Chapter 9

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Walking back to the house, it was silent, but not awkward. Its nice to know I have someone I can share my secrets, and thoughts with. Someone who wont judge me.

"We're here." Niall says, breaking my thoughts up. "Looks like Drew's still up." He says looking into Drew's bedroom window.

"Yeah, I guess so." I say laugh.

"You better get inside before you get sick. I'd hate for you to get sick, I'd feel like it was my fault. I know you're cold, it's like 10 degrees out here." He says ushering me to the door.

"Niall, Im fine." I say shaking.

"No. Go inside."

"There you are." Drew says opening the door breaking up our 'argument' "You two were gone for like an hour." He says acting like he's my father.

"Andrew, we're fine." I say laughing.

"Sis, this is a boy we're talkin about here." Drew says acting like a girl. I can tell Drew is making Niall uncomfortable so I say, "Drew. Please?"

"Fine." With that Drew walks inside closing the door.

"Sorry bout that. Drew can be a girl sometimes." I say, embarrassed.

"Nahh, its fine. My brother does that too." He says laughing. "So, Jake cheated on you?"

"Yeah. Bastard. I wish we never met or dated." I say, disgustingly.

"Im sorry."

"Its not your fault. Besides, Drew took care of him. I guess that's one good thing about having an older brother." I say chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess. I'd hate to be the next guy to break your heart. Drew looks tough."

"He is, honestly. He looks it, and he is."

"I can tell. You really better get inside. Its getting colder by the second." He says shaking.

"Come in. I'll make tea, coffee, hot coco, or whatever you want." I say turning the knob on the door when it bangs into something.

"Shhiitt." Drew says rubbing his head.

"Oops. Next time, don't be eavesdropping." I say letting Niall in. "You can make yourself at home, on tour or whatever. Sorry, I have really sucky social skills. Im just..gonna go to the kitchen now." I say walking away as Niall laughs.

"Actually, McKenzie, yours aren't that sucky. They might be awkward, but not sucky."

"Sure. Whatever." I say looking for hot coco mix. "Andrew! Where's the hot coco?" I ask rummaging through the cabinets.

"At the store, duh." He says sarcastically.

"Smartass. I meant where's ours?"

"Oh, that junk; I put it in the garbage."

"Seriously, Drew! Ugh!" I say slamming the cabinets closed.

"No, Kenz, they're with the coffee mix." He says coming in and grabbing the coco mix. "Here ya go." He says smiling innocently.

"I hate you." I say grabbing it and opening it.

"I'll remember that."

"No, bub, I'm sorry!" I say begging.

"I'll have to think about that." He says returning to the living room with Niall. Making 3 cups of hot coco, I decide to listen in on their conversation.

"Do you like my sister? Like, actually like her?"

"I can't answer that. But I can say she's a special person to me."

"How's that?"

"Well, I just feel like she can understand me better than anyone else can. She's the only person who can understand me. You're lucky to have her as a sister, Andrew. You should realize that." Says Niall.

"I know." Andrew says getting up, his footsteps getting closer to me.

"Tada!!" I say lifting 3 freshly made hot chocolates to his face.

"They smell good. I love your hot chocolate." Drew says taking a cup.

"Here ya go." I say handing Niall a cup.

"Thank you." Niall says taking a sip. "Mm. This is really good. What did you put in it?"

"A special ingredient that I shall not tell." I say sipping from mine. "I've been making it every since I was 10."

"It's really good." He says taking another sip.

"Hello? Did you forget I was here?" Drew says waving his hands up.

"Nope. Sure didn't. We were just ignoring you, or at least I was." I say sipping from my cup.


"Double loser."

"Anyway, where did you guys go for an hour?"

"Walking." I say, before Niall can answer.

"Walking where?"

"Around the block and back." Niall says looking up at Drew.

"Mhm, sure. You better not hurt her, Horan." Drew says putting his cup away walking upstairs.

"Drew.." I say embarrassed. "Im sorry."

"No, its fine. Lovely hot coco." Niall says changing the subject.

"Thanks. I try. Niall, thank you for listening to me." I say before he has to go.

"Of course. Anytime, anywhere. I'll always be here." He says hugging me. "See ya tomorrow?" He asks before walking out the door.

"See ya tomorrow." I say smiling and nodding.

"Good. Bye, McKenzie."

"Bye, Niall." I say closing the door as he walks off.

Thank God for people like Niall.

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