Chapter 55

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"We're home!" I yell as Theo and I enter the house.

"Hello." Mum gives us both kisses. "Your dad called. He said he won't be home until later tonight."

"Mum, don't you think his job is overworking him?" I ask as I slip my shoes off.

"Yes, but, you know your father. And plus, we need the extra money."

"Mum, what about the money I send you? What happens to it?"

"Oh, we use it. But, your dad likes to have and make his own money. We don't like having to take yours."

"You're not, I'm giving it to you." I sit down on the couch and let mum put Theo to bed.

"Yes, well," she returns and sits across from me, "it doesn't feel right. You work hard for that money. We don't deserve it. It's yours."

"Mum, you're sounding like MacKenzie now." I laugh.

"We woman think alike. Well, some of us. Oh, Niall." Mum sighs. "I believe I'm going to join Theo in bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mum." I kiss her cheek and we both vanish to our rooms.

I lay in bed and check my phone.

I hesitate on calling Mac or not. I give in and dial her number.

"Hello, you have reached the number of MacKenzie McCain. She is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone, BEEP."

"Dang it!" I sigh and play along. "I guess I'll have to hang up and try another time."

"No! I was joking! I'm here! Hi!!" MacKenzie says, laughing.

"Oh, hello. Who am I talking to?"

"MacKenzie! MacKenzie Faith McCain!"

"Hello, MacKenzie Faith McCain. This is Aaron. Aaron John Johnson."

"Hello, Aaron John Johnson. You sound cute, how old are you?"

"Oh, about thirty. Still cute though." I laugh.

"Ooh, I bet. What do you look like?"

"Uhm, well. I have brown hair, it's always dyed bleach blonde, blue eyes, and I'm Irish."

"You sound even cuter now! I'm gonna have to steal you someday."

"Oh, but love, you've already stolen me."

"I don't think so. I think a little Theo has."

"Oh, yes. He will always have me. But, you stole me, as well. I hope I have stolen you."

"Trust me, Aaron Johnson, you have. Every piece of me." MacKenzie laughs on the other end.

"Good. I shall never give you back. You're mine forever." I laugh, too. "But, seriously. I talked to mum this morning. She thinks we're too young to think about marriage."

"We're just thinking and talking about it. We're not even engaged yet. I know we're young, but, eventually everyone's gonna have to see we need to make our own decision. I love your mom to death, I really do. She doesn't want her other and last little boy to grow up so quick. I don't blame her."

"I guess so, but..I want to grow up, old, with you. I want to have a family with you. I want a life with you."

"How many other girls have you said that to?"

"Just you."


"I want you, and only you, for eternity. You make me happy. You make me smile like a fool. You make my life even better."

"I love you, Niall."

"I love you, too, Mac."

"How is your mom?"

"She's good. She's missing you."

"I'm coming mama!"

"I'm sure you are." I laugh as Mac talks about her day. Our conversations could be pointless, and I'd still love them. I love hearing MacKenzie talk.

"So, anyways, my day was good. And yours?"

"Spent it with Theodore, and Mum."

"Two most important people in your life."

"Yeah, I missed you though. You really have a spell on me." I chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't see how. I'm just a normal American girl who fell in love with a Irish popstar guy."

"You're anything but normal. You're better than normal."

"Nope. I'm normal. Maybe a bit below normal, but, I'm normal."

"I love you, Mac."

"I love you, too, Niall."

"Sweet dreams."

"Night." We both hang up at the same time. I know I'll sleep well tonight, because I got to talk to my love.

I can't control myself around her, or when I talk to her. She's got me trapped in her love spell.


Hey, guys! How are you?

First off; Thank you for 1.4K reads, and 94 votes on this story! I didn't think it'd be popular. I thought it'd always be stuck in the hundreds! Just 6 more votes to go, and this will be my most read and most voted story (it is anyway) Thank you once again!

Second; I'm sorry if there are misspellings in this chapter. My eye is bothering me, and I could barely see.

Third; School starts next Wednesday. :/ Slow updates then. Maybe, hopefully, I can make up for them on the weekends.

Fourth; I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If not, please tell me what I can do to make it better.

Thank you again, my beautiful readers, for 1.4K reads and 94 votes!

I love you!! ♥♥

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