Chapter 41

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Drew and I go home tomorrow. It's all too soon. I don't want to leave Niall.

"Good morning," Niall greets me when I wake up.

"Morning. What time is it, exactly?" I search around for my phone but realize its on the other side of the room.

"A little past noon." Niall shrugs.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I quickly jump out of bed and grab my phone.

"Because you were sleeping so peaceful, and you looked beautiful. I didn't want to wake you." He walks to me, and kisses my cheek. Clearly he's been up for quite sometime now. He's showered and dressed. His hair is still a little damp.

"Yeah, but, you should've woke me up. I want to spend my last day with you. Not in bed." I laugh and grab some clothes out of my suitcase.

"Oh, I forgot. You're leaving early tomorrow." Niall's smile fades, and my heart stops.

"I don't want to. I actually like it here. Ireland is a lot different than Kentucky. Its calmer, and the people are sweeter."

"Maybe that's because you live in the wrong neighborhood." Niall laughs as he makes his way to the door.

"Maybe." I smile and close the door behind him. I change into my clothes, and sit on the edge of the bed sighing.

I know, I've only been here a week, but..this place is really growing on me. It's lovely. I don't see how Niall can come back and just leave again. I know, its his job. But, I couldn't do it.

"Mac?" Niall knocks on and opens the door. "What's wrong?" He sits beside me and places an arm around my shoulders

"I don't want to leave. I love it here." I finally look at him.

"I do too. But, we have to do things we don't want to sometimes. For instance, you and Drew have to go back to your place."

"Yeah, I know. I just, I don't want to leave." I put my pajamas in my suitcase and grab my dental supplies. I make my way to the bathroom, and brush my teeth quickly.

I return to the room and find Niall going through my phone.

"Whatcha looking at?" I plop down beside him. I have nothing to hide on my phone, so I'm not worried.

"This picture." He looks at my lock screen slash wallpaper. Its the picture Drew took of us kissing before Niall flew back home. "How long have you had it?"

"Drew took it, actually, on his phone the day you flew back home. He sent it to me, and I forgot to send it to you. I didn't think you'd care because you've got more important things to do." I rest my head on his shoulder and watch as he sends it to himself.

"Now I've got it." He smiles and gives my phone back.

"Good. I'm sorry for forgetting." I kiss his cheek and stand up.

"No, its fine. To be honest, I would've forgotten to open it. I barely check my messages."

"I see." I smile and we walk hand in hand to the family area.

"Looks like someone finally got up." Drew says with a small scoff

"Niall, I have a suggestion; I'll leave Drew here and take Theo. Greg and Denise can raise my brother." I walk over to Drew and drop onto his lap. No more baby making for him for a while.

"MacKenzie!" He yelps in pain, holding his junk.

"I just wanted a hug, bubby!" I innocently say trying to hug him.

He pushes me off of him into the floor and says, "Not for a long time!" He continues to yelp in pain. Niall's parents have gone shopping, so its just us three here.

"But, Drew!" I laugh as I lay on the floor.

"Shut up! Mann.."

"I'm sorry." I get up off the floor and sit beside him on the couch. "I love you."

"Niall, you can keep her. I'll fly to Kentucky myself."

"You don't mean that. The whole way here you were complaining because it was too crowded and it stunk. I think you complained more than I did." I get up and walk with Niall to the kitchen.

"Mum made breakfast, but, your brother ate yours." Niall says with a chuckle.

"Figures." I say smiling. "What are we doing today?"

"I really don't want to do anything but be with you."

"Then, that's what we'll do. Nothing but spend today together at home."

And that's exactly how we spent our day. At home. Doing nothing.

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