Chapter 45

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"Niall, you've got to get up now." I hear a voice say as I'm being shook awake.

I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Good, you're up now." Mac smiles and kisses my cheek. "Your mom called, she said she really misses you. But, don't worry, I didn't tell her you're here. I told her you're still on the road."

"Uhm, thanks." I've only been up for a few seconds and she's already talking my head off.

"I've already packed your things. You don't need to worry about that." MacKenzie sits beside me on the couch as I stretch. "I'm going to miss you.  More than ever."

"How long do I have left?"

"A few hours."

"How many?"

"Three." Mac shrugs, trying to push the feeling and thought away.

"MacKenzie, just say the word and I'll stay." I hold her face in my hands as she smiles.

"Niall, I can never keep you away from your family. I can be replaced, they can't. I just want you to be happy."

"I'm happy in your arms, though."

"And I'm happy in yours. But, I know you're happier with your family. Just go, I'll be fine. Honest this time." MacKenzie gives me a kiss and I smile.

"One day, Mac. One day." I kiss her again, but deepen it. No, I don't plan on doing anything but kissing. I'm not that much of a jerk.

I pull apart so MacKenzie and I can catch our breath.

"I've been waiting a year for that." I say as I laugh a little.

"So have I." MacKenzie connects our lips again, and this time she deepens it.


MacKenzie drops me off at the airport. I can't believe I'm doing this again. I can't leave her like this.

"How long do we have to keep doing this?" MacKenzie asks laughing. She refuses to look behind me at the plane. I know it hurts her, especially after a year of not seeing me then packing up and leaving three days later.

"Until I quit." I say, holding her hand.

"No, don't do that. Don't you ever quit unless you have to." MacKenzie pokes my nose with her other index finger. I smile at her cuteness.

"I won't." I pause for a moment. "I just don't want to keep leaving you. It hurts my heart."

"It hurts mine, too. But, our love grows stronger when we're not around each other all the time. It just proves if it's meant to be love. I love and miss you more and more every time you're away from me. And sometimes, I think you'll find someone better and prettier than me. I'm afraid to lose you, Niall."

"You'll never lose me to someone else. It always will be you. I'd choose you over any other girl. Always." I rest my forehead on hers.

"Even Demi Lovato?"

"Yes, even Demi. No matter how big of a crush I have on her, I'd still choose you over her because I love you. I don't have a crush on you."

"You're so sweet."

The lady comes over the intercom, my flight leaves soon.

I kiss MacKenzie and hold her close. I don't want to let her go. I love her.

"You've got to go now, Niall. You're family is waiting." MacKenzie lightly pushes me to board the plane. The whole time she's smiling. I can barely hold it all inside.

I look away for a second, and I see her crying. I can't leave her here crying without hugging her first. I convince the pilot to hold for a few extra minutes. I run off the plane, and instantly take Mac in my arms.

MacKenzie cries into my chest, and I think maybe I shouldn't leave just yet.

The passengers on the plane are already angry, and my stuff has been set out. The airplane takes off, and I'm still holding MacKenzie.

I don't care that I missed my flight. I can catch another one. All I care about is MacKenzie and whether she's happy or not.

"Niall, you didn't go.." MacKenzie manages to choke out.

"I couldn't leave you here crying." I kiss the top of her head, and we stand there hugging. Not doing anything but crying and hugging.

I can always catch another plane home. But, I could never forgive myself if I left Mac at the airport crying..alone.

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