-"

"I know its none of my business, I just want to help you. Thats all." 

"I dont want, nor need, your help. Thanks for the offer, though."

"Anytime." I say, writing my number down on a piece of paper. "Here, take this. Whenever you need me, day or night, call me. I'll be there. 24/7 even."

"Th-thanks." She says, slowly grabbing the paper, and putting it in her pocket. 

"Youre welcome. Now, I will go and leave you in peace. See you around, McKenzie." I say before closing the door, and continuing on into my day.

McKenzie's P.O.V

Why would he even care about someone he doesnt know? Maybe, I should use this one day..I should trust him..

"Kenzie? You home?"

"Drew, hey." I say, throwing sweats and a T-Shirt on.

"So..I seen Kaci today.." Shit. "And, she told me, you walked out on her. Why's that?"

"Well, do you remember my old friend, Amber?"

"She was hot.."

"Drew, seriously? Thats sick." 

"What? She was."

"Anyway, she got hired and I couldnt stand her so, I quit. Kaci chose who she wanted and it obviously wasnt me. Im tryiong to find another job, I promise, but you should too."

"Actually, sis, I got one."

"Really? What is it?"

"Now, before you judge me, remember; Im going to college. And I-"

"Andrew, I know. Just, what is it?"

"Its a bartender.."

"At the local bar?"

"Yes..Please, dont hate me."

"Oh, I dont. I just wanna know how mom and dad would handle it. Being all religious and stuff.."

"Yes, I know. Its against the Bible, but dad always said as long as I didnt drink, it would be fine."

"Im not judging you, Drew. As long as youre helping around the house, I'm happy." 


"You're my brother, I will always love you." I say, squeezing him in a bear hug. 

"Thanks, Kenz." He says, hugging me back. "I'll always love you too." 

"I know." I say, mumbling into his arms.

"I seen Niall leave the house. You should give him a chance, McKenzie. You've had your gaurd up for so long, you should at least let Niall love you the way he will. He's a real man, sis. Just one chance is all I'm asking. He's really sweet."

"I might..Besides, I feel like I should let it down just a little."

"Not everyone is like Jake, ya know." Jake, my last boyfriend. He hurt me so bad, I thought I was dying. 

"I know. And not everyone is like Amy, ya know. Hey, didnt she have your baby?"

"That was like 1 year ago.."

"Actually, 1 month ago..."

"I know. Well, its off to bed for me. And you too. Goodnight, sis. I love you." He says before kissing my head and walking to bed. 

"Night!" I call back.

*1 Week Later*

That week after Niall had talked to me, I felt so afraid. I havent talked to, or seen him since then. I've always wanted to talk to him, Im just too scared to diall his number.

"Hey, McKenzie.."

"Hey, Kaci."

"Im sorry about that night. I was too selfish, I didnt realize I had lost my best worker."

"Its fine, CeeCee. It really is."

"I hear youre tryna find a new job?"

"Yeah..Its not been easy. Drew's been working at the bar for about 2 weeks now."

"You can come back anytime you want. Just thought I'd let ya know."

"Yeah, I appreciate that."

"Youre welcome."

"How's business?"

"Slow, and awful. I need you back, Kenz."

"I know. I'll come back soon."

"Really?" Kaci says as her eyes light up.

"Yes, really."

"Well, I guess you should get on with your day then."

"I aint doin nothin, but goin shoppin."

"Sounds fun, but I gotta get back to work. See ya later, Kenz." 

"Bye." I say waving, and smiling. As I turn around, I see a blonde, fimiliar face in front of me. 

Niall's P.O.V

As the guys and I are out on the town, I see McKenzie walk in.

"Isnt that the girl?" Louis says, teasingly.

"Yes, thats McKenzie. Thats the girl I'm talking about." I say as I study the way she walks in. Flawless.

"Go talk to her. You havent for a week now."

"Two weeks, actually."


"Fine." I say making my way to her.

"Woah, Niall. You scared me." McKenzie says as she turns around.

"Hah, Im sorry." I say nervously. 

"Im sorry for not getting in contact with you."

"Oh, no. Its fine. Actually, I dont know what I'd do if you did. Probably be starstuck." 

"I doubt that." She says as she laughs, her real laugh. "Oops. Excuse me." She says covering her mouth.

"No, its fine. Your laugh is..well, cute."

"Thanks." She says smiling.

"Youre welcome. So, McKenzie. What're you doing tonight?"

"Sittin at home. Gonna wait for Drew. Why?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. Do anything you wanted."

"Uhm, yeah. Sure. I'd love to, actually." She says, smiling wide. 

"Great. I'll be there at 7?"


"Good. See you soon, Kenz." Tonight's gonna be great..

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