Chapter 16

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The night is full of laughter, and smiles. Its the first time in a long while I've felt like this.

"Alright, alright," Drew says laughing, "I actually like you, Niall. You're hilarious."

"Thanks, I guess." Niall replies smiling.

"So, Kenz, how was the party?" Drew asks, changing our subject.

"Uh, it was..good? Yeah, it was good." I say nodding and sipping my third cup of coco.

"What all happened? You guys came back awfully happy."

"Drew, what usually happens when two teenagers play Spin the Bottle?"

"Ooh. So, that's how...NiKenzie happened, right?" He asks making a ship name for us.

"I guess..?" Niall and I both say, awkwardly.

"Well, I'm glad. Its about damn time."

"Alrighty, then."

"Its 10:30. I better head back to the hotel. Don't wanna oversleep tomorrow." Niall says, sitting his mug on the coffee table.

"See ya soon?" Andrew says, shaking his hand

"Of course." Niall replies, smiling, and heading for the door. "McKenzie, I'll see you soon, as well." He says, winking at me.

"Soon as in right now." I say waking over to him. "Be careful, okay? Maniacs drive this time of night."

"Always am." Niall says kissing me softly.

"Bye, Niall."

"Bye, Kenz." With that, he vanishes into the night fog.

"He really likes you, sis. Ive never seen any guy you've been with like that. He's real. He's special." Drew says patting me on the back.

"You think so?" I ask closing the door.

"No, I know so." He replies kissing my cheek and walking towards the stairs. "Goodnight, sis. I love you."

"Love you too, bub." I say following. I hope Drew's correct. I hope Niall is real.


When I wake up, I head to the bathroom and do my usual routine. Brush teeth √

Put contacts in √

Get dressed √

Makeup (everywhere necessary) √

Fix hair √

Complete steps 4 & 5 √. All good to go, McKenzie.

"Kenzieeeeeeee!!!!! Hurryyyyyy!!!" Drew says banging on the door

"Alright, alright," I say putting my makeup away, "Im done."

"I have to poop!" He says whipping everything out, sitting on the toilet taking a dump.

"I see.." I say holding my nose and walking to the kitchen. "Lets see..what to eat, what to eat....Hm....Apple!!" I grab an apple from the fruit and vegetable bowel on the table, and peal it. Drew thinks I'm crazy because I peal my apples and then eat them, while he just eats it straight down to the core.

"You do it like this," Drew, showing his expertise, says grabbing an apple as well biting into it.

"Not me. Don't you have work?" I ask, throwing my pealings away. "Or, did you get fired?" My mouth full of apple bits.

"Haha, very funny. And yes, actually, I do. What about you?" He says throwing his remainders away

"Class. Then hopefully to see Niall." I reply grabbing my keys.

"You guys are so cute!!" Andrew says pinching my cheeks like I'm a 5 year old.

"I gotta go." I say laughing as I walk to my car. Im actually a lot happier with Niall in my life. Let alone hearing his voice, or seeing his face. Maybe he could be my miracle..

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