Chapter 35

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Today's the day MacKenzie and Drew come for a visit!

"Mum, mum!! Wake up!! They just boarded the plane!" I say excitedly waking both my parents up. "Wake up!!!!!" I act like its Christmas, and I'm a child.

"How do you know?" Dad harshly asks.

"Drew texted me. MacKenzie thinks they're going on vacation. Please get up!" I say once more.

"Alright, alright!" They both say as I run to my room to properly dress..sweatpants and a tank top.

"You'll love them!" I assure as I put shoes on.

"Niall, honey. They wont be here for another four hours. Its..twelve at night. They'll be here at four, if there is no problems. Can we just go back to bed?" Mum asks stretching.

"No, you cannot. I have to be there before the plane lands though! Please, guys.." I plead as they both give in. I wait another two hours before leaving to the airport. I'm still as excited as before. I seriously hope Drew hasn't yet told her.

As I arrive, I see planes coming in from different directions, and I'm not sure if theirs is here or not. I didn't take the time to look at the number on the ticket.

I sit in the waiting area for another thirty minutes. I get too anxious and decide to close my eyes for a bit. But, I happily got interrupted. I turn and I see Drew and MacKenzie.

"Oh my gosh! Niall!!" Mac drops all her things and starts running to me, tears running down her face.

"MacKenzie!" I take in her scent and smile wider than I was. I bury my head into her neck and rub her back with my palm.

"Why did you d-do this?" Struggling to get her words out, MacKenzie cries and smiles. Then speaks. "You didn't have to."

"But, I did. I missed you two." I kiss her lips once more and find her to be smiling.

Drew walks over, breaks the kissing session up, and hugs me. "I've missed you, too. But, please, don't kiss me like you did my sister."

"I won't. I'm not gay." I laugh and hug him once again.

They throw their things in the back of my car, and pile in. The whole way to my house we all talked. For it to be four in the morning, we are all ecstatic.

I help them gather their things and enter the house.

"Oh, who's this?" Mum asks standing.

"Mum, Dad, This is MacKenzie and her brother Andrew. Guys, these are my parents." I introduce them and greet my mum with a hug and kiss.

"Hello, MacKenzie and Andrew." My parents say. Dad shakes their hands and Mum hugs them.

"Actually, I prefer to be called Drew." Drew says hugging my mum with a smile.

"Oh, of course. Drew. Suits you well." Mum smiles.

"Thanks." Drew smiles back.

"You're the MacKenzie Niall cannot stop talking about. My, my. I never thought you'd be this pretty in person." MacKenzie and my mum share nice comments back and fourth as Drew and my dad talk.

Around five, my parents have to leave for work. Drew, MacKenzie, and I are left alone.

"So, this is Your place." Drew says taking in the place.

"My parents, place, actually." I say standing. "Do you guys want anything to drink or eat, perhaps?"

"Water, please." They both respond.

I walk back and deliver the waters.

"I live a few blocks down. I got a place of my own when I became famous. I didn't want the fans knowing where my parents live, and we all agreed. It was hard." I drink my water and laugh.

"I say so.." they both say in sadness.

"We've never met ours since the night they packed up and left us. I'm sure they're good people." Kenzie says forcing a smile.

"Good people? MacKenzie, mom and dad abandoned us! I..I swore I'd never tell you, but.." Drew says sitting his drink down.

"But what?" Mac urges him to continue.

"But, they were planning on abandoning us since you were a new born. I was two at the time. They talked about it every day after you were born. They waited ten years. I was twelve, and I didn't know how to take care of myself and my ten year old sister. I had just started junior high. You just started fifth grade. It was hard. I struggled throughout year seven, because I had to take care of us. I didn't have time to do my work. I had to find a way to support both of us at twelve. Twelve. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. When you started year six, I was in year eight. I was still taking care of us both. Somehow, by the grace of God, I made it. And I'm still making it. You're twenty one now, and I'm twenty three. I've been taking care of you for eleven years. Its been hard. The reason I didn't go to college was because I would have to stop taking care of someone who means the world to me. I became a parent at twelve. No, it was not easy. I'm a parent now at twenty three, its still not easy, and its my child. I wouldn't dare want it any other way. I love you, MacKenzie." They hug and cry for several minutes, I cried as well. I never realized how fortunate I am to have parents that have always stuck with me.

After ten minutes, they're done.

"You've been on the plane for four hours, you should probably get some rest." I say standing up.

"Where at though?"

"My room is available, and Greg's old room is, too."

"Greg?" Drew asks

"My older brother. But, be quite. My nephew is in my parents room."

"Theo!" MacKenzie's eyes widen.

"No, you cannot have him. But when you wake up, I'm sure he'll still be here." I kiss her on the cheek. "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight." They each take a room and I retire to sleep with Theo in my parents room.

"You'll love them, Theo." I smile and kiss his forehead. I crawl in bed, and soon I am fast asleep.

These few days will be good.

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