Chapter 18

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Getting dressed for the concert tonight, I get so stressed out. "I don't know what to wear! I have nothing to wear!" I yell standing in front of my closet full of clothes. "Being a girl is so stressful. Ughh," I plop down on my bed.

"Amy can help you, she's downstairs," Drew says knocking on my door.

"I'd appreciated that, please send her up," I say sounding like a high class woman.

"Actually, I'm right here," Amy says entering my room. "Alright..What kind of outfit are you looking for, exactly?" Amy rummages through my closet.

"One to wear for a concert," I say standing up, once again, in my bra and underware.

"Well, here," She says handing me a strapless shirt I bought my sophomore year of high school and some shorts.

"Uhm, Amy..I bought that shirt when I was in tenth grade. I don't think it'll fit anymore," I say taking it and looking at it, "I've gained weight."

"Maybe so, but you never know until you try it." Amy says throwing my shorts on my bed. "Put it on, I'll be outside the door." She walks out and I put my shorts on first.

"Amy, if it fits, I'm gonna scream." I say sliding it on over my shoulders.

"But, you'll love me forever because I found it." She laughs from the other side of the door

I open the door and say, "I officially hate you."

"You look amazing!"

"Its a little tight around my waist."

"That's because you've got curves, and you're not used to wearing clothes like that. Now," Amy says holding up my bag of makeup, "sit." She orders.

"Amy, its just a concert." I reassure her, but sit anyway.

"Not just a concert. Niall's concert." Amy says applying foundation.

"Andrew told you, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did. Your top is blue, you're eye shadow will be...light blue," She then applies my eye shadow. Before I know it, my makeup is finished and so is my hair. "Go look." Amy says scooting me towards my mirror.

"This isn't me," I say, "I can't be this pretty."

"You're gorgeous, Mac." Drew says as he stands beside me, "And I can't believe my little sister isn't so little anymore. She's growing up right in front of me." I swear he's about to cry.

"Awh, Drew. I'll always be your little sister. Even when I'm eighty." I say hugging him. "And you'll always be my favorite big brother."

"I know." He says squeezing me. "You better go, you don't wanna be late."

"Actually," I say slipping my converse on, "I was hoping you'd take me."

"You better hurry then," he says running downstairs.

"You do look gorgeous," Amy says walking down with the baby. When I know they're out of hearing range, I stand there and say,

"I guess I am," and walk down stairs. "Ready?" I walk out the door, into the car.

"Ready." They say doing the same.

"Now, listen; Do not sleep with him. I don't care how cute he is, or how pretty you are, d-"

"Drew! No! Not until I'm married!" I say cutting him off

"Good." The rest of the ride is silent. As we pull up, I can't help but smile as I get out. "Be careful." Drew says as they drive off.

"I can't do this," I say as I walk away from the arena.

"Where are you going?" Niall's voice calls out. "Its not even started yet, I didn't know we were that bad." He walks over to me.

"Its not that, its just I don't feel right." I say as I meet him.

"Why?" He asks placing a backstage pass around my neck

"This," I say holding it up, "some other fan should have this, not me. I don't deserve it. I didn't work for it, and they're working their asses off for it." I say sighing.

"But, you're lucky enough to have it. Just, please?" He begs.

"Fine," I smile and walk inside with him

       After the show, we head backstage and I make sure I'm hid from fans. I take my phone out and text Drew random crap. 'You're a poopface.' 'Shut up and enjoy my lovelyness' 'Eww!! Never!' 'Go away. I love you.' 'Love ya too.' I legit have no friends other than my boss.

"MacKenzie, this is Eleanor. I'm sure you know her," Louis says introducing us.

"Yeah," I smile, "I know her. Hi."

"Hi. Louis said you were Niall's woman." Eleanor laughs. "I didn't know she'd be this pretty."

"Me, pretty? No, you're the pretty one. You're gorgeous." I argue back.

"Thank you, MacKenzie. You are too." She smiles.

"You're welcome, and thank you." I smile back. The rest of the night is all of us hanging out and just laughing until its time for them to leave.

"I'm gonna be gone for a really long time, you know that, right?" Niall says holding my arms.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I do." I frown.

"But, that's not gonna stop me from loving or seeing you. And when we meet up again, you better not have anymore scars or cuts. Understand?" He says holding my wrists up.

"I understand," I say smiling and hugging him. "I'm gonna miss you." I mumble in his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but, I promise as soon as I can, I'll come back."

"I know." I look at him and smile. "Just, don't forget about me, please."

"Never," Niall says hugging me and kissing me. A long slow kiss I'll never forget.

"Goodbye, love." I say as we hold hands and depart. Seeing him leave me is killing me. Knowing I'll not see him here again for at least another year breaks my heart.

"I love you," we both say as the bus drives off.

There goes my heart..

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