Chapter 31

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I refuse to drag myself up out of this bed. I refuse to know its my last day here. I refuse.

"Niall, you got to get up. You have to be at the airport in five hours." MacKenzie says on the opposite side of the door, she sounds like she's been crying.

"I'm going," I mumble as I get up. I find jeans, underware, and a T-shirt then head to the bathroom. I shower, brush my teeth, and my hair. Once I'm done, I sigh and open the door. I go back to the room, pile my dirty clothes into my suitcase, and put shoes on. "I'm coming," I make my way down the steps as slow as possible.

"Niall, I know you don't want to leave, but, you have to. My sister refuses to accept it. I do too, you've grown onto me. But, make these last few hours memorable." Drew approaches me and smiles. "I'm gonna miss you, man. I'll be back before you get on the plane." He says as he leaves for work. Drew has became one of my best mates, and I don't want to leave him.

"He means that.." Mac says behind me.

I turn to see her sweet face with tear marks all over her cheeks. "Mac, don't cry. I'm still yours." I say walking over towards her. "I'm just gonna be gone for a while."

"I don't want to let you go." MacKenzie wraps her arms around my waist and begins crying once more.

"Instead of spending our day crying, why don't we do something productive? I don't want to spend our last hours crying. Give me something to make me never want to leave you."

"Let me get my shoes on. Do you mind if I go in my sweats and tank top?" She asks as she puts shoes on.

"You look perfect," I smile and we lock hands. When we walk out the door, a smile instantly spreads across my face. This place is like my second home. "Why can't I take you and Kentucky home with me?"

"Because Kentucky and I belong here. You'd be better not having us around 24/7. Ireland would be way better without Kentucky in it. But, Kentucky's gonna miss a little bit of Ireland in it." Mac smiles and we walk.

     Two hours later, we're at a frozen yogurt place, laughing and smiling. Pushing the thought away.

"Ya know, actually on Monday's you get yogurt half off here. I think its because its the beginning of the week, they say its because they need to get rid of it before they put the fresh yogurt in. I think I'm the truther here, though."

"Really now? I think they're telling the truth."

"Niall! You're supposed to agree with me! I'm your girlfriend!" Kenz says as she puts a bit of yogurt in her mouth.

"I'm just kidding, love." I smile. "I believe you." We finish our yogurt and throw the cups away

"Now what?"

"I don't know. What else do you feel like doing?" I ask locking our hands together again.

"Kidnapping you, and never let you go."

"You can't do that. My parents would think I'm dead." I laugh as we walk out.

"Well, we can let them think that."

"Would you really be that selfish?"

"Yes." She nods her head as she innocently smiles.

"I'm sorry, love, but you can't." I kiss her forehead

"I know," she sighs and squeezes my hand, "but I just don't want to lose you."

"You won't. We're just separated for a while. I know our relationship will work out, because, I have faith."

"Me too. I love you, Niall."  Mac kisses me, and I don't pull back. Our kiss is longer than it ever has been before.

     I step out of the car, into the airport lounge. I look back and see Drew and MacKenzie crying. I cry once I realize how much I'm going to miss them. "I guess this is it," I force a knot the size of a babies fist down my throat.

"This is it." They both say as they walk closer to me.

"Please don't say goodbye. I can take anything else but goodbye." Mac says as a tear slips. "Anything."

"I'm not saying goodbye. I'm saying I love you." I let tears fall, and pull her in for our last kiss.

"I love you too." MacKenzie cries fully as our lips meet. Her lips taste of love and salt from her tears. I want to remember this moment, I never want to let her go. As the last call for the plane comes over the intercom, we pull apart.

"I love you. I promise I'll call as soon as the plane touches down." I say grabbing my suitcase.

"I love you, too. Forever." Mac smiles as I walk on the plane. I take my seat, and the plane doors close. Its time for take off. I look out the window, and see MacKenzie crying in Drew's chest. She looks up, and smiles as the plane takes off. Once we're in the air, I let my tears fall. I never wanted to leave her, but I want to return home. I love them all the same. I guess you can't win at both things.


The plane touches down, and I see my parents, Greg and his wife, and Theo to greet me. Its midnight, and I know they're all tired.

"Niall!" They all say as I approach them. I get showered in warm hugs and tears.

"I've missed you," my mum says as I hug her.

"I missed you too!" I kiss her cheek and hug her tightly again. I put my case in the back and get in the car. Everyone piles in their own vehicle and we drive off to my parents house. "Its good to be home," I grab my things and make my way inside.

"We're glad you're back." Mum and Dad hug me.

"Me too." I walk to my old room. Its so empty now without all my stuff. I place my things beside the bed and walk back to everyone. "Mum, would you like to meet two people that have really changed my life in the past months?"

"Niall, are you talking about this girl you're dating? I believe her name is MacKenzie, is it?"

"Yes. And her brother, Drew." I say showing them a picture of Drew and Mac on my phone.

"They look just alike." Dad says taking a closer look.

"Yes, but, in person they look nothing alike. I was thinking they could come for a visit for a few days so you two could meet them." I sit at the dinner table and wait for a response.

"Niall, its your choice. I'd love to meet them." Mum says smiling and kissing my head.

"Great. You'll love them," I smile and start calling Mac.


"Mac, hi." I smile.

"You landed. I was worried." She sighs in relief.

"I landed an hour ago, I have been talking to my family. They're all going to bed and I wanted to call before I went to bed."

"Good. I'm going to bed, too. I've cried so much, I feel like sleeping."

"I love you, Mac."

"I love you, Niall." We hang up and I smile. She's honestly my happiness.

We'll be together again, soon.

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