Chapter 13

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McKenzie's P.O.V

It's Friday, and I plan on asking Niall if he's free tonight, and if he is, Im gonna ask him to the dance.

"Whens Niall supposed to be here?" Drew asks getting dressed for work.

"Soon, I hope." I say, pulling on a jacket. "And, there he is." I say as Niall knocks on the door.

"Coming," Drew says practically flying down the steps. "Hello, handsome. Please, come in."

"Uh, okay." Niall says, awkwardly walking in. "Is your sister ready?"

"Ask her. She's right there." Andrew says, walking back up the steps.

"You ready?" Asks Niall, nervously shoving his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah. Lemme get my shoes," I say as I pull my shoes on. "Ready."

"Great." Niall says as we leave the house. "So, I have nothing planned for today. I just thought we'd spend time together."

"Well, Im fine with that." I say, about to ask my question.

"What was that question you wanted to ask me?"

"Uhm, I was wanting to know...if you wanted to go to a party tonight. Its one of my classmates party, and he said for me to come and bring someone, if I can." I say moving my hands with the last part of the sentence.

"Uhm, I'd love to." Niall says, to my surprise.


"Yeah, really. I've never actually been to a party before."

"Me either, not that I've ever wanted to go to one."

"Drew never had one?"

"No, surprisingly. He'd always be the first one invited. Drew's always been the star football player, and everyone liked him, even the teachers." I say as we turn the block.

"Did you ever play any sports?"

"Well, I played basketball in middle school, and was on the dance team 9th and 10th grade. That's it. I was the one who was never noticed, though. I didn't become noticed until everyone found out I was Drew's sister, and dated the quarterback of the team. After we broke up, I became no one again. I lost all my friends, and I went into a deep depression, and I still am. Jake never accepted my depression while we were together, and all I want is for someone to accept me and my depression, no matter how deep it gets. But, these days, perfection is what everyone looks for, and wants."

"Well, not exactly everyone.." Niall says looking at me, the dim sunlight hitting his gorgeous blue eyes making them sparkle brighter.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't. I want someone who struggles. I want someone who's insecure, even if its just a little. I want someone who can be themselves. I want.."

"You want what?"

"I just want someone like that. So I can make them feel like they're important forever." Niall says, pulling me into a hug. I will be honest, I never accept hugs from anyone other than Drew, but once Niall pulled me into a hug, I was all for it. There's just something about Niall that makes me feel alive inside. I feel the light inside me that Jake had stole, and Niall has replaced it back. When we're apart, the light is dim, but when we're together again; its as bright as the sun on a summer day. Niall does something to me, and I love what he does.

"Well, you make me feel important." I say pulling back.


"Yes, really."


"Before I actually met you, I was so depressed, I could barely talk. But, since you came into my life, I open up more. I never felt important before. But thanks to you, I feel important. You save me, Niall. And I want to thank you." I say, hugging him again.

"You're welcome, McKenzie." Niall says burying his face in my neck. His breathing on my bare neck sends chills down my spine, making my knees weak. After our hug, we continue walking, talking, and laughing.

"So, whens your next concert?" I ask, walking backwards.

"Uhm, Sunday at seven."

"You really like your job, don't you?" I ask, walking beside him now.

"Yeah, actually. I love it. It makes me happy. I enjoy every minute of it. I love looking out into the crowd and seeing so many smiling faces. That makes me smile. Sometimes, even cry. I honestly couldn't imagine doing anything else. My life depends on my fans, and my boys. They're all my family. All of them. I love them all." Niall says, his smile glowing as it grows bigger.

"I can tell." I say, smiling along with him.

"And seeing you happy makes me happy." Says he as he nudges into me.

"Im only happy because youre happy. Im only this happy when I'm with or near you." I say, laughing a bit.


"Yes, really."

"That makes my heart happy."

"Well, it should."

"I hope." Says he laughing. "I better get you home. We've already spent three hours around the block. It doesn't seem like that. You've gotta get dressed, and ready. What time should I pick you up?"

"Oh, Niall, you don't have to pick me up. I-"

"No, I actually do because I have no idea how to get there."

"Well, the usual. Around seven." I say as we head back to my house.

"Great. I just hope I don't get mobbed."

"Niall, they're, like, twenty year olds."

"You'd be surprised."

"Yeah, I guess."  I say laughing. The whole way home, we just laugh and talk about nothing important. We were just Niall is very special to me, and I want him to know that. I just don't know how to let him know. When I enter the house, Im stunned to see Drew home. "Fuck, Drew. You scared me." I say closing the door.

"Im sorry. So, how'd it go?" Andrew says as he sits at the dinner table across from me.

"Good, I suppose. How was work?"

"Amazing!! I seen Amy and her baby."

"She took Addison to a bar? She's only a month old!" I say, practically shouting.

"Chill, Kenz, she ordered food. No alcohol. And she.." Drew says, a small smile slowly creeping on his face.

"And she what?!?!" I say getting excited. "She what? She what? She what!!"

"She reviled that Addison is mine." Andrew says, smiling extremely big.

"I TOLD YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!!" I say, yelling with excitement.

"Woah, hold up. You've never used that kind of language before." Oops..

"Oops..Im sorry. I actually have, but I've never said mothereffer." I say, carefully. "I have to jump in the shower. Gotta party to attend later." I recall storming up the stairs to the shower.


Its seven-thirty when Niall shows up, looking as amazing as ever. "Wow, Niall. You look nice." I say, walking to the door.

"You look..gorgeous." Niall says, eying my light blue sleeveless mini dress I had just bought.

"Thank you." I say, approaching his side. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Niall says as we leave for the party. Tonight's the night I feel like I'm someone who belongs..Someone with Niall.

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