Search and Rescue

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I waited patiently while the group passed, every word they said flung a knife through my chest.

"Bella! Bella!" Billy was here and Jake too. I looked and saw my distressed father. I wanted to cry and to tell him I was alive but it was better this way. this way he'd have some closure.

Last night I had went to my old room and found some of my clothes. I went out and hunt, saving some of the blood I rubbed it in the clothes and left it in the middle of the woods.

"Bells? Bella!"

My father's voice grow hoarse and every inch of me hurt.

Billy rolled beside Charlie.

"Charlie, we've been out here all day. You need a break, we all do."

"No, that's another minute she's out here alone."


"Stop! we will find her."

I fell to my knees, my heart wasn't beating and yet I could feel the squeezing in my chest.

"Over here!" someone yelled and everyone ran over to see what had been found. it was the bloody clothing.

All at once Charlie dropped to the ground and cried. I had rarely seen him cry and now he sobbed. billy and Jake tried to comfort him but he shook them lose and cried with his head in his hands.

I swallowed hard and looked at the everyone's saddened faces. This was the vampire who turned me's fault, but it was my fault too.

Over the past few months I could have enjoyed my time and yet I spent it in a depressed state. I watched the police come and take the clothes labeling it as an animal attack. my father lost all control and sat on the ground crying and shivering. everyone left but he stayed in that same spot crying. I imagined my mother and Phil.

Once I knew my father was asleep, I picked him up, rushed him home, and kissed him good night. for the last time.

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