Chapter 46

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MacKenzie's P.O.V

I was happy, yet sad, when Niall rushed off the plane to hug me. I didn't mean to cry, it just happened. Drew isn't here to comfort me, but that doesn't mean I expected Niall to miss his flight.

I finish crying and mumble in his chest, "Why'd you do that? Why'd you miss your flight?" I assume he made out my mumbles, because he replied;

"I could never forgive myself if I left you here crying, alone. It would kill me knowing I'm hundreds of feet in the air while your hundreds of feet at the airport, crying. Mac, I'm not going to leave you here crying. I can stay another day. My family didn't even know I was coming."

"Yeah, but, I don't want your two weeks cut short because of me." I sob and lift my head up.

"MacKenzie, they won't. I promise." Niall kisses the top of my head and squeezes me. "Come on, lets get you home." He intertwines our fingers together, and we walk back to my car.

I slowly get in the drivers seat as he's already in the passenger seat, throwing his things in the back.

"You know I'm going to hate myself forever now, right?" I state as I finally sit down, starting the car.

"No you wont. You should never hate yourself. So what; I missed my flight. Big whoop. I'm gonna catch the next one, and this time make sure Drew's with you."

"Niall, they're your family. You can't replace them, and I know you wish you were on that plane. On your way back to Ireland. On your way to see your mom." I pull out of the airport lot, and onto the highway.

"Maybe. But, I've got you." Niall smiles. I don't know how he manages to, but, he made me smile too.

I'm still sobbing, but not nearly as much. "I just don't think you should've chose your girlfriend over your family. I would've been fine. I always am."

"You don't expect me to believe that, do you?" With no response, Niall clears his throat and says, "MacKenzie. I know you would've been fine, but, you would've been fine after committing suicide, and I couldn't handle your brother calling me saying what you've done. Especially after I just left you. I would've been the next to go cr-" he stops before finishing the word I don't know why, because we all know I'm crazy.

"Niall, I wouldn't want that. But, I don't want you to be here when you should be there." I say as I pull into my parking spot.

"Too bad, I'm here." Niall immediately jumps out of the car with his things, and runs to the door.

"Yeah, but you should be there." I unlock the door, and we make our way inside.

"So, what are we doing today?" Niall ignore my statement, and starts rummaging through my refrigerator.

"Apparently eating." I laugh as I stand beside him. "Does Drew know you're here?" Of course he does, he was just talking to you about him yesterday.

"Yeah, Drew knows I'm here. He just doesn't know when I'm leaving. Which, isn't today." He kisses my cheek and makes his way back to the couch. It's still the way it was whenever Niall slept on it. We didn't bother fixing it.

"No, but it should've been." I mumble under my breath. I don't like the fact he's here with me instead of in Ireland with his family. I'll forever be mad at him for that.

"Lie down with me, please?" Niall scoots over on the couch to make room for me.

I sigh and lie down beside him. Surprisingly, I fit. Niall kisses me behind my ear, and runs his finger down my arm. It sends chills down my back and I'm ready for whatever happens next, but I can't do that to him. I must patiently wait.

"I love you, MacKenzie." Niall lays his arm across me, and his head on my shoulder.

"I love you, too, Niall." I say relaxing myself. I've never been in a relationship quite like this before. This is a new experience, and I have to brace myself for moments when he'll just pack up and leave. I still can't come to the realization that I'm dating THE Niall Horan. Its been two years, already, and I'm still not sure if this is a dream or not.

"Tomorrow, I'll have to leave."

"I know. You should've tod-"

"Shh." My words are cut off by a finger to my lips. I smile and kiss his finger.

I hear light snores in my ear. Niall's fallen asleep! Awh!

I soon decide to join him in dreamland.


I get woken up to mumbles in my ear;

"Mac, I love you. Please, never leave me." Niall's still asleep. Awh, he talks in his sleep! How cute.

I smile and try to get up. Something is holding me back. I look down and realize Niall still had hold of me. His arms feel so right around me. I've waited to do this for a year, and I'm not about to get up yet.

I roll over and kiss his nose, softly.

"I love you, Niall. I'll never leave you." Was the last words that came out of my mouth before I'm asleep again.

I could do this for a lifetime. I never want to let him go. Unfortunately, I have to sometime..


I am so sorry this chapter is crap! I'll try to make the next one better! I love you!! ♥♥

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