Chapter 8

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Niall's P.O.V

"So, McKenzie, where do you want to go?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Anywhere.." She says in a low whisper.

"I can take you to the hotel, and let you rest if you'd like." I say, knowing it wasn't the right words.

"I don't think Drew would like that. Can we..go walk around the park?" She asks pointing to a jungle gym with no one there.

"Sure." I say, smiling as she leads me. "Is this place always this empty?" I ask climbing the little steps.

"Well, its 8pm..I say so," Kenzie says laughing. "But, yes, in the winter it is always this empty. Spring and summer its full. I like coming in the winter weather, and at night. Its where I come to do most of my thinking." She says staring into a distance.

"Uh-huh. Its peaceful." I say watching her.

"Yeah..Wh..What are your fears?" She says turning towards me.

Leaving you..

"Honestly, I can't really tell." I say, my Irish accent lingering into the night.

"Well, why not? Are they that bad?" She says shifting her body towards me. "Niall," she says taking my hands in hers, "you can tell me anything. Personal, public. Anything. It will never leave my mouth. I swear."

Letting out a sigh I say, "If I told you, you'd never want to be near me again." I say looking into her brown eyes.

"I doubt that." She says eying my face.

"I promise you would."

"Just, tell me."

"Fine," I say sighing. "One of my fears leaving you." I say closing my eyes, breaking the stare.

"Really?" Kenzie asks. "Niall, look at me." She says bringing her hand to my chin and lifting it so our eyes meet once again. "That's nothing to be afraid of. You can leave me, and I'll be perfectly fine."

"Yeah, one of my friends said that when we were about 13. She told me to go ahead and leave for my vacation that when I return she'll be alright, waiting for my safe return. I was gone for 2 weeks. We talked on and off a few times throughout the two weeks. When we stopped talking, I got worried. She struggled with depression, anorexia, bulimia, and bullying. When we returned, I went straight to her house. I got there to find her parents depressed. I asked them what was wrong..five minutes later, they returned with a piece of paper. I was too scared to take it at first, then they urged me to. After I took it, I read it. was a suicide note.." I say pausing, "she had written 'And to Niall, I know I promised you I would be here waiting for your safe return. Well, I am here..In spirit. Not person. I love you Niall, forever.' I bursted out crying when I read those words. Her mum tried to calm me down, it did no good. So, I went up to her room, and layed on her bed. Crying my heart out. Sh..She..She was more than my best friend, she was my first love. She was my only love. I always told her I'll be her big brother and protect her, and I didn't protect her..I failed." I say crying, as McKenzie wipes my tears and pulls me in for a hug. "She said the exact same thing you did. I can't leave you like I did her..I promised her I wouldn't leave when I found another her..Youre her, McKenzie. I can't leave..I made a promise." I say finishing my statement.

"Niall, I know how hard it is for you to tell me that, but that's a burden you can't carry any longer. You need to let it go. And I swear I won't be like her and leave you, no matter how much I want to." She says resting her forehead on mine. "I swear."

"I know.." I say pulling back, and breaking the silence I say, "What are your fears, McKenzie."

McKenzie's P.O.V

"What are your fears, McKenzie?" Niall asks. The question I never wanted to hear.

Swallowing, I say, "Its a stupid fear..Too stupid to share." I say, hopefully making him forget it.

"I told you mine. I let you in on my biggest secret. Just, tell me one thing you're afraid of. Just one. That's all."

"Being loved again.." I say sighing, burying my face in my hands, letting the tears roll down my cheeks.

"I understand." Niall says as he wraps his arms around me in a protective way that Jake never did. Where was Niall a year ago when I really needed him? "I'll always be here for you, McKenzie." He says holding me closer to his body. Without saying another word, we both stand up and cry on each others shoulders before breaking apart.

"Thank you for listening, Niall." I say wiping my eyes off, aware my makeup is a mess now.

"Anytime, love." He says sniffling. "Let me get you home before it gets too cold." He says wrapping one arm around me.

"Thanks." I say again.

What a wonderful night with the one person that actually matters..Niall.

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