Chapter 24

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When I take MacKenzie home, I realize it's just us two, so I decide to ask her. "How long have you been cutting since I've left?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Mac asks sounding a little shook up.

"I've noticed a few fresh cuts. I thought you promised me," I say trying to sound as calm as possible.

"I'm sorry..I just..when you left, I couldn't control it, and I started again. The temptations grew bigger and stronger." She pleads.

"Kenzie, I know it hurt like hell, but, you shouldn't let your temptations win. You're much stronger and better. I'm not fussing, but, I want you to stop." I say holding her, "I'm here now."

"I know..its just so hard. I miss it sometimes." Mac says sniffling. 

"Come on, let's lye down. Its ten o'clock. I know you're tired." I say as we walk to her bedroom.

"I am." She crawls into bed, and covers up. When I look away for a slpit second, I see out of the corner of my eye MacKenzie's clothes lying on the floor.

"Did..did you just take those off?" I ask as I walk over to them.

"Mhm," she says tiresome, "I don't like sleeping with clothes on. They make me too hot. My bra and underware is good enough for me." She moves around in bed for a bit. Five minutes later, I seem to notice how quite it is and see that MacKenzie had fallen asleep.

"Goodnight, love," I say as I kiss her head, "I love you." I walk back down the steps, and find Drew.

"You didn't just.." Drew approaches me looking angry.

"No, I swear. I just took her to bed, and she threw her clothes on the floor and went right to sleep. I swear!" I raise my hands up like I'm surrendering, because I'm terrified of what he's going to do.

"If I go up there, and she's're gonna get it."

"Man, I swear it wasn't me." I say, my palms sweaty.

"Lighten up, Niall. I'm just kidding," Drew laughs as he pats me on the back. "Just, be good to her, would ya?"

"Yes, always. I'm going to go now, I should be back sometime tomorrow." I say heading for the door.

"Where are you staying? I mean, its Kentucky. None of your family lives here."

"I rented a hotel room, thanks for asking." When I open the door, I see it begin to close again.

"Stay here. I mean, I know you and my sister just started dating about three or four months ago, I dunno, but I thought you'd like to stay here for a while until you return to Ireland to see your family. We have a spare room, and I cleaned it out for you."

"Drew, I can't possibly do that." I say trying to open the door once again. With no luck, I finally give up. "Fine. But, just for a week. Can I please go get my things?"

"Nope." He says keeping the door shut.

"Why not?"

"I'm just messing with you," he releases the door, "go get your stuff. The spare room is the last door to the left. I'll be upstairs if you need me." Drew walks up the steps as I gather all my things up, quick to make sure no one is out around the place. Once the coast is clear, I hurry back into the house and silently close the door.

"Whew, I'm tired." I say as I head up the steps, into the spare bedroom. "Maybe tonight, I can sleep." I throw my pants beside the door to wash them in the morning, my shirt right along with it. I change into my Pajama pants, and run my fingers through my hair. I sigh as I lay down and pull the covers over me. I close my eyes and sleep.


I wake up around ten in the morning, and head for the bathroom. With my eyes still closed, I run into the closed bathroom door. "Ow.." I rub my head and groan.

"Niall, did you just run into the door?" MacKenzie says from the other side.

"Maybe...I don't think so, you may have just heard something." I say shrugging before I realize she can't see me.

"Well, I also heard you say 'ow,' and groan." She says opening the door. "Maybe you should open your eyes the next time." She kisses my cheek and heads to Drew's room. She's still in her underware, though. I don't see how, but she is. I go into the bathroom and do my business very slowly, considering I'm still asleep.

"Man, come on! I have to pee!" Drew's sleepy voice calls as he bangs on the door.

"Hold on, let me wash my hands," my accent slurring.

"Niall, I swear if you don't hurry I'm gonna bust this door down."

"Im done now," I say as I move out of his way and stretch.

"Good morning," MacKenzie says smiling.

"Morning. That bed, its comfortable. I think I might just take it home with me." I say hugging her.

"I'm sorry, but, you can't do that. I need it. Actually, he needs it." Mac says as Drew comes out of the bathroom brushing his teeth

"What? I can't let girls sleep in my bed after we have sex." He says, his mouth full of spit.

"Ew, I'm not sleeping there anymore." I say completely grossed out.

"I'm kidding. I let them sleep in the bed with me."

"That's nice to know. I'm gonna get dressed now," I reply walking to the room and changing. I comb my hair, slip my shoes on, and meet everyone downstairs. "What are we doing after work?" I ask sitting on the sofa.

"Actually, I have the week off." Mac says sitting beside me. "And, did I strip in front of you last night?" Her cheeks get red suddenly.

"No. You covered up, then stripped."

"Good. Drew said I did." Kenz says throwing a pillow at Drew. We all can't help but laugh.

"I would've left if you did. I wouldn't want to disrespect you." I say kissing her.

"I know. I thought I did though. That's all." She assures me smiling. I can't wait for this week to start, I can wait for it to end.

It feels good being back with MacKenzie and Drew.

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