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".....Relax." His velvet voice whispered into my ear and he slid his cold hands around my neck. "It won't hurt a bit." He laughed and chills went up my spine. It was dark and there was nothing for miles but trees. "Bella." My name rolled off his tongue and he laughed again. In mere seconds his fangs were at my neck. 

I jumped up. Edward's cold hands held me by my hips. 

"Bella? He questioned running his hands up and down my side. Alice had convinced Charlie to let me have a 'sleepover' with her. Her and Jasper were gone half the night so I ended up in Edward's arms. 

"Bad dream." I said panting. I put a hand to my forehead. Was it me or was it incredibly hot in here? 

"Do you feel okay Bella?" 

"Yeah, i'm fine." 

Edward moved his hand and placed it on my forehead. 

"You're running a fever." 

"Impossible, I was fine yesterday." 

"You're not fine today though." He pushed gently on my shoulders, laying me back down. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before disappearing down the hall. A fever? The last few days have been beyond stressful. I've had it with vampires who wanted my blood. There are other people in Forks, Why me? 

Edward brought back an ice pack and instructed me to lay down. 

"I feel fine." I protested to his doting. 

"Bella, please." Edward begged laying his head on my stomach and kissing me gently. 

"Please what?" 

"Just listen to me for once." 

I rubbed his head and he purred. I laughed a little and his kiss began going through the fabric of my shirt.

"I love you Isabella Swan." He said when his kissing had come to my lips. 

"I love you Edward Cullen." I kissed him repeatedly letting his tongue maneuver in and out of my mouth. 

"Am I interrupting somethin?" Emmett grinned from the door. Edward growled which made Emmett laugh even harder. 

Edward carried a pillow and blanket and had one armed wrapped around me. He helped me downstairs and laid me on the couch. It was noon and I was hungry. I kept quiet and let Carlisle speak about the situation. 

"Some rogue vampires have been hunting dangerously close to our land. Never coming all the way in but staying at the borders. Bella, do you remember what happened to Ray when he changed you?" 

My stomach flopped, "He's dead." 


"Yeah, he tried to kill me. He didn't want the Volturi to find out." 

"They're probably looking for vengeance." Jasper spoke. 

"It's probably his girlfriend." 

"Whatever the problem is they have Bella's scent and if vengeance is the goal they won't stop until they are dead or they have succeedd in their goal." 

The room fell quiet and leave it to my stomach to interrupt things. 

"Hungry Bella?" Emmett taunted. I punched his shoulder playful 

"I'm fine." 

"I'll cook her something." Alice chimed running to the kitchen. 

"I hate to be a burden." 

'Never Bella." 

I laid there with Edward by my side. Another vengeance thing? Victoria was already trying to kill me. I guess I know how to piss off all the right people. 

Alice sat a plate full of pizza in front of me. 


"Eat fast Bella, it stinks." 

I couldn't smell it and my stomach growled again. I took the first bite and it tasted like a small once of Heaven. Eating the rest wasn't hard and then I just sat there. 

"Little girl can go." 

"Emmett." I warned. 

He chuckled. 



'Did you have any siblings?" 

"Yeah, I had a little sister. I remember going all these places with her and taking her fishing and hunting." 

"Where is she?"

"Dead. She had brain cancer." 

Emmett's face looked like he might cry and then he plastered on his smile again. 

As the day progressed I began to feel worse and worse. The fever now made my stomach hurt and my back ache all over. I could do nothing but lay on their couch all day with a trash can and some tissues. 

Carlisle sat down next to me with a syringe. 

"It's an antibiotic. It will help keep the fever down." He inserted it into my side. I didn't make me feel better but I gave it sometime to do it's work. 

I fell asleep feeling more nauseated than before. I tried to walk but fell to the ground before Edward came to my aid. 

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